3 research outputs found


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    Research on cream formulations using starfruit (Averrhoa bilimbi L.)  juice has been carried out to determine the effect of sodium lauryl sulfate on the physical stability of cream from starfruit juice. Carambola wealth as an active substance is made in cream with varying concentrations of sodium lauryl sulfate of 1%, 1.5%, 2%, and 2.5%. The evaluation was carried out in the form of organoleptic tests, homogeneity, cream type, pH, viscosity, centrifugation, and freeze-thaw. Data analysis was carried out using statistical tests using ANOVA which has a 95% confidence level (α = 0.05), the test is continued with the Tukey HSD test, and the analysis results show significant differences in each formula. The research results concluded that the higher the concentration of sodium lauryl sulfate as an emulsifying agent, the physical stability of the viscosity of the cream from starfruit juice increased

    Solid Dispersion System Candesartan-cilexetil Mannitol Co-Grinding Method

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    Research on solid dispersion systems had been done to improve physicochemical characteristics and the dissolution rate of candesartan-cilexetil a had been conducted. Candesartan cilexetil is included in BCS (Biopharmaceutical Classification System) class II, which has low solubility and high permeability which causes poor absorption of drugs in the digestive tract. Solid dispersions were prepared through the grinding method using mannitol. The formula with 3 comparisons between candesartan-cilexetil and mannitol 1:1, 1:3, and 1:5. A mixture of physics of candesartan cilexetil-mannitol was made without a solid dispersions system which was 1:1 as a comparison. Solid dispersion formed was characterized by particle size distribution analysis, Fourier transforms infrared (FT-IR), X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), determination rate, and dissolution test. The result particle size distribution analysis showed grinding method there were solid dispersions mixed perfectly. The FT-IR of this analysis showed no interaction between candesartan-cilexetil mannitol in solid dispersion powder. The result of X-ray diffraction showed a decrease in crystallization degree. The DSC result showed a shift in endothermic peak candesartan-cilexetil. The manufacture of a solid dispersion system of candesartan-cilexetil mannitol can improve the physicochemical characteristics and the dissolution rate of candesartan-cilexetil compared with physical mixtures. The result in the dissolution was solid dispersion 1 = 53.1990 %, solid dispersion 2 = 54.3621 %, and solid dispersion 3 = 62.3621 %. The statistical result of dissolution efficiency using the Kruskal-Willis test with significant = 0.009(< 0.05) showed the difference among the dissolution efficiency of candesartan-cilexetil, physical mixture, and each solid dispersion

    Pengaruh Penerapan PROLANIS Pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 Di Puskesmas Kota Bekasi

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    Prolanis is Chronic Disease Management Program; where this program is an integrated health service program and involves other parties such as BPJS, health facilities and patients. Clinical outcomes ultimately impact the quality of life and, in general, if the quality of life grows well, which is indicated by controlled glucose levels. The result of this research is to know the impact of applying Prolanis to measure the quality of life in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients at Pekayon Jaya Health Center and Pengasinan Health Center. The method used in this research is a cohort study with data analysis of SPSS version 24. The study was conducted on 80 patients consisting of 40 prolanis patients at Pekayon Jaya Health Center and 40 non-prolanis patients at Pengasinan Health Center within a period of 3 (three) months. Data on the level of knowledge and compliance were collected using a questionnaire. GDP data was taken from monthly patient control visits, and quality of life data was taken using the European Quality of Life-5 Dimension-5 Level (EQ-5D-5L) instrument and the conversion of health utility to the Indonesian value set. The result is there is a significant effect of applying prolanis program in prolanis and non-prolanis patients on the level of knowledge, compliance, and GDP in describing the quality of life. The utility value of prolanis patients was 0.945±0.101 higher than non-prolanis patients, 0.769±0.197. Based on the level of knowledge of prolanis and non-prolanis patients (34.35±2.13: 28.47±4.09), prolanis and non-prolanis patient compliance (6.38±1.66: 5.11±1.45), and fasting blood sugar values ​​of prolanis and non-prolanis patients (110.05±20.67 : 144.20±29.10). The application of Prolanis is said to have a considerable influence on the level of discipline, knowledge, and GDP to the quality of life of patients, both prolanis and non-prolanis.Prolanis (Program Pengelolaan Penyakit Kronis) merupakan suatu program pelayanan kesehatan secara terintegrasi serta melibatkan pihak lain seperti BPJS, fsilitas kesehatan serta pasien. Outcome klinik berdampak akhir pada kualitas hidup dan secara umum apabila kualitas tingkat hidup tumbuh baik yang ditandai dengan terkendalinya kadar glukosa. Hasil dari riset ini adalah mengetahui dampak penerapan Prolanis untuk mengukur kualitas hidup pada pasien DM (Diabetes Melitus) 2 pada Puskesmas Pekayon Jaya dan Puskesmas Pengasinan. Metode yang digunakan pada riset ini adalah secara cohort study dengan analisis data SPSS versi 24.&nbsp; Penelitian dilakukan pada 80 pasien yang terdiri dari 40 pasien prolanis di Puskesmas Pekayon Jaya dan 40 pasien non prolanis di Puskesmas Pengasinan dalam kurun waktu 3 (tiga) bulan. Data tingkat pengetahuan dan kepatuhan dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Data GDP diambil dari kunjungan kontrol pasien tiap bulan dan data kualitas hidup diambil dengan instrumen European Quality of Life-5 Dimension-5 Level (EQ-5D-5L) dan konversi health utility dengan value set Indonesia.&nbsp; Hasil dari riset ini adalah adanya efek penerapan prolanis yang bermakna pada pasien prolanis dan non prolanis pada tingkat pengetahuan, kepatuhan, GDP dalam menggambarkan kualitas hidup. Nilai utilitas pasien prolanis 0,945±0,101 lebih tinggi dibandingkan pasien non prolanis 0,769±0,197. berdasarkan tingkat pengetahuan pasien prolanis dan non prolanis (34,35±2,13 : 28,47±4,09), kepatuhan pasien prolanis dan non prolanis (6,38±1,66 : 5,11±1,45), dan nilai gula darah puasa pasien prolanis dan non prolanis (110,05±20,67 : 144,20±29,10). Penerapan Prolanis dikatakan mempunyai pengaruh yang cukup besar pada tingkat kedisiplinan, pengetahuan, GDP hingga pada angka kualitas hidup pasien baik prolanis maupun non prolanis