264 research outputs found

    Interfacial Engineering Enabled the Tunability of Organic Spin Polarization

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    Organic charge-transfer ferromagnets have been studied for many years, and numerous breakthroughs have been made pertaining to them. However, the mechanism underlying the phenomenon is still unclear. Herein, we designed organic charge-transfer ferromagnets using different small molecule acceptors to investigate the key factors determining ferromagnetic performance. We found that the electron–phonon (e–p) coupling of the acceptors affects the interfacial interaction, which in turn changes the strength of ferromagnetism. Under an external magnetic field, the e–p coupling in the acceptors intensifies, yielding a weak interfacial spin–dipole interaction. The charge-transfer ferromagnets exhibited magnetic anisotropy due to the difference in the spatial structure symmetry of acceptors. Overall, this study deepens the understanding of interfacial interactions in organic charge-transfer ferromagnets, providing a new perspective for designing organic ferromagnets

    Multiferroic Nanohybrid MAPbI<sub>3</sub>/P3HT Nanowire Complex

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    Room-temperature multiferroic effects in organic materials have brought more attention in the area of organic spintronics and organic electronics in recent years. In this work, through fabricating MAPbI<sub>3</sub>/P3HT nanowire nanohybrid complex, the mechanisms of room-temperature ferromagnetism and magnetoelectric coupling are studied. The MAPbI<sub>3</sub> layer provides substantial photogenerated carriers charging into the nw-P3HT layer, where the P3HT nanowire structure induces carrier spins aligning to generate room temperature ferromagnetism. Through controlling the strength of external electric field, magnetization of the MAPbI<sub>3</sub>/P3HT nanowire complex is modified due to the electric field driven carrier spins redistribution. Additionally, photon spin of circularly polarized light could interact with electron spin in organic multiferroics to enhance saturation magnetization at room temperature

    Evidence for the Role of Holes in Blinking: Negative and Oxidized CdSe/CdS Dots

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    Thin shell CdSe/CdS colloidal quantum dots with a small 3 nm core diameter exhibit typical blinking and a binary PL intensity distribution. Electrochemical charging with one electron suppresses the blinking. With a larger core of 5 nm, the blinking statistics of on and off states is identical to that of a smaller core but the dots also display a grey state with a finite duration time (∼6 ms) on glass. However, the grey state disappears on the electron-accepting ZnO nanocrystals film. In addition, the grey state PL lifetime on glass is similar to the trion lifetime measured from electrochemically charged dots. Therefore, the grey state is assigned to the photocharged negative dots. It is concluded that a grey state is always present as the dots get negatively photocharged even though it might not be observed due to the brightness of the trion and/or the duration time of the negative charge. With thick shell CdSe/CdS dots under electrochemical control, multiple charging, up to four electrons per dot, is observed as sequential changes in the photoluminescence lifetime which can be described by the Nernst equation. The small potential increment confirms the weak electron confinement with the thick CdS shell. Finally, the mechanism of hole-trapping and surface oxidation by the hole is proposed to account for the grey state and off state in the blinking

    Anti-fouling TiO<sub>2</sub>‑Coated Polymeric Membrane Ion-Selective Electrodes with Photocatalytic Self-Cleaning Properties

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    Nowadays, using a polymeric membrane ion-selective electrode (ISE) to achieve reliable ion sensing in complex samples remains challenging because of electrode fouling. To address this challenge, we describe a polymeric membrane ISE with excellent anti-fouling and self-cleaning properties based on surface covalent modification of an anatase TiO2 coating. Under ultraviolet illumination, the reactive oxygen species produced by photocatalytic TiO2 can not only kill microorganisms but also degrade organic foulants into carbon dioxide and water, and a formed superhydrophilic film can effectively prevent the adsorption of foulants, thus inhibiting the occurrence of biofouling and organic fouling of the sensors. More importantly, residual foulants could be fully self-cleaned through the flow of water droplets. By using Ca2+-ISE as a model, an anti-fouling polymeric membrane potentiometric sensor has been developed. Compared to the unmodified electrode, the TiO2-coated Ca2+-ISE exhibits remarkably improved anti-biofouling properties with a low bacterial adhesion rate of 4.74% and a high inhibition rate of 96.62%. In addition, the proposed electrode displays unique properties of anti-organic dye fouling and a superior self-cleaning ability even after soaking in a concentrated bacterial suspension of 109 CFU mL–1 for 60 days. The present approach can be extended to improve the fouling resistance of other electrochemical or optical membrane sensors and is promising for the construction of contamination-free sensors

    Distribution of the Reynolds number on the survey line at different well locations.

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    <p>Distribution of the Reynolds number on the survey line at different well locations.</p

    Roadway layout of FMCWK8206.

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    <p>Roadway layout of FMCWK8206.</p

    Regional division of the GCFZ.

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    <p>Regional division of the GCFZ.</p

    The AquaCrop Model simulations on yield (A) and soil water change (B).

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    <p>Diagonal lines represent 1∶1 lines.</p

    Reactive Extraction of Saturated Aliphatic Dicarboxylic Acids with Trioctylamine in 1‑Octanol: Equilibria, Model, and Correlation of Apparent Reactive Equilibrium Constants

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    Extraction equilibria for saturated aliphatic dicarboxylic acids, namely oxalic, malonic, succinic, and adipic acids, with trioctylamine (TOA) in 1-octanol were determined at various TOA concentrations. Using quantitative FT-IR spectra, we determined that the formation of 1:2 acid–amine complexes depends on the p<i>K</i><sub>a2</sub> value, and wavenumbers of specific peaks for the COO<sup>–</sup> of the acid–amine ion-pair complexes depend on the p<i>K</i><sub>a1</sub> value. An equilibrium model is presented that employs the mass action law and is used to determine model parameters and apparent extraction equilibrium constants (<i>K</i><sub>11</sub>, <i>K</i><sub>12</sub>, and <i>K</i><sub>21</sub>). The extraction abilities for dicarboxylic acids depend on the p<i>K</i><sub>a1</sub> value. The typical overloading curves of TOA/1-octanol for dicarboxylic acids are given. The loadings of TOA calculated using the equilibrium model parameters and apparent extraction equilibrium constants agree with the experimental data. The apparent extraction equilibrium constants depend on the acidity of the dicarboxylic acid and the specific basicity of TOA. The quantitative correlation of log <i>K</i><sub>11</sub> (or log <i>K</i><sub>12</sub>) is obtained using p<i>K</i><sub>a1</sub> (or p<i>K</i><sub>a2</sub>) and p<i>K</i><sub>a,B</sub><sup>′</sup>

    Visualization 4.mp4

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    The images by projecting the volume data of mouse brain and ears from different depths for the entire and selected FOV
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