46 research outputs found

    Przedsiębiorczość i ślad węglowy w Afryce Subsaharyjskiej

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    This study examines the impact of entrepreneurship on carbon footprints in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The study applied the generalised method of moments on the data sourced from the World Development indicators (WDI) and World Governance Indicators (WGI). Result shows that entrepreneurship has a negative but not statistically significant impact on carbon footprints in SSA. Furthermore, across SSA subregions, entrepreneurship has a positive and statistically significant impact on carbon footprints in Central Africa (0.052%) and Southern Africa (0.1914%), while entrepreneurship has a negative and statistically significant impact on carbon footprints in Eastern Africa (0.064%) and Western Africa (0.0273%). Based on findings, the study concludes that entrepreneurs can develop and promote clean technologies, renewable energy projects, circular economy initiatives, sustainable agriculture practices, green transport solutions, and educational programs to lower carbon footprints. This calls for collaboration between stakeholders to create an enabling environment for sustainable entrepreneurship and accelerate Africa's transition towards a low-carbon future. The findings of the study contribute to the policy dialogue for the actualisation of sustainable development goals of good health and wellbeing (SDG 3), clean water and sanitation (SDG 6), promotion of development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation and entrepreneurship (SDG 8.3); sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11), climate action (SGD 13), life below water (SDG14) and life on land (SDG 15), respectively.W niniejszym artykule zbadano wpływ przedsiębiorczości na ślad węglowy w Afryce Subsaharyjskiej (SSA). Wykorzystano dane pochodzące ze wskaźników rozwoju świata (World Development indicators, WDI) i wskaźników zarządzania światowego (World Governance indicators, WGI). Wykazano, że przedsiębiorczość ma negatywny, ale nieistotny statystycznie wpływ na ślad węglowy w Afryce Południowej. Ponadto przedsiębiorczość ma pozytywny i statystycznie istotny wpływ na ślad węglowy w Afryce Środkowej (0,052%) i Afryce Południowej (0,1914%), natomiast ma negatywny i statystycznie istotny wpływ na ślad węglowy w Afryce Wschodniej (0,064% ) i Afryce Zachodniej (0,0273%). Stwierdzono, że przedsiębiorcy mogą opracowywać i promować czyste technologie, projekty w zakresie energii odnawialnej, inicjatywy dotyczące gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym, praktyki zrównoważonego rolnictwa, ekologiczne rozwiązania transportowe i programy edukacyjne mające na celu zmniejszenie śladu węglowego. Wymaga to współpracy między zainteresowanymi stronami w celu stworzenia sprzyjającego środowiska dla zrównoważonej przedsiębiorczości i przyspieszenia przejścia Afryki w kierunku niskoemisyjności. Wyniki przyczyniają się do dialogu politycznego na rzecz realizacji Celów zrównoważonego rozwoju, takich jak dobre zdrowie i dobre samopoczucie (SDG 3), czysta woda i warunki sanitarne (SDG 6), promowanie polityk zorientowanych na rozwój, które wspierają działalność produkcyjną, tworzenie miejsc pracy i przedsiębiorczość (cel zrównoważonego rozwoju 8.3); zrównoważone miasta i społeczności (SDG 11), działania w dziedzinie klimatu (SDG 13), życie pod wodą (SDG 14) i życie na lądzie (SDG 15)

    Research on Chinese small and medium-sized businesses’ human resource management

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    AbstractHuman capital, as an important factor of production in the 21st century, has become an important resource which determines economic development and business competition. At present, Chinese enterprises face serious challenges, but also bring opportunities. Therefore, Chinese enterprises will update ideas, adjust the structure of human resources, strengthen personnel training, and learn and introduce the advanced human resource management techniques and tools to ensure corporate strategic objectives


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    ABSTRACT Distributed generation (DG) is becoming the indispensable supplement to the centralized generation. Micro-turbine is paid more and more attention in scientific research and commercial application due to its unique advantages and gradually becomes the core of distributed generation. It is essential to make a synthetic and scientific evaluation on the performance of micro-turbine in order to promote the progress of the distributed generation technology using micro-turbine. This article gives the synthetic performance evaluation of microturbine. Some performance characters (rated capacity, generating efficiency, rotation speed, pressure ratio, fuel consumption, multi-fuel, intake temperature, exhaust temperature, NO x emission level, noises and life time) were chosen as evaluating indicators and some common microturbines were taken as evaluating objects in this paper. Considering the difficulty of fuzzy synthetic evaluation method in calculation of the multiple factors and the ignorance of the relationship among evaluating objects, a new weight evaluation process using entropy method was introduced. The entropy method is an objective way for weight determination. The improved method for weight determination of the evaluating indicators was applied in performance assessment of the microturbines. The evaluation result of the example showed that this method was favorable for fuzzy synthetic evaluation when there was more than one evaluating objects and the entropy method for determination of weight was a very effective method for evaluating indicators. The method predigested the fuzzy synthetic evaluation process greatly and the evaluation results are more reasonable

    Acanthopanax versus

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    Preclinical Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion of Sodium Danshensu, One of the Main Water-Soluble Ingredients in Salvia miltiorrhiza, in Rats

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    In this study, the absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) of sodium danshensu (Sodium DL-β-(3, 4-dihydroxyphenyl)lactate), one of the main water-soluble active constituents in Salvia miltiorrhiza, were evaluated in rats. Pharmacokinetic study was evaluated in doses of 15, 30, and 60 mg/kg after intravenous administration of sodium danshensu. Bioavailability study was evaluated by comparing between 30 mg/kg (I.V.) and 180 mg/kg (P.O.) of sodium danshensu. Tissue distribution, metabolism, and excretion were evaluated at 30 mg/kg (I.V.) of sodium danshensu. Following intravenous administration, sodium danshensu exhibited linear pharmacokinetics in the dose range of 15–60 mg/kg. Sodium danshensu appeared to be poorly absorbed after oral administration, with an absolute bioavailability of 13.72%. The primary distribution tissue was kidney, but it was also distributed to lung, stomach, muscle, uterus, heart, etc. Within 96 h after intravenous administration, 46.99% was excreted via urine and 1.16% was excreted via feces as the parent drug. Biliary excretion of sodium danshensu was about 0.83% for 24 h. Metabolites in urine were identified as methylation, sulfation, both methylation and sulfation, and acetylation of danshensu. Sodium danshensu can be developed as an injection because of its poor oral bioavailability. In conclusion, sodium danshensu is widely distributed, mainly phase II metabolized and excreted primarily in urine as an unchanged drug in rats

    Exploring the Three-dimensional Framework of Knowledge Service in the field of Library and Information Science (LIS)

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    The evolution of the society and economy has stimulated the development of Knowledge Service (KS), making it an indispensable solution to address future challenges facing libraries and information institutions. However at present, academic research on knowledge service is falling short and its definition is far from clear and complete. As such, this article proposes the Three-dimensional Framework Knowledge Service (TdFKS) for libraries and information institutions based on the knowledge value chain model. By making reliability analysis and mean value analysis of a questionnaire survey result, the article clarifies the structure of the three-dimensional framework and verifies the rationality of the TdFKS.</p

    Transformation and influencing factors of scholarly communication based on knowledge transfer: A case study of science and technology literature

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    Purpose: The process of scientific literature use can be regarded as that of knowledge transfer. With the help of the knowledge transfer theory and data from scientific literature databases, we explored the behavior of scientific researchers during their scholarly communication, and studied the factors that influenced the behavior of researchers under network environment. Design/methodology/approach: Based on the literature databases of CNKI, Elsevier Science Direct and Springer Link, we used the knowledge transfer theory to construct a model for describing the scholarly communication process, which attempts to find out factors that may influence the communication behavior of researchers. With a focus laid on the absorption behavior of researchers during the knowledge acceptance process, we defined the independent variables of the model and proposed hypotheses on the basis of a comprehensive literature study. Afterwards, college students were invited to participate in a questionnaire survey, which was designed to prove our research model and hypotheses. Findings: Our results showed that during the scholarly communication, it is not the professional knowledge, but the ability and willingness for knowledge acceptance, organizations&#39; importance and internal atmosphere as well as knowledge authority and relevance that have played a positive significant role in the knowledge transfer performance. In addition, our distance indicators showed that knowledge distance and knowledge transfer performance have significant negative correlations. Research limitations: This study is mainly based on a questionnaire survey of college students, which may limit the generalization of our research results. In addition, more resource types need be considered for further studies. Practical implications: Under network environment, scholarly communication performance based on knowledge transfer theory could greatly contribute to the enrichment of the content of the knowledge transfer theory, and stretch out the range of the field. In addition, our result could help commercial scientific database providers to learn more about the users&#39; needs, which would not only benefit both scientific communities and content providers, but also promote scholarly communication effectively. Originality/value: Compared with existing researches which mainly emphasized the model construction of scholarly communication, our study focused the knowledge relevance during the scholarly communication and influence factors that impacted on the performance of knowledge acceptance under the network environment, which could provide helpful guides for further studies. Purpose: The process of scientific literature use can be regarded as that of knowledge transfer. With the help of the knowledge transfer theory and data from scientific literature databases, we explored the behavior of scientific researchers during their scholarly communication, and studied the factors that influenced the behavior of researchers under network environment. Design/methodology/approach: Based on the literature databases of CNKI, Elsevier Science Direct and Springer Link, we used the knowledge transfer theory to construct a model for describing the scholarly communication process, which attempts to find out factors that may influence the communication behavior of researchers. With a focus laid on the absorption behavior of researchers during the knowledge acceptance process, we defined the independent variables of the model and proposed hypotheses on the basis of a comprehensive literature study. Afterwards, college students were invited to participate in a questionnaire survey, which was designed to prove our research model and hypotheses. Findings: Our results showed that during the scholarly communication, it is not the professional knowledge, but the ability and willingness for knowledge acceptance, organizations&#39; importance and internal atmosphere as well as knowledge authority and relevance that have played a positive significant role in the knowledge transfer performance. In addition, our distance indicators showed that knowledge distance and knowledge transfer performance have significant negative correlations. Research limitations: This study is mainly based on a questionnaire survey of college students, which may limit the generalization of our research results. In addition, more resource types need be considered for further studies. Practical implications: Under network environment, scholarly communication performance based on knowledge transfer theory could greatly contribute to the enrichment of the content of the knowledge transfer theory, and stretch out the range of the field. In addition, our result could help commercial scientific database providers to learn more about the users&#39; needs, which would not only benefit both scientific communities and content providers, but also promote scholarly communication effectively. Originality/value: Compared with existing researches which mainly emphasized the model construction of scholarly communication, our study focused the knowledge relevance during the scholarly communication and influence factors that impacted on the performance of knowledge acceptance under the network environment, which could provide helpful guides for further studies.</div

    A Thorough Analysis on Chinese livelihood

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    Using unlabeled data to handle domain-transfer problem of semantic detection

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    Due to highly domain-specific nature, supervised sentiment classifiers typically require a large number of new labeled training data when transferred to another domain. This is so-called domain-transfer problem. In this work, we attempt to tackle this problem by combining old-domain labeled examples with new-domain unlabeled ones. The basic idea is to use old-domain-trained classifier to label some informative unlabeled examples in new domain, and train the base classifier again. The experimental results demonstrate that proposed method dramatically boosts the accuracy of the base sentiment classifier on new domain. Categories and Subject Descriptor