79 research outputs found

    Magnetic Field-driven Insulator–Metal Transition and Colossal Magnetoresistance of Metamagnetic Semiconductor Mercury Thiodichromite Crystals

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    A facile method is developed to efficiently prepare metamagnetic mercury thiodichromite (HgCr2S4, HCS) polycrystals and single crystals, and their transport properties are studied. The resistivity of the as-prepared HCS polycrystal shows a semiconducting behavior and no magnetic field dependence in the whole temperature range. In contrast, the annealing treatment of the HCS polycrystal induces gigantic changes: an insulator–metal transition is driven by a magnetic field of 5 T, leading to colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) as high as ∼104. The HCS single crystal grown by a newly developed facile method displays similar properties with a larger CMR up to 106–107. First-principles calculation demonstrates a large spin splitting of band structures, providing the possibility of magnetic polaron existence, which is further evidenced by electron spin resonance spectra. Thus, the insulator–metal transition and CMR can be explained in a magnetic polaronic scenario. This work opens a new window for CMR-based spintronics

    Additional file 7: Table S5. of Rice Chloroplast Genome Variation Architecture and Phylogenetic Dissection in Diverse Oryza Species Assessed by Whole-Genome Resequencing

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    The 295 accessions information sequenced by ourselves and subpopulation designations used in this study. (DOCX 31 kb

    <i>KI/KI</i> live birth rates.

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    <p>Breeding pair genotypes are displayed in the left column. Genotypes of expected pups are labeled at the top of each column. Birth rates of each genotype are displayed as a percentage and fraction of total pups born alive. Expected Mendelian ratios of each genotype are listed below each cross.</p><p><i>KI/KI</i> live birth rates.</p

    Additional file 2: Table S2. of Rice Chloroplast Genome Variation Architecture and Phylogenetic Dissection in Diverse Oryza Species Assessed by Whole-Genome Resequencing

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    Location of all the SNPs and Indels and their gene region in the reference detected in this study. (XLSX 121 kb

    Hematopoietic-specific deletion of Arap3 using Vav1-Cre does not affect HSC repopulation or self-renewal.

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    <p>(A) Representative PCR genotyping results of individual colonies from CFC assays of <i>f/−;Vav</i> and <i>f/f;Vav</i> CKO mice. Controls are tail DNA isolated from <i>f/f, f/−</i> and <i>f/−;Vav</i> mice, showing the <i>Arap3</i> floxed band (top band) and the <i>Arap3</i> deleted band (bottom band). (B) <i>Arap3</i> RNA transcript levels from BM of <i>f/−</i>, <i>f/f;Vav</i>, and <i>f/−;Vav</i> mice were assayed by qRT-PCR and first normalized to <i>Gapdh</i> levels. The graph shows the relative <i>Arap3</i> transcripts remaining in the CKO mice compared to that in <i>f/f</i> controls. Each symbol represents an individual mouse; horizontal lines indicate mean ±SEM levels. (C) CBC of <i>f/f</i> (white bars), <i>f/−</i> (crosshatch bars), and <i>f/−;Vav</i> (black bars) mice. n = 8. (D) Percentage of various cell populations in the BM and spleen of <i>f/f</i>, <i>f/−</i>, and <i>f/−;Vav</i> mice was analyzed by flow cytometry, as defined by the surface markers indicated. n = 5. (E) Percentage of various HSPC populations in the BM from <i>f/f</i>, <i>f/−</i>, and <i>f/−;Vav</i> mice was quantified using flow cytometry, defined by Lin<sup>−</sup>Sca1<sup>+</sup>c-Kit<sup>+</sup> (LSK) and SLAM markers CD48 and CD150. n = 5. (F) CFC assays of <i>f/f</i>, <i>f/−</i>, and <i>f/−;Vav</i> BM cells were enumerated after 11 days in culture. n = 8. (G–J) Primary and secondary transplantation of LSK cells from control (CTL  =  <i>f/f</i> and <i>f/−</i>) and knockout (KO  =  <i>f/f;Vav</i> and <i>f/−;Vav</i>) donor mice. Data pooled from 3 independent experiments. n = 8–15. (G) Peripheral blood in the recipients was assessed at 4, 8, and 12 weeks after primary transplant by flow cytometry for the percentage of donor-derived cells. White bars represent control donors and black bars represent CKO donors. (I) Peripheral blood of recipients assessed at the end of the secondary transplant for donor chimerism by flow cytometry. (H, J) Bars show lineage distributions within donor-derived cells of individual recipient mice at the end of the primary (H) and secondary (J) transplants. T: CD3<sup>+</sup>; B: CD19<sup>+</sup>; M: Mac1<sup>+</sup>. Graphs show mean ±SEM. P-values determined by Student's t-test.</p

    Additional file 4: Table S3. of Rice Chloroplast Genome Variation Architecture and Phylogenetic Dissection in Diverse Oryza Species Assessed by Whole-Genome Resequencing

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    Nucleotide diversity of the overall chloroplast genome with a 1000bp sliding window and 500bp step size. (XLSX 16 kb

    <i>f/f;VEC</i> and <i>f/−;VEC</i> live birth rates.

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    <p>Breeding pairs are labeled in the left column. Genotypes of expected pups are labeled at the top of each column. Birth rates are displayed as a percentage and fraction of total pups born alive. Expected Mendelian ratios are listed below each cross breeding.</p><p><i>f/f;VEC</i> and <i>f/−;VEC</i> live birth rates.</p

    ARAP3 is dispensable in Prx1-expressing bone marrow niche cells for steady-state hematopoiesis.

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    <p>(A) BM cells from <i>f/f</i> control and <i>f/−;Prx1</i> CKO mice were quantified for the percentage of cells in various HSPC populations. Bars show mean ±SEM. n = 3. (B) LSK cells from <i>f/f</i> and <i>f/−;Prx1</i> donor mice were transplanted into irradiated recipient mice. Peripheral blood of individually reconstituted mice was assessed by flow cytometry at 12 weeks post-transplant for the distribution of cell lineages within donor-derived cells (bars, left Y-axis) and the percentage of total donor leukocytes (black diamonds, right Y-axis). P-values determined by Student's t-test.</p
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