9 research outputs found

    High temperature measurements and condensed matter analysis of the thermo-physical properties of ThO2

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    Values are presented for thermal conductivity, specific heat, spectral and total hemispherical emissivity of ThO2 (a potential nuclear fuel material) in a temperature range representative of a nuclear accident - 2000 K to 3050 K. For the first time direct measurements of thermal conductivity have been carried out on ThO2 at such high temperatures, clearly showing the property does not decrease above 2000 K. This could be understood in terms of an electronic contribution (arising from defect induced donor/acceptor states) compensating the degradation of lattice thermal conductivity. The increase in total hemispherical emissivity and visible/near-infrared spectral emissivity is consistent with the formation of donor/acceptor states in the band gap of ThO2. The electronic population of these defect states increases with temperature and hence more incoming photons (in the visible and near-infrared wavelength range) can be absorbed. A solid state physics model is used to interpret the experimental results. Specific heat and thermal expansion coefficient increase at high temperatures due to the formation of defects, in particular oxygen Frenkel pairs. Prior to melting a gradual increase to a maximum value is predicted in both properties. These maxima mark the onset of saturation of oxygen interstitial sites

    Alterations of thorium oxalate morphology by changing elementary precipitation conditions

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    Oxalates of actinide elements are widely used in research and industry mainly due to their low solubility in aqueous solution and easy conversion to oxide. Although thorium oxide is worldwide mostly produced by the oxalate precipitation and conversion route, the powder morphology obtained through this process is known to inhibit the packing and sintering step of the pellet production. The presented work investigates the effects of oxalate precipitation conditions on the final powder morphology. Among the precipitation conditions considered are: pH of the thorium feed solution, concentration, temperature and the order of addition (thorium solution in oxalic acid solution and vice versa) known as reverse/direct strike. Herein, we show that the morphology of the final oxalate depends significantly on the above mentioned precipitation parameters.status: publishe