26 research outputs found

    Selection of Vegetative and Generative Characters of Arabica Coffee by Using Sequential Path Analysis and Structural Equation Models

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    Interrelations among vegetative, generative and yield characters incoffee plantation is important in breeding and selection programs.Interrelationships among these characters are the causal model and it canbe analyzed by Sequential Path Analysis (SPA). This research was carriedout at Pakuwon Experimental Station located at 450 m above sea level, inLatosol soil type with B type of climate, from December 2010 to April2012. The objectives of this research is to analyze the direct or indirectinfluence of several vegetative and generative characters on yieldcharacters of Arabica coffee through the application of SPA and StructuralEquation Models (SEM). The observation method with systematicsampling on 40 Arabica coffee plants of Kartika 1 and Kartika 2 varietieswere used in this study. The results showed that the number of cherries ofArabica coffee var. Kartika 1 and 2 population in Pakuwon ExperimentalStation were affected directly by generative and indirectly by vegetativecharacters. Plant height and stem girth can be used as positive selectioncriteria for high yielding at vegetatite phase, while the character of widthcanophy can be used as negative selection criteria. In generative phase, thecharacter of quantity of productive branches and the amount of berries andflower cluster can be used as positive selection criteria

    Yield Stability of Three Bengkulu's Robusta Coffee Clones as Local Superior

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    The population of Robusta coffee in Bengkulu province were mostly old thus it need rejuvenation or rehabilitation. Local clones of Robusta coffee, such as Sidodadi, Payung Hijau and Payung Kuning, have been cultivated for rehabilitation in Bengkulu Province at an altitude of >700 m above sea level (asl). This study aimed to analyze the yield stability of the three Robusta coffee clones at medium to high altitudes. The study was conducted from January to September 2015 in Curup Regency (670 m asl) and Kepahiang Regency (900 m and 1300 m asl), Bengkulu Province. The three tested Robusta coffee clones were 5 years old Sidodadi, Payung Hijau, and Payung Kuning,which propagated through plagiotropic grafting. Each experiment unit consisted of 5 plant samples and were obtained by randomized sampling with 5 replications respectively. The parameters observed were fresh weight of berry/plant, dry weight of beans/plant, fresh weight/berry, and dry weight/beans. The data analyzed using combined variance followed by yield stability test of Eberhart and Russell method. The results showed that Payung Hijau clone had the highest bean yield compared to the other two clones (Sidodadi and Payung kuning). The production of Payung Hijau clone reached 1.19 kg dry weight of bean/plant, 4.31 g fresh weight/berry, and 0.63 g dry weight/bean. Therefore, the Payung Hijau clone was potentially used as scions source for the coffee plantation rejuvenation or rehabilitation

    Pengaruh Jarak Tanam dan Jenis Tanaman Sela terhadap Pertumbuhan Lada Perdu Serta Hasil Tanaman Sela

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    Penanaman tanaman sela di antara tanaman lada perdu merupakan salah satu strategi dalam upaya mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan sumberdaya pertanian dan sekaligus dapat meningkatkan pendapatan USAhatani. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan (KP) Cahaya Negeri, Lampung Utara, mulai tahun 2010 sampai 2011. Tujuannya adalah memperoleh kombinasi jarak tanam lada perdu dengan jenis tanaman sela yang sesuai untuk mendukung pertumbuhan tanaman lada sebagai tanaman pokok serta meningkatkan hasil dan pendapataan tanaman sela. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah acak kelompok pola faktorial dua faktor dengan 3 ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah jarak tanam lada (J) yang terdiri dari 4 taraf : (J1) 1 x 3 meter, (J2) 1 x 4 meter (J3) 2 x 3 meter, dan (J4) 2 x 4 meter. Faktor kedua adalah jenis tanaman sela (S) yang terdiri dari : (S1) tanaman kacang tanah, dan (S2) tanaman sela kacang hijau. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) jarak tanam lada perdu 1 x 3 m cukup sesuai untuk ditanami tanaman sela kacang tanah maupun kacang hijau karena dengan jarak tanam tersebut dapat mendukung bagi pertumbuhan vegetatif dan generatif lada serta dapat memaksimalkan hasil dan pendapatan tanaman sela, dan (2) penanaman tanaman sela kacang tanah dan kacang hijau di antara lada perdu sebaiknya dilakukan secara rotasi, kacang tanah ditanam pada fase vegetatif, sedangkan kacang hijau ditanam pada fase generatif tanaman lada. Effect of Plant Spacing and Intercrops on The Growth of Pepper and Yield of Intercrop

    Evaluation of the Tolerance Levels of 35 Cacao Genotypes to Dry Periods

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    A prolong dry periods could have a negative impact on growth and yield of cocoa. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the tolerance levels of 35 cocoa genotypes to dry periods. The study was conducted at the Pakuwon Experimental Station, Indonesian Industrial and Beverages Crops Research Institute, Sukabumi, West Java; 450 m above sea level; Latosol soil type; and B type of climate; started from August 2014 until October 2015. Thirty five cacao genotypes consisted of two released variety (i.e Sulawesi 1 and SCA 6) and 33 other genotypes were used in this research. The cacao plants were three-years old, cultivated at a 3 x 3 m spacing distance under the 26 years old Salak Dwarf coconut trees. Ten plant samples were determined randomly and the fruits were harvested in February 2015 (wet period) and October 2015 (dry period). A bulk of 10–30 pods per genotype were randomly selected for each harvest periods. The variable observed were fresh weigth per pod, number of beans per pod, fresh and dry weight of beans per pod, and fresh weight of pod husks + pulps per pod. The tolerance level to dry periods was determined base on the dry weight of bean/pod. The result showed that a continueous six months dry periods prior to harvesting significantly reduced yield components from 4.92%-42.54%. Based on the dry weight of beans per pod, three genotypes, namely KW 162, KW 165, and KW 215, were classified as tolerant, while the other were moderately tolerant and susceptible to drought. The result implies the important of further research to obtain superior cocoa clones resistance to drought

    Effects of Light Intensity and Seedling Mediaon the Growth of Reutealis Trisperma (Blanco) Airy Shaw Seedling

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    This experiment was conducted at Pakuwon Experimental Station with altitude about 450 m above sea level and Latosol type of soil beginning from January until June 2009. It aimed to investigate the effect of light intensity and seedling media on growth of "Sunan" candle nut (R. trisperma) seedling. Split plot design with 4 replications was used in this study. The main plots factor are percentage of light intensity (I) consisted of two levels : I1 (65%) and I2 (100%), and the split plots factor are seedling media (M) consisted of five kinds of media: M1 (50% soil and 50% sheep dung), M2 (50% soil and 50% rice husk), M3 (50% sheep dung and 50% rice husk), M4 (33.3% soil, 33.3% sheep dung, and 33.3% rice husk), and M5 (100% soil). Result showed that: (1) for better growth of R. trisperma seedling suggested to be shaded, and (2) mixed of the 50% soil and 50% sheep dung are the best media for it growth

    The Compatibility of Five Superior Cacao Clones as Scions with Rootstock of Half-Sib Family of Sulawesi 01 Clone

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    Grafting is the most common cocoa propagation technique applied by farmers. One of the factors that determine the grafting success in cacao is the compatibility level between the scion and rootstock. The objectives of this research was to evaluate the grafting compatibility of half-sib family of Sulawesi 01 clone as rootstock with five superior cacao clones i.e. Sulawesi 01, Sulawesi 02, Sca 6, MCC 01, and MCC 02 as scions. The research was conducted at Pakuwon Experimental Station, West Java, at the altitude of 450 m above sea level with Latosol type of soil and B type of climate (Schmidt & Fergusson), from April to September 2015. This research used the randomized completely block design with five treatments of grafting combinations and five replications. Observation was taken at 14th, 21st, and 28th days after grafting on the total percentage of surviving graftings, percentage of sprouting grafting, percentage of grafting that have not sprouted, and bud sprouting rates. Data were analyzed by variance, correlation, and regression analysis. The results showed that the surviving grafting, the sprouting grafting and the rate of sprouting up to the 28th days after grafting varied among the scions. Based on the parameters observed, Sulawesi 01, Sulawesi 2, and Sca 6 demonstrated higher compatibility rate compared to MCC 01 and MCC 02. The results is applicable in seedling provision through grafting techniques in order to support cacao rejuvenation and or rehabilitation