413 research outputs found

    Mutu Kinerja Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam Swasta Jawa Barat

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    Kinerja pimpinan, budaya organisasi, komunikasi organisasi, dan layanan akademik merupakan faktor-faktor mutu kinerja Institut Agama Islam Swasta (IAIS). Keberadaannya memiliki keterkaitan yang erat dalam upaya meningkatkan mutu kinerja IAIS. Lemahnya elemen tersebut menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan dalam mutu kinerja IAIS. Penelitian ini untuk identifikasi pengaruh kinerja pimpinan, budaya organisasi,komunikasi organisasi, dan layanan akademik terhadap mutu kinerja IAIS di Jawa Barat. Metoda penelitian yang digunakan metoda survey dengan pendekatan kuantitatif melalui teknik pengumpulan data oleh angket terhadap 53 Dosen dan 53 mahasiswa dari 795 Dosen dan 2133 Mahasiswa. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah WMS dan path analysis. Penelitian difokuskan pada IAIS se-Jawa Barat. Teridentifikasi bahwa kinerja pimpinan, budaya organisasi, komunikasi organisasi, dan layanan akademik memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap mutu kinerja IAIS. Untuk meningkatkan mutu kinerja IAIS disarankan (1) sistem nilai dan iklim organisasi dalam budaya organisasi senantiasa dipertahankan dan ditingkatkan. (2) perlu dilakukan upaya mengefektifkan kinerja pimpinan program studi dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya (3) adanya diklat komunikator supaya komunikasi berjalan secara efektif dan efisien. (4) layanan akademik harus ditingkatkan (5) untuk menentukan arah dan tujuan perguruan tinggi maka dipandang perlu memiliki visi, misi, tujuan, dan strategis jelas dan terukur.Leader's performance, organizational culture, organizational communication, and academic services are factors of private Islamic institute performance quality. The factors presence has relation to improve the quality of the private Islamic institutes performance. The weak element is causing an imbalance in the quality of it. The research to determine the influence of leader's performance, organizational culture, organizational communication, and academic service for the private Islamic institute performance quality. The research's method used is survey with quantitative approach through the data techniques collection by questionnaire to 31 faculty. Data analysis techniques used are the WMS and path analysis. Research focused location on the West Java private Islamic institute. Identificated Leader's performance, organizational culture, organizational communication, and academic services have a positive and significant imfact to Private Islamic Institute Performance Quality. To improve the Private Islamic Institute Performance quality, advised it is: (1) organizational culture is always maintained and enhanced, (2) leader's performance effectiveness in performing their duties and functions, (3) improved the ability of communicators to create communication effectively and efficiently, (4) academic service must be improved (5) to determine the direction and purpose of higher education it is necessary to have the vision, mission, goals, and clear strategic and measurable

    Sifat-Sifat Tanah pada Berbagai Tingkat Kebakaran Lahan Gambut di Desa Rimbo Panjang Kecamatan Tambang

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    The study aims to determine the physical, chemical, and biological,properties of peat soil on several level of firein Kampar regency. The research was conducted from March to April 2017 in Rimbo Panjang Village, Tambang District, Kampar Regency, Riau Province and Soil Science Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau. The research was conducted by survey in the field, determining the sample point using Purposive Sampling Method. The soil samples were taken from 3 locations ie. the land with heavy, medium and light fire level and control (non-burning / natural forest) and used as treatment and 3 replications to obtain 12 units of experiment. Soil samples were analyzed soil physical and chemical characteristics. The results showed the physical and chemical characteristics of the soil undergoing changes and categorized as broken

    Pengaruh Pupuk Cair Limbah Biogas pada Tanaman Selada (Lactuca Sativa L)

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    This study aims to determine the dosage of biogas waste liquid fertilizer that produces growth and yield of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L) best. The research was conducted in Experimental Field of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau. The soil type used is Inceptisol. The study was conducted for three months starting from May to July 2016. The experiment was conducted experiments using Completely Randomized Design (RAL), which consisted of 6 treatments and 4 replications. The total experimental unit was 24 plots, with each plot contained 9 plants. Each plot was taken 3 randomly sampled plants. The observational data were analyzed statistically using Analysis of Varian (ANOVA), and Duncan Multiple Range Test at the 5 % level. The observed parameters consist of plant height, leaf number, fresh weight of plant, fresh weight of plant worth consumption and dry weight of the plant. The results showed that the treatment of biogas waste liquid fertilizer can increase the height of the plant, the number of leaves, the fresh weight of the plant / plot, the fresh weight of the plant is feasible consumption / plot and dry weight. The best treatment for lettuce production was the application of liquid biogas waste fertilizer with a dose of 3.5 liters / plot

    Keanekaragama Morfologis Tanaman Sagu (Metroxylon SP.) Di Kabupaten Lingga Propinsi Kepulauan Riau

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    A research of morphological diversity of sago palm (Metroxylon sp) has been implemented in three District in the Riau Island Province, District of Lingga that District North Lingga and the District of East Lingga. The research was conducted from February to May 2015 with the aim of knowing the morphological diversity, distribution and sago population in Lingga regency of Riau Islands Province. The research used survey methods with an intentional sampling technique (purposive sampling) accordance with the criteria in 11 villages. Observations or data collected was primary data form and secondary data form. Primary data were obtained through interviews with sago farmers and measure directly to plant morphology in field. Secondary data were obtained from BAPPEDA (Badan Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Daerah), BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik) and the Department of Agriculture, Plantation, Forestry and Veterinary Office of Lingga Riau Islands Province. The research indacated that there are two types of sago discovered in the Lingga District of Riau Islands Province that Tuni / Runggamanu (Metroxylon Rumphii Martius) and Molat / Roe (Metroxylon Sagus Rottbol)

    Pengaruh Kemiringan Lahan dan Mucuna Bracteata terhadap Aliran Permukaan dan Erosi di PT Perkebunan Nusantara V Kebun Lubuk Dalam

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    One of the problems that became a threat to the sustainability of the ecosystem and the balance of the farm is land degradation caused by soil erosion due to rains. Elevation and topography that concerns with the land slope also gives effect to the surface run off rate and erosion. The use of Mucuna bracteata became one of efforts to address land degradation due to surface run off and soil erosion. This research uses Split Plot Design where the land slope as the main plots and the use of Mucuna bracteata swath as sub plots. The main plots consists of 3 levels namely land slope 0 - 8%, land slope 8 - 15% and land slope 15 - 25%, whereas the sub plots consists of 2 levels, namely the use of Mucuna bracteata and without the use of Mucuna bracteata. Research results show that the land slope and the use of Mucuna bracteata effects surface run off and erosion. Significantly the existence interaction between the land slope with the use of Mucuna bracteata. The positive correlation between the intensity of rain with surface run off, and surface run off with erosion

    Pertumbuhan Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.) di Media Ultisolyang Diberi Berbagaikombinasi Pupuk Kompostandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit (Tkks) dengan Pupuk Npk.

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    This research aimed to get the best treatment of combinationoil palm empty fruit bunches(OPEFB)compost with NPK fertilizer for the growth of oil palm seedlings (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)inUltisol medium. This research has been conducted in the Agriculture Experimental Station Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau, District of Tampan, the research was carried out for 4 months starting in November 2016 to the month ofFebruary2017.This research arranged experimentaly using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) arranged in non-factorial, which consist of 5 treatment and 4 replication,Every experimental unit consisted of 2 polybags so that entirely 40experimental units. P0: Without fertilizer, P1:OPEFBcompost50 g/10 kg medium + NPK 10 g/10 kg medium. P2:OPEFBcompost50 g/10 kg medium + NPK 20 g/10 kg medium. P3:OPEFBcompost100 g/10 kg medium + NPK 10 g/10 kg medium. P4: OPEFBcompost50 g/10 kg medium + NPK 20 g/10 kg medium. Analysis of variance result showing significant difference, continued with Duncans New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at level 5%. Based on research result which has been done indicates that giving various doses of combinations OPEFBcompost with NPK fertilizer give an significant effect on all parameters observed. From this research giving best influence at dose OPEFBcompost100 g/10 kg medium + NPK 10 g/10 kg mediumon the increase of seedling height, leaf number, root volume, dry weight of seedlings and shoot roots ratioon oil palm seedlings which aged 6 months in Ultisol medium

    Pengaruh Kompos Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit dan Cara Pengolahan Tanahterhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Padi Gogo (Oryza Sativa L.) di antara Tanaman Kelapa Sawit Belum Menghasilkan

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    This research aimed to examine the effect of empty oil palm bunches compost (TKKS compost) and soil tillages on upland rice growth and yield as an intercropon immature oil palm plantation. This research was conducted at Experimental Field of Agriculture Faculty, University of Riau on April to August 2016. This research is factorial experiment 4 x 3 and arrangement with Factorial Completely Randomized Block Design (RBD).The first factor is application of TKKS compost (K) with 4 dosage level (tons/ha), K0 (0), K1 (2.5), K2 (5) and K3 (7.5) and second factor is soil tillages (T) with 3 level, zero tillage, minimum tillage and maximum tillage.Each of treatments combination repeated 3 times, thus obtained 36 experimental units which has five samples. Data were analyzed statistically by analysis of variance (ANOVA).The effect of all treatments combination has knowed by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at5 % level. Parameters measured were maximum number of tillers, productive tillers total, rate of plant growth, root and crown ratio, times of panicles out, grains total per panicle, pithy grain percentage, milled rice per plot, and weight of 1000 grains. The result showed combination of 5 tons/ha TKKS compost with maximum tillage gives the greatest result for upland rice growth and yield include milled rice per plot, it is 679.04 g (1.13 tons/ha) though not differwith combination of 7,5 tons/ha TKKS compost with minimum tillage and or maximum tillage significantly
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