16 research outputs found

    Green Catalysts Activities of CaO Nanoparticles From Pinctada Maxima Shell on Alcoholysis Reaction

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    Pinctada maxima shells from West Nusa Tenggara has natural minerals called calcite that can be decomposed into CaO compounds as a green catalyst that heterogeneous, base and environmentally friendly. CaO compounds in the nanometer scale is one option as an alternative substitute or replacement of the use of homogeneous catalysts. The purpose of this study was to test the catalytic activity of CaO compound from the pearl shells (P. maxima) based on particle size. The catalytic activity test has been measured against the percentage of yield of methyl ester produced by alcoholysis reaction. Characterization of nano-CaO compounds has been done using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Brunauer Emmett Teller (BET), scanning electron microscope energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX), transmittance electron microscopy (TEM), while methyl esters has been analyzed using the ASTM method. CaO catalyst on the nanometer-scale have more effective catalytic activity than micrometer scale with the yield percentage of methyl ester obtained are 81,61% and 30,71%, respectively. The results of methyl ester characterization by ASTM method has shown that methyl ester has specification that are close to diesel oil, so it can be used as an alternative or substitution on diesel engine

    Lomba Musik Dalam Kontekstual Apresiasi Umum (Music Contest in General Appreciation Context)

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    Musik hidup dalam komunikasi pencipta dan penikmatnya, ia hadirsebagai sebuah bentuk seni dengan medium audio (pendengaran).Keberdayaannya di masyarakat tidak lepas dari suasanakeuniversalannya. Upaya-upaya memahami musik dengan lebih seriuskadang-kadang kurang begitu diperhatikan. Bentuk apresiasi musik yanglebih serius kurang mendapat tempat. Salah satu bentuk apresiasi musiksebenarnya sudah menggejala di masyarakat sejak tahun 70-an ialahlomba musik. Dengan adanya lomba musik diharapkan masyarakat dapatmemahami musik dengan lebih baik. Apresiasi musik denganmenggunakan metode lomba musik bersifat sederhana namun berdayajangkauluas, serta ekonomis

    Daya Makan, Diapause Dan Mobilitas Keong Mas (Pomacea Canaliculata) Pada Berbagai Kedalaman Air

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    Feeding rate, aestivation and mobility of golden snails (Pomacea canaliculata) at different depths of water. The research was studied in Malaka District, East Nusa Tenggara Province, during the dry and the rainy season (October 2014 - March 2015). Studies on capacity of damage to the Ciherang rice seedlings were carried out for three weeks. The size of snails used in this experiment was 11-20; 21-30; and 31-40 mm. The numbers of seedlings that were planted were 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 and 21 seeds. The treatments were repeated 5 times. The numbers of seeds which are damaged by the snails then were tabulated and analyzed. Snails with the size of 11-20 mm damaged the seeds in 31.67%, followed by snails with the size of 21-30 mm and 31- 40 mm with potency of damaging were 64.76% and 97.38%, respectively. The size of snails affects the level of damage to rice seedlings when transplanting. Study about aestivation was conducted in five villages, namely Kamanasa, Wehali, Umakatahan, Harekakae and Kletek when the rice fields were fallow. The observation point was observed at the corner of the dike and along the dike, evaluated every 10 meters away. The results showed snails aestivate when the fields were dry. Studies on snail's mobility conducted on the experiment arena on the mud in buckets, which planted with 20 paddy seedlings. The treatment depth of puddles in the experiment were without puddles, half, the same height and twice the height of snails shell. The treatments were repeated 10 times. Measurement of snail's mobility was performed routinely every 2 hours, observed from the beginning when the snails were placed for 24 hours in advance. The results showed that the depth of the water significantly affected the mobility of snails. Without puddles, the mobility of snails was severely hampered in the mud. The mobility of the juvenile was significantly higher than the imago. The implication of this study was benefit to that the regulating the level of water in the paddy field which is known as an appropriate effective technology and for controlling the attack of the golden snails

    Pembelajaran Musik Kreatif Pada Anak Usia Dini (the Learning of Creative Music in Early-childhood Children)

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    Sa/a/7 satu ciri kehidupan manusia adalah berpikir kreatif, begitujuga pada anak. Kreativitas anak dapat dipupuk/dikembangkan antara lain melalui pembelajaran musik. Pembelajaran musik bersifat terbuka dan tertutup. Kegiatan tertutup berhubungan dengan kegiatan mental dan kegiatan terbuka berhubungandengan tindakan nyata. Dalam pembelajaran musik kreatif peran afeksi dalam kognisidan performs musik sangat penting. Belajar keterampilan adalah sa/a/7 satu perspektifpenting pada pembelajaran musik kreatif, yang sa/a/7 safu aktivitasnya adalahmenyanyi. Keberhasilan proses belajar musik kreatif sangat tergantung pada suasana kegiatan belajar yang kondusif.Kata Kunci Kreativitas; pembelajaran musik; performa musik; menyanyi

    Pendidikanâ Kesenianâ Diâ Sekolah Subâ Materiâ Musik (Artâ Educationâ atâ Schollâ Musicâ Materialâ Sub)

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    Tujuan diberikannya pendidikan seni di sekolah bukan lah ingin menjadikan anak  didik menjadi seniman, tetapi ingin menjadikan anak didik apresiatif terhadap seni.  Gerak  langkah  berikutnya  melaiui  hasil ­hasil  apresiasi  yang  diperdeh  itu  diharapkan  dapat  memunculkan  ide ­ide  baru anak  didik  untuk  didayagunakan  sebagai  bahan  berkreasi.  baik  berkreasi  dalam  tataran  estetik  maupun  berkreasi  pada bidang ­bidang lain untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya yang amat kompleks.  Musik sebagai salah satu sub bidang seni yang diberikan di sekolah sarat dengan  nilai pendidikan apresiasi dan kreasi itu