17 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor Intensitas Penerangan Lokal terhadap Kelelahan Mata di Industri Pembuatan Sepatu β€œX” Kota Semarang

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    One of the problems that interfere with the work of labor is a problem concerning the lighting / poor lighting or excessive lighting.The intensity of illumination that there are influenced by factors of a quantity lighting and the quality of illumination (glare). Survey results indicate that the intensity of the local lighting in shoes-making industry β€œX” is 480 lux and 445 lux. The purpose of this study was to analyze the local illumination intensity factor against eye fatigue on workers. This research is explanatory research with cross sectional approach, the total sample is 8 people. Data analysis was performed to determine the relationship of the intensity of illumination, age, diabetes mellitus, hypertension against eye fatigue, using the chi square test. The results showed have significant relationship (p <0.05) with eye fatigue, the illumination intensity β‰₯ 200 (p = 0.018), workers who have aged β‰₯ 45 (p = 0.018), workers who have hypertension (p = 0.018) , workers who have diabetes mellitus (p = 0.710). It can be concluded that as many as 62.5% were experiencing severe eyestrai

    Women International Migration and Remittances in Pusakajaya Village

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    Migrasi Internasional terjadi karena pertumbuhan penduduk yang tidak diimbangi dengan pertumbuhan kesempatan kerja. Bagi perempuan desa yang tidak memiliki banyak keterampilan, migrasi Internasional adalah kesempatan emas untuk meningkatkan ekonomi keluarga mereka. Masalah ini sangat kompleks tapi menarik untuk dikaji. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan perempuan di desa pergi ke luar negeri untuk bekerja dan pemanfaatan remitansi dalam rumah tangga migran. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survei yang merupakan penjelasan dan penelitian deskriptif. Penelitian daerah adalah Pusakajaya Desa, Subang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian, ketersediaan lapangan kerja di daerah tujuan dan lahan pertanian terbatas di daerah asal menjadi faktor utama bagi perempuan di desa untuk bekerja di luar negeri. Pemanfaatan remitan di Desa Pusakajaya dialokasikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi, produksi, investasi di bidang pendidikan dan ekonomi, sedangkan alokasi investasi sosial tidak ditemukan. Pemanfaatan pengiriman uang oleh keluarga migran di Desa Pusakajaya membentuk pola umum dalam memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi dan investasi pendidikan

    Persepsi Pemuda Pencari Kerja terhadap Pekerjaan Sektor Pertanian dan Pilihan Pekerjaan di Desa Cihideung Udik Kecamatan Ciampea, Kabupaten Bogor

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    This research aim to analyse the perception on agricultural employment and to analyse job preferences among rural youth unemployed in Cihideung Udik village. This research was conducted using quantitative research approach enhanced with qualitative data. The number of respondents were 40 youth job seekers The research result shows that job seekers internal factors, such as, women have some skills and some job experience as well as external factors such as, low socio economic level, less cosmopolitant, and agricultural employment experiences tend to have negative perceptions on agricultural employment. Rural youth unemployed in this village prefer to work in non agricultural sectors, such as in manufacturing sector in area around Bogor and Jakarta

    Social Networks and Adaptation Strategy of Migrant From Lampung in the Village of Jayamukti, Center Cikarang Subdistrict, Bekasi District, West Java

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    Tingkat pertumbuhan penduduk meningkat secara cepat pada beberapa tahun terakhir menimbulkan permasalahan pada ketenagakerjaan. Pertumbuhan penduduk yang tidak didukung dengan peningkatan sumberdaya dan lapangan pekerjaan menambah jumlah pengangguran. Kondisi tersebut memacu penduduk untuk melakukan migrasi. Perpindahan penduduk dipengaruhi oleh faktor pendorong dari daerah asal, diantaranya yakni terbatasnya pekerjaan dan juga faktor penarik dari daerah tujuan, salah satunya lapangan pekerjaan yang lebih banyak. Fenomena perpindahan penduduk di Indonesia umumnya membentuk siklus dimana migran yang kaya secara ekonomi dan sosial akan memengaruhi keluarga mereka, saudara atau teman untuk ikut bermigrasi. Situasi yang berbeda dan kondisi pada daerah tujuan mendorong mereka untuk beradaptasi sebagai strategi bertahan hidup. Jaringan sosial sangat penting bagi para migran di daerah tujuan

    Diaspora Madura : Social Capital Analysis in the Business in Informal Sector of Madura Migrants in Tanah Sareal Subdistrict, Bogor District, West Java

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    Madura merupakan salah satu suku di Indonesia yang memiliki tingkat mobilitas yang tinggi. Ciri migrasi yang dilakukan orang madura yakni pola afiliasi saluran migrasi. Di tempat tujuan, Migran Madura mengembangkan USAha pada sektor informal, yakni USAha dagang barang bekas. Modal sosial berperan pada USAha tersebut, sehingga USAha tersebut berkembang hanya diantara migran madura. Modal sosial terdiri dari jaringan,kepercayaan dan norma. Jaringan sosial migran Madura tergolong sempit, namun simpul yang paling berperan dalam perolehan bahan baku dan modal adalah teman kerja dan perkumpulan migran Madura. Tingkat kepercayaan yang dimiliki migran Madura tergolong rendah, Hal ini dikarenakan kepercayaan yang dibangun baik hanya pada sesama migran Madura, sementara kepercayaan migran Madura terhadap masyarakat setempat tergolong rendah. Peraturan yang harus ditaati oleh sesama migran Madura dalam menjalankan USAha sektor informal adalah sikap saling menghargai USAha yang dimiliki oleh orang madura lainnya. Hal tersebut diperlukan untuk menghindari konflik yang dapat menurunkan solidaritas antar migran Madura. Namun walaupun migran Madura memilihi keterbatasan pada aspek keuangan dan modal manusia, USAha mereka tetap dapat tumbuh dan berkembang diantara sesama migran Madura dikarenakan modal sosial yang mereka miliki

    Dampak Remitan Ekonomi Terhadap Posisi Sosial Buruh Migran Perempuan Dalam Rumah Tangga

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    The objectives of this study are to analyse the push-pull factor of International migration and the impact of economic re mittance s t o migrant women' s soc i al posit i on i n t he house hol d. Background of i ts research is feminization of International migrant into line with the phenomenon of economic globalization. The magnitude economic remittances generate by the women migrants pre sumabl y wi ll aff ect women' s social position in the houshold. Culturally, women in this areas do not have a strong decision making power relative to the men in the household. The women migrant working abroad was mainly driven bThe women migrant working abroad was mainly driven b proverty. The return women migrant are likely to have stroger decision making power in the household be case of their major contribution in the household economy

    Analisis Eksistensi Kearifan Lokal Huyula Desa Bongoime Provinsi Gorontalo

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    This study aims to analyze the existence of local wisdom Huyula measured by knowledge, attitudes and behavior of farmers to Huyula and its relationship with the internal and external factors farmers. The sample was Bongoime villagers who work as rice farmers. This study uses quantitative data with qualitative data furnished. This study tested using Spearman rank correlation test with significance level 0,05 level. Results of this study indicate that Huyula is a values contained in the mutual aid society. Farmers have the high knowledge, attitude and behavior towards Huyula although in practice only in the cleaning of irrigation channels. There is a relationship between knowledge, attitudes and behavior of farmers toward Huyula. There are two variabel like age and extention intensity that affects the existence Huyula

    Strategi Pengembangan Program Keuangan Mikro dalam Kerangka Tanggung Jawab Sosial PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara Dikabupaten Sumbawa Barat

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    This research aims at (1) studying the microfinance program run by and the organization of Yayasan Olat Parigi/ Olat Parigi Foundation (YOP) as part of PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara\u27s Corporate Social Responsibility; (2) formulating the development strategy for the organization and microfinance program for self-reliance and sustainability. This study employs qualitative approach and supported by quantitative approach. The study shows that: Firstly, theorganizational management of YOP constitutes two periods of services namely YOP Part I and YOP Part II. In comparison, the organizional management and program run by YOP Part II is better than YOP Part I as demonstrated by a number of improvements in some aspects including management of administration, human resources, budgeting, microfinance program and business unit strategic. However, this study has identified weaknesses in the area of self-reliance, resilience, and sustainability as shown in high dependency of the foundation to PTNNT (both in financing and facilitation). The Microfinance program has been implemented as per applicable SOP where clients are facilitated to obtain easy access and capability to fulfill the requirements, simplified procedures, right on target, up to date, consistent with characteristics of the locals and most importantly it provides more benefits for the locals.A number of challenges identified in running the microfinance program include high number of Non-Performing Loan, limited financing scheme, and inadequate assistance and/or capacity to the program beneficiaries. Secondly, the development strategy for organizational and microfinance programs shall be improved to reach a self-reliance, resilience, and sustainability of the program through implementation of bounding, bridging, and creating/ networking strategies