5 research outputs found

    Additional file 3: of Liver proteome response of pre-harvest Atlantic salmon following exposure to elevated temperature

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    Total number of quantifiable proteins. Proteins identified on the basis of two or more unique matching peptide sequences and presence in at least six of the nine biological replicates in either treatment group (XLSX 160 kb

    Additional file 5: of Liver proteome response of pre-harvest Atlantic salmon following exposure to elevated temperature

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    Components of the top five toxicity pathways as determined by temperature-regulated proteins and predicted by IPA analysis. Exp fold change and Exp p-value correspond with the fold change value and the adjusted p-value (using Benjamini Hochberg correction), respectively, reported in Additional file 3. (XLSX 52 kb

    Additional file 2: of Liver proteome response of pre-harvest Atlantic salmon following exposure to elevated temperature

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    MaxQuant output files of the complete protein-level mass spectrometry. A total of nine biological replicates (fish) per temperature treatment were analysed. (XLSX 2354 kb

    Additional file 4: of Liver proteome response of pre-harvest Atlantic salmon following exposure to elevated temperature

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    Full list of canonical pathways as determined by temperature-regulated proteins and predicted by IPA analysis. The significance of the association between the data set and the pathway is based on the p-value, which determines the probability that the association between the data set genes and the pathway is explained only by chance, and on the ratio value, representing the number of genes from the data found in each pathway over the total number of genes in that pathway. (XLSX 56 kb

    Additional file 1: of Liver proteome response of pre-harvest Atlantic salmon following exposure to elevated temperature

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    MaxQuant output files of the complete peptide-level mass spectrometry. A total of nine biological replicates (fish) per temperature treatment were analysed. (XLSX 5578 kb