914 research outputs found

    Utilizing Win Ratio Approaches and Two-Stage Enrichment Designs for Small-Sized Clinical Trials

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    Conventional methods for analyzing composite endpoints in clinical trials often only focus on the time to the first occurrence of all events in the composite. Therefore, they have inherent limitations because the individual patients' first event can be the outcome of lesser clinical importance. To overcome this limitation, the concept of the win ratio (WR), which accounts for the relative priorities of the components and gives appropriate priority to the more clinically important event, was examined. For example, because mortality has a higher priority than hospitalization, it is reasonable to give a higher priority when obtaining the WR. In this paper, we evaluate three innovative WR methods (stratified matched, stratified unmatched, and unstratified unmatched) for two and multiple components under binary and survival composite endpoints. We compare these methods to traditional ones, including the Cox regression, O'Brien's rank-sum-type test, and the contingency table for controlling study Type I error rate. We also incorporate these approaches into two-stage enrichment designs with the possibility of sample size adaptations to gain efficiency for rare disease studies

    DPATD: Dual-Phase Audio Transformer for Denoising

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    Recent high-performance transformer-based speech enhancement models demonstrate that time domain methods could achieve similar performance as time-frequency domain methods. However, time-domain speech enhancement systems typically receive input audio sequences consisting of a large number of time steps, making it challenging to model extremely long sequences and train models to perform adequately. In this paper, we utilize smaller audio chunks as input to achieve efficient utilization of audio information to address the above challenges. We propose a dual-phase audio transformer for denoising (DPATD), a novel model to organize transformer layers in a deep structure to learn clean audio sequences for denoising. DPATD splits the audio input into smaller chunks, where the input length can be proportional to the square root of the original sequence length. Our memory-compressed explainable attention is efficient and converges faster compared to the frequently used self-attention module. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our model outperforms state-of-the-art methods.Comment: IEEE DD

    DCHT: Deep Complex Hybrid Transformer for Speech Enhancement

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    Most of the current deep learning-based approaches for speech enhancement only operate in the spectrogram or waveform domain. Although a cross-domain transformer combining waveform- and spectrogram-domain inputs has been proposed, its performance can be further improved. In this paper, we present a novel deep complex hybrid transformer that integrates both spectrogram and waveform domains approaches to improve the performance of speech enhancement. The proposed model consists of two parts: a complex Swin-Unet in the spectrogram domain and a dual-path transformer network (DPTnet) in the waveform domain. We first construct a complex Swin-Unet network in the spectrogram domain and perform speech enhancement in the complex audio spectrum. We then introduce improved DPT by adding memory-compressed attention. Our model is capable of learning multi-domain features to reduce existing noise on different domains in a complementary way. The experimental results on the BirdSoundsDenoising dataset and the VCTK+DEMAND dataset indicate that our method can achieve better performance compared to state-of-the-art methods.Comment: IEEE DDP conferenc

    Succinct Explanations With Cascading Decision Trees

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    The decision tree is one of the most popular and classical machine learning models from the 1980s. However, in many practical applications, decision trees tend to generate decision paths with excessive depth. Long decision paths often cause overfitting problems, and make models difficult to interpret. With longer decision paths, inference is also more likely to fail when the data contain missing values. In this work, we propose a new tree model called Cascading Decision Trees to alleviate this problem. The key insight of Cascading Decision Trees is to separate the decision path and the explanation path. Our experiments show that on average, Cascading Decision Trees generate 63.38% shorter explanation paths, avoiding overfitting and thus achieve higher test accuracy. We also empirically demonstrate that Cascading Decision Trees have advantages in the robustness against missing values

    RADA: Robust Adversarial Data Augmentation for Camera Localization in Challenging Conditions

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    Camera localization is a fundamental problem for many applications in computer vision, robotics, and autonomy. Despite recent deep learning-based approaches, the lack of robustness in challenging conditions persists due to changes in appearance caused by texture-less planes, repeating structures, reflective surfaces, motion blur, and illumination changes. Data augmentation is an attractive solution, but standard image perturbation methods fail to improve localization robustness. To address this, we propose RADA, which concentrates on perturbing the most vulnerable pixels to generate relatively less image perturbations that perplex the network. Our method outperforms previous augmentation techniques, achieving up to twice the accuracy of state-of-the-art models even under ’unseen’ challenging weather conditions. Videos of our results can be found at https://youtu.be/niOv7- fJeCA. The source code for RADA is publicly available at https://github.com/jialuwang123321/RAD
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