13 research outputs found

    A Research Note on Gender and Taboo Advertisements: The Case of Spirit Airlines

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    Airline Marketing

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    The role of airline marketing has now expanded to include a more expansive view of the travel planning process. The chapter utilises a classic four P\u27s approach – product, place, promotion and price – while reviewing some of the possible legal and regulatory concerns that impact on how airline marketing is addressed today. Airlines must determine what is the right product for the premium passenger mix of the airline. The chapter examines the role of how a classic promotional tool, sponsorship, can be combined with the tools of social media to provide an overall promotion campaign to target audiences. As airlines develop new fare products, airline information systems must be updated to deliver the variety of products and services, with multiple price points involved, to the consumer. Airlines face the task of meeting the basic needs of passengers in a constantly changing technological and world marketplace

    Ancillary Revenue and Price Fairness: An Exploratory Study Pre & Post Flight

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    The growing impact of Ancillary Revenue on consumer choice and shopping behavior continues to be a highly debated issue. In the US, the Department of Transportation (DOT) has stepped into the debate and is investigating the possibility of new rules on how airlines must report and display such ancillary offerings. While the DOT collects data, reports on the amount of ancillary revenue earned by the airlines continue to rise. Examining past research on price fairness from the marketing literature and the impact of revenue management on price fairness from the aviation literature, this article joins new research appearing on the impact of a la carte pricing and ancillary revenue on perceptions of price fairness. This study focuses on the issue of price fairness pre and post flight and how ancillary price offerings are communicated to consumers when purchasing airline services

    The Airline Maintenance Mechanic Educational Infrastructure: Supply, Demand, and Evolving Industry Structure

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    There is an encroaching crisis in the supply and demand of aviation maintenance labor. This paper reports results of a survey of FAA-licensed A&P schools and a survey of airlines and major maintenance outsourcing firms. Results largely confirm general expectations. Further analysis found indications of an impending shakeout in the extant training infrastructure. Strategies centered on tapered vertical integration are offered as an admittedly imperfect industry-wide solution

    Advertising Effect on Consumer Emotions, Judgements, and Purchase Intent

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    Advertising has been found to induce consumer reactions, including emotions and judgements, which in turn are believed to relate to important outcomes, such as purchase intents. Marketing researches seek to understand these consumer reactions and their decision-making processes to influence purchase intents. This study focuses on the information role of emotion in understanding advertising effects and influencing consumer choices. Individuals use affective responses to evaluate information and to form judgements, which are critical in the decision-making process. This research further expands the Informative Strategy Model by adding judgement as a mediator. The results of a multiple mediation analysis provide support that consumers’ positive emotions directly influence their purchase intent, while consumer judgements partially mediate the effect of individuals’ emotions on purchase intents. Research findings benefit marketing and advertising professionals by providing empirical evidence for the effect of advertising, including controversial advertising on consumer purchase intent. The challenge with controversial advertising is that if individuals experience negative emotions and judgements, advertisers may have limited or potentially negative influence on consumer purchase intents

    Regional Jet Aircraft Competitiveness: Challenges and Opportunities

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    The regional jet aircraft is a unique market niche. Particularly suitable for providing capacity in the 30 to 90 seat range, these jets are often used to connect smaller airports to network carrier hubs, as well as to fill in during slow periods. The market is currently dominated by two manufacturers: Brazil\u27s Embraer and Canada\u27s Bombardier. Due to the nature of the global aircraft industry, Embraer and Bombardier are largely dependent on the international sale of their aircraft for steady revenue streams. Orders and deliveries of aircraft with fewer than 100 seats have grown rapidly over the past ten years. The study provides an overview of the aviation industry, particularly in the regional jet (RJ) sector, and examines country-specific factors affecting the number CRJ and ERJ deliveries. Results of stepwise regression indicate that a two-year lag of GDP, a two-year lag price of crude oil, a two-year lag of prior aircraft deliveries, and the country-specific land areas account for almost 40% of the variance in the aircraft deliveries. However, there are many additional factors which have an effect on RJs orders and deliveries

    Satisfaction with Airline Service Quality: Familiarity Breeds Contempt

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    The objective of this study is to investigate frequency-of-flight issues and the differences between frequent and non-frequent flyers’ levels of satisfaction and the importance attributed to overall airline service quality and select attributes. The results indicate that the level of satisfaction with overall airline quality and select attributes decrease the more passengers fly. Conversely, the level of importance attributed to airline amenities increased with flight frequency. Perceptions of airline quality may vary between different nationalities and different socioeconomic groups. Differences between the short- and long-haul flights, as well as domestic and international services could also exist. Airline managers need to foster loyalty by improving passengers’ airline experience. This could be achieved by differentiating airline services to the segmented groups of passengers. However, a number of airlines suffer from a business culture where fuel and labor costs are more important than customer satisfaction

    Assessing the impact of the shortage of aviation maintenance technicians on air transportation

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    Global aviation activity is poised for a decade of sustained growth. While economic difficulties are a fact of life in the aviation transportation industry, the future demand for aviation transportation services is promising. One factor that may greatly dampen this projected growth may be the lack of qualified aviation maintenance technicians (AMTs) necessary to keep the air transport fleet flying. This investigation examines the future of global aviation activity while presenting factors impacting the corresponding lack of growth in the AMT population that threaten the future of air transportation

    Ancillary Revenue and Price Fairness: An Exploratory Study Pre & Post Flight

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    The growing impact of Ancillary Revenue on consumer choice and shopping behavior continues to be a highly debated issue. In the US, the Department of Transportation (DOT) has stepped into the debate and is investigating the possibility of new rules on how airlines must report and display such ancillary offerings. While the DOT collects data, reports on the amount of ancillary revenue earned by the airlines continue to rise. Examining past research on price fairness from the marketing literature and the impact of revenue management on price fairness from the aviation literature, this article joins new research appearing on the impact of a la carte pricing and ancillary revenue on perceptions of price fairness. This study focuses on the issue of price fairness pre and post flight and how ancillary price offerings are communicated to consumers when purchasing airline services