11 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Kualitas Air Minum Pam DKI Jakarta

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    A study was conducted to evaluate the quality of water supplied by the Water Supply Company of Jakarta. The monitoring of the water quality was done by both the Jakarta Health Service and the Water Supply Company of Jakarta, based on the Regulation No. 01/BIRHUKMAS/I/1975 issued by the Minister of Health. Several parameters of the quality standard were not met. On the average 0-35% of the samples did not meet the standard for fluoride. Other parameters which deviate from the standard were: hard­ness (43-93%), ammonium (21-49%), nitrite (27-30%) and organic substances (1-6%). The factors mentioned as possible causes were, aging of distribution pipes, lack of awareness in the community to maintain the water distribution system, water source pollution and limited ability of water processing units in the Water Supply Company

    Dampak Perbaikan Air Minum terhadap Kesehatan Penduduk Pedesaan di Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa Barat

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    A study on the health impact of improved rural water supply with piping system was done in 2 (two) sub districts Tanjungsari and Rancakalong, Regency of Sumedang, West-Java. Two desas in each sub district have been selected for the study. In each, 2 (two) kampungs supplied with piped water system were used as study areas, while the other 2 (two) similar kampungs without piped water system were used as control areas. The study result shows that the prevalence rates of conjunctivitis, skin and diarrheal diseases were significantly lower in the study areas than those in the control areas. The conclusion was that there was a positive health impact of the improved rural water supply in the study areas, especially in reducing the above mentioned diseases. In developing the rural water supply and in the communicable disease control program, the indoor watersupply piping system is highly recommended

    Beberapa Hal yang Perlu Diperhatikan dalam Pembangunan Sarana Penyediaan Air Bersih, Khususnya Sumur Pompa Tangan Dangkal

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    A rural water supply survey was conducted in 1981 to evaluate the rural water supply program. The survey was done in the province of Bali, in 2 sample areas, the regencies of Badung and Gianyar. The two regencies were similar in demographic characteristics and composition, and both had high prevalence of cholera or gastroenteric diseases, but had different methods of acquiring ground water sources. In general, the groundwater capacities of Badung were higher than that of Gianyar, and the results indicated were : a high correlation between the shallow well hand pump that were not in function with the loca­tion of the pump installation (private or community owned land).a high correlation between the depth of the shallow well hand pump that have been installed with the location of the pump (Badung and Gianyar).a high correlation between the reasoning of the shallow well hand pump that were not in function with the location of the pump (Badung and Gianyar) due to the degree pf abundance of water

    Dampak Perbaikan Air Minum pada Kesehatan Anak : Tinjauan dari Segi Kejadian Diare dan Hubungannya dengan Kebiasaan Membuang Kotoran dan Sampah

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    A study on the health impact of improved rural water supply with piping system was done in 2 sub districts, Regency of Sumedang, West Java. An analysis was done to elaborate the health impact of improved water supply on diarrheal disease of the children between 0 up to 10 years particularly, in relation to excreta disposal and refuse disposal among practices members of the household. The results showed that : The prevalence rates of diarrheal disease associated significantly with excreta disposal practices among members of the household.The prevalence rates of diarrheal disease did not associate significantly with refuse disposal practices omong members of the household

    Pola Distribusi Dampak Perbaikan Air Minum Terhadap Penyakit Diare Pada Anak Umur Antara 0 Sampai Dengan 10 Tahun

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    A study on the health impact of improved rural water supply with piping system was done in two sub districts, Regency of Sumedang West Jawa. Two desas in each sub district have been selected for the study. In each, two kampungs supplied with piped water as study areas, while the other two similar kampungs without piped water as control areas. The objective of this study was to elaborate the distribution of the health impact of improved water supply on diarrheal disease of the children, 0 up to 10 years old in parti­cular, in relation to the number of household members, the income of the household, the sex and age groups (age factors) of the children. The results show, that : In general there was a positive health impact of the improved rural water supply on diarrheal disease of the children 0 up to 10 years old in the study areas, related to the number of household members, the income of the household, the sex and the age groups of the children. The prevalence rates of diarrheal disease among children 0 up to 10 years old associate significantly with the number of household members, the income of the household, and with the age groups of the children, but do not associate significantly with the sex of the children

    A Survey on Small Mammals and Their Parasites in Batam Island, Riau, Indonesia

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    Survai terhadap vektor dan hewan reservoir penyakit telah dilakukan di Pulau Batam pada tanggal 11 - 26 Januari 1981. Selama survai tersebut dapat ditangkap sejumlah 54 ekor hewan yang terdiri dari Rattus exulans, R. Rattus, R.r. diardii dan R. surifer. Salah satu jenis vektor penyakit scrub typhus, Lep-totrombidium (L) arenicola ditemukan pada tikus yang ditangkap di daerah Tanjung Riau. Xenopsylla cheopis, vektor penyakit pes, ditemukan di daerah survai yang bercorak kota. Endoparasit yang di­temukan pada hewan tangkapan terdiri dari 6 genera cacing yang dikenal dapat menularkan penyakit pada manusia. Dua dari 50 sera hewan yang diperiksa secara serologis terdapat positif untuk murine ty­phus

    Jamban Keluarga di Kecamatan Denpasar Barat dan Sukawati, Kabupaten Badung dan Gianyar, Bali

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    A waterseal latrine survey was conducted in 1981 to evaluate the waterseal latrine program. The survey was done ini the province of Bali, in 2 sample areas: the subdistrict of Denpasar Barat the regency of Bandung, and the subdistrict of Sukawati the regency of Gianyar.These two regencies were similar in demographic characteristic and composition, but they were different in population density.In general, Denpasar Barat is more crowded than Sukawati. The result showed, that :The waterseal latrine program was fully implemented in 1981. However, 24,4% of the waterseal latrines were not in function. These could have been influenced by the attitude, interest and impres¬sion of the local people. The waterseal latrine that were not in function were highly significant associated with the status of the latrines (public or private).The distance between the waterseal latrines and ground water sources in Denpasar Barat was mostly < 10 m, and that of Sukawati was mostly > 10 m. The distance between the waterseal latrines and ground water sources was highly significant associated with the location of the districts (Denpasar Barat and Sukawati)

    Water Supply and Sanitation in Rural Areas of Indonesia

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    Data mengenai sarana air minum dan pembuangan kotoran diperlukan untuk perencanaan program sarana air minum dan jamban keluarga (Samijaga) di daerah pedesaan. Sampai pertengahan tahun 1982 belum ada data yang baik mengenai sarana tersebut, sehingga perlu diperoleh dengan cara sampel survai. Survai dilakukan di daerah pedesaan yang meliputi 9 provinsi dengan 8597 rumah tangga. Rumah tangga dipilih secara bertahap, dan tahap terakhir melalui systematic random sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan ibu rumah tangga menggunakan kuesioner, dan pengamatan langsung fasilitas Samijaga. Dari sample rumah tangga didapat 28,3% memperoleh sumber air terlindung, dan 71,7% tidak ter­lindung seperti sumur gali, air hujan, kali, kolam, dan sumber lain. Dengan kriteria saniter, terdapat 12,2% rumah tangga yang telah memperoleh sumber air saniter, dan sisanya 87,8% memperoleh sumber air tidak saniter. Rumah tangga yang telah memperoleh sarana pembuangan kotoran dengan jamban adalah 36,7%, dan 63,3% masih membuang kotoran di sembarang tempat seperti di kebun, kolam, ladang, semak, kali, dan lain-lain. Dengan kriteria saniter terdapat 10,2 % rumah tangga menggunakan jamban saniter, dan 89,8% rumah tangga membuang kotoran di sembarang tempat

    Penelitian Cara Penyediaan Air Minum di Daerah Pasang Surut Rantau Rasau, Jambi

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    A study has been made to investigate provisions of water supply in areas where availability of potable water is scarce due to high organic matter, red and yellowish in colour and low in pH. The water quality was determined for surface and shallow ground water. Clean potable water was acquired by dugging a well with concrete casing in podsolic soil, provided with a shallow well hand pump with PVC casing in non-podsolic soil, and one provided with a shallow well hand pump with PVC casing connected to a small water treatment unit in podsolic soil. The study shows that a water treatment unit is urgently needed, to provide a proper water supply sys­tem. The best potable water supply can be provided through the installment of auger shallow well hand pumps with PVC casing and connected to a small water treatment unit. A well with concrete casing alone does not meet the requirement for acquiring potable water