33 research outputs found

    The Effect of the Infusion of Some Medicinal Plants on the Isolated Rabbit Jejunum

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    Pengaruh infus daun Artemisia vulgaris LINN.; Artemisia Cina BERG; Euphatorium triplinerve VAHL; Hemigraphis colorata HALL; Ruta gravcolens AUCT dan buah Litsea cubeba PERS telah diteliti terhadap kontraksi usus kelinci terisolasi. Hanya Ruta gravcolens A UCT dengan dosis 1 ml/kg infus 10 persen dalam 50 ml Tyrode mengurangi tonus dan amplitude kontraksi usus kelinci Dianjurkan untuk meneliti farmakodinami komponen-komponen daun Ruta gravcolens AUCT ter­utama terhadap usus kelinci terisolas

    Pengaruh Infus Beberapa Tanaman Obat terhadap Tekanan Darah dan Faal Jantung Kucing

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    The 10 percent infusion of Sericoccalyx crispus BL administered intravenously at dose 1 ml/kg did not alter the cardiovascular system of the anaesthetized cat. Piper betle LINN and Euphatorium triplinerve VAHL at the same dose of administration decreased the blood pressure with short onset and duration. One milliliter of a 10 percent infusion of Curcuma domestica VAHL decreased the blood pressure of the anaesthetized cat slowly and lasting about 3 hours reaching its maximal depression at one hour after injection. The action on the heart rate, contractility and autonomic ganglion is not clear. A direct action, after reaction of substance or after formation of a substance, on the blood vessels is sugested to be the most probable mechanism of action of this crude infusion of Curcuma domestica

    Pengaruh Ekstrak Tanaman Obat Asli Terhadap Suhu Normal Mencit

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    In the frame of screening of the medicinal plants efficacy, 19 plants have been tested to see their influence to the normal body temperature of mice. Among the 19 plants there are some medicinal plants which are used as antipyretic by the Indonesian people. Those are Ageratum conyzoides L, Brasica rugosa Prain, Euphatorium triplinerve Vahl, Messua ferrea L and Oroxylum indicum Vent. The administration is intra-peritoneally. Some extract at test dose (1/3 - 1/2) LD 50 decrease the normal body temperature more than 2°C. Most of them happened to be known as antipyretic in traditional medicines

    Efek Antipiretik Ekstrak Etanol Daun Johar (Cassia Siamea Lamk.) Pada Tikus Putih

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    Cassia siamea Lamk. (Johar) leaf is one of the Indonesian medicinal Simplicia which is empirically used by some people to overcome malaria disease. Traditional use of johar leaf against malaria disease might be effective to kill the malarial parasites or to reduce fever, because people who are suffering from malaria produce fever. This paper reports the antipyretic effect of the 70 % etanol extract of the johar leaf on the artificial fever in albino rats induced by chotypha vaccine. The result show that a dose of 3 mg/100 g b.w. of rat (equivalent to one thirths of man dose ) has antipyretic effect equivalent to acetosa! 30 mg/100 g b.w

    Toksisitas Sub-kronik Buah Pare (Momordica Charantia L.) Pada Tikus Putih

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    The fruits of Momordica charantia L. (pare) are widely used as a traditional medicine for oxyuriasis, fever, cough and diabetes. The subchronic toxicity test was carried out on the aquaous extract of the fruits of Momordica charantia L. The test was done on 72 female rats of LMR strain for 3 months with a method developed by the Pharmaceutical Research and Development Centre of the National Institute of Health Research and Development, Jakarta. The rat organs examined were heart, lung, liver, kidney, stomach, muscle, pancreas, intestine and spleen. The results showed that there are no negative effects on the rat organs examined at a dose up to 200 mg/100 g body weight administered orally for 3 months

    Penelitian Toksisitas Daun Stevia Rebaudiana Bertonii M Pada Mencit Dan Tikus Putih

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    The acute and subchronic toxicity tests were carried out on the aquaous extract of the leaves of Stevia rebaudiana Bertonii M. obtained from the Balai Penelitian Tanaman Obat in Tawamangu, Surakarta, Central Java. The acute toxicity test was done by the Weil's method (1952) on mice and the subchronic toxicity test was done on rats by a method developed by the Pharmaceutical Research and Deve­lopment Center of the National Institute of Health Research and Development, Jakarta. The results are : the leaves of Stevia rebaudiana Bertonii M. can be grouped into substances which are "practically non-toxic" based on the criteria used by Gleason (1969) and the oral administration of doses up to 320 mg/100 g body weight daily for 6 months showed no negative effect on the organs of the animals examined

    Mengetahui Keamanan Jamu Madura "Sari Rapat" melalui Uji Mikroskopis dan Toksisitas Sub Akut pada Binatang Coba

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    ''Jamu Sari Rapat" made in Madura is a famous traditional medicine especially after promoted at television cable. A cut utilition of the "jamu" was safe, it was provided by no complain from consumers. The problem is how the effect of "jamu" in the longterm consumption. A chosen famous "jamu Sari Rapat'' was taken to be examined. Microscopic examinations were done to know the herbs composition and contamination to patogen bacteries. A sub a cut toxicity exami­nation was done to find out the safety of "jamu'' to the consumer because of the longterm consumption. The result showed that the ''jamu" was consisted of 9 herbs those were Caryophylli Flos, Kaemferiae rotundae Rhizoma, Curcuma domesticae Rhizoma, Paramcriae Cort ex, Theae Folium, Guazumae Folium, Arecae Semen, Glycyrrhi­ zae Radix and Psidii Folium. A herb (Gallae) was written in the label but actually it did not find in microcopic test. It was found that Most Probable Number colliform were contaminated the "jamu" and the Total Plate Count Bacterial number was bigger than standard. Toxicity test showed that there was no toxic effect after 3 month intervention to 54 mice. The conclusion of this study: the "jamu" was safe to be consume in the longterm (more or less 3 months) but it might cause illness to the consumers because of patogen bacteries. The production process should be improved to solve those problem

    Toksisitas Subkronik Ekstrak Etanol Daun Johar (Cassia Siamea Lamk.) Pada Tikus Putih

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    The Indonesian people still empirically use medicinal plants to overcome their diseases or maintain their health. One of the medicinal plants is Cassia siamea Lamk (daun johar) used for treatment offever as well as malaria. A lot ofpeople usually use it for a long period^ of time. It is preferable for medicinal plants to have no effect rather than toxic effects. Subchronic toxicity test of the 70% ethanolic extract of the leaf of Cassia siamea Lamk have been carried out on 72 male Spraque Dawley albino rats for 3 months. The administration of the test materials were orally, every day except Sunday and there were three kinds of different dosages respectively 9,8 mg/100 g b.w.; 48 mg/100 g b.w. and 240 mg/100 g b.w. which means equivalent to lx; 5x and 25x the usual dose of man. The control group received water only. The result showed that the 70% ethanolic extract of the leaf of Cassia siamea Lamk. administered orally every day until 3 months, the dose of up to 240 mg/100 g b.w, equivalent to 25x the usual dose of man didn't show toxicological effect on the internal body organs of the test animals such as liver, lung, heart, spleen, kidney and intestine. Other parameters such as SGOT, SGPT, Hb, Ureum and Creatinin of blood serum didn't show significant differences

    Penelitian Toksisitas Subkronik Infus Daun Johar (Cassia Siamea Lamk.) Pada Tikus Putih

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    The Indonesian people still empirically use medicinal plants to overcome their diseases or maintain their health. One of the medicinal plants is Cassia siamea Lamk. (claim johar,) used for treatment offevers/malaria and jaundice/hepatitis. A lot of people usually use it for long periods of time. It is preferable for medicinal plants to have no effect rather than toxic effects. Subchronic toxicity test of the infusion of the leaf of Cassia siamea Lamk. have been carried out on 72 female Wistar albino rats for 4 months. The administration of the test materials were orally, every day except Sunday and there were three kinds of difference dosages respectively 25 mg/100 g b.w.; 250 mg/100 gb.w. and 500 mg/100 gb.w. that means equivalent to 5 x; 25 x and 50 x usual dose of man. The control group received water only. The results showed that the infusion of the leaf of Cassia siamea Lamk. administered orally, every day until 4 months, the dose of up to 500 mg/100 g b.w. didn't show toxicological effect on the internal body organs of the test animals such as liver, lung, heart, spleen, kidney and intestine