3 research outputs found

    Induksi Polifenol Mahkota Dewa dan Apoptosis Sel Kanker Paru Mencit Strain Balb/C: Analisis pada Up-Regulation Bax dan Down-Regulation Bcl-2

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    Mahkota Dewa polyphenol induction and apoptosis cell lung cancer in Balb/c strain mice analysis on up-regulation bax and downregulation Bcl-2Background: This research is aimed to prove the role of Mahkota Dewa polyphenol in the up-regulation Bax and down-regulation in strain Balb/c mice which inducted with benzo(a)pyrene (BaP).Method: Post test control group design with 30 strain Balb/c mice sample, aged 1-2 weeks, weighed 20-30 grams, healthy mice condition. All mice inducted with BaP and then randomized into 2 groups, which were the control group and the treatment group (polyphenol 50mg). The development of the lung carcinogenesis was observed by tissue surgery in the 8th, 17th and 26th week. The data collected include expression examination Bax and Bcl-2. The data analysis was conducted by Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitneyand correlation test of Spearman's with significance degree of p<a (0.05).Result: The oral administration of Mahkota Dewa polyphenol of 50 mg were significantly decreased the occurance of lung carcinogenesis through decreasing of protein Bax and increasing Bcl-2 in treatment group in week 8, 17 and 26 (p=0.000). Protein Bax for the control group for week 8 were 4.04±0.22 and 1.92±0.10 in week 26, while the treatment group were 5.96±0.32 and 4.68±0.22 (p=0.000). Protein Bcl-2 for the control group for week 8 were 5.80±0.32 and 9.64±0.26 in week 26, while the treatmentgroup were 5.12±0.22 and 7.38±0.21 (p=0.000). The Spearman correlation for Bax and Bcl-2 with significancy value of (p=0.000).Conclusion: The administration of Mahkota Dewa polyphenol of 50 mg effectively increased Bax protein expression and decreased Bcl-2 protein expression in mice Balb/c

    Pengaruh Polifenol Mahkota Dewa terhadap Proliferasi Sel dan Apoptosis pada Mencit Strain Balb/C yang Diinduksi Benzo(a) Pyrene (BaP)

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    The effect of mahkota dewa polyphenol in the cell proliferation and apoptosis in BaP induced Balb/c ratsBackground: The polyphenol of mahkota dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa [Scheff.] Boerl) has the potency as antioxidant and anticancer which can handle free radicals, but there has not been extensive research on this. This research is aimed to prove the role of mahkota dewa polyphenol in the cell proliferation inhibition and induct lung carcinogenesis apoptosis in strain Balb/c mice which inducted with benzo(a)pyrene (BaP).Methods: Posttest control group design was carried out among 40 strain Balb/c mice sample, aged 1-2 weeks, weighed 20-30 grams, healthy mice condition. All mice were inducted with BaP and then randomized into 2 groups, as control group and the treatment group. The development of the lung tumor was observed by tissue surgery in the 8th, 17th and 26th week. The data collected were AgNORs, and IHC-TUNEL-apoptosis index dying. The data analysis was conducted using Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney, One-way ANOVA, and Post hoc test LSD with significance degree of p<α (0.05).Results: The oral administration of mahkota dewa polyphenol showed significantly decreasing cell proliferation, increasing apoptosis index in treatment group in week 8, 17 and 26 (p=0.000). Carcinogenesis incidence for the treatment group week 8 and 26 were 2.32±0.26 and 3.93±0.46, while for the treatment group were 1.88±0.38 and 0.88±0.22 (p=0.000). The cell proliferations for control group week 8 and 26 were 1.57±0.12 and 2.29±0.15, while for the treatment group were 1.53±0.11 and 1.60±0.04 (p=0.000). Apoptosis index for the control group for week 8 was 0.00±0.00 and 0.92±0.22 in week 26, while the treatment group was 1.12±0.71 and 2.02±1.05 (p=0.000).Conclusion: The administration of mahkota dewa polyphenol effectively inhibited the cell proliferation activity and increased apoptosis measured by apoptosis index. Therefore polyphenol has anticancer and antioxidant activities which can inhibit lung carcinogenesis in Balb/c mice


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    Mikrobiologi diartikan sebagai ilmu yang mempelajari mikroba atau mikroorganisme yang merupakan salah satu cabang ilmu dari biologi dengan memerlukan ilmu pendukung kimia, fisika, dan biokimia yang isinya menyajikan pengertian dasar tentang sejarah penemuan mikroba, macam-macam mikroba di alam, struktur sel mikroba dan fungsinya, metabolisme mikroba secara umum, pertumbuhan mikroba dan faktor lingkungan, mikrobiologi terapan di bidang lingkungan dan pertanian. Objek kajiannya ialah semua makhluk hidup yang perlu dilihat dengan mikroskop, khususnya bakteri, fungi, alga mikroskopik, protozoa, dan Archaea. Seluruh kajian yang disajikan oleh mikrobiologi ini tersaji dalam buku ini, sehingga buku ini patut dimiliki oleh para pelajar maupun dosen sebagai sumber rujukan materi pembelajaran atau sebagai bahan tugas. Maka dari itu buku ini hadir kehadapan sidang pembaca sebagai bagian dari upaya diskusi sekaligus dalam rangka melengkapi khazanah keilmuan dibidang sains, sehingga buku ini sangat cocok untuk dijadikan bahan acuan bagi kalangan intelektual dilingkungan perguruan tinggi ataupun praktisi yang berkecimpung langsung dibidang sains