949 research outputs found

    An archaeological history of Ashuanipi, Labrador

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    This dissertation employs an eclectic approach to archaeology, in which various theories from culture history, processualism, and post-processualism are used together as aspects of a single approach to archaeological history. This multifocal methodology is discussed, and used to organize and present the archaeological survey results from Ashuanipi, a large lake in the Lake Plateau Region of the Quebec Labrador Peninsula. Questions related to predictive modelling, cultural resources management, boreal forest ecology, landscape change, archaeological theory and practice, and Innu history are raised throughout the process – some of these question are answered, while others are guideposts for future research

    Boosting jet power in black hole spacetimes

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    The extraction of rotational energy from a spinning black hole via the Blandford-Znajek mechanism has long been understood as an important component in models to explain energetic jets from compact astrophysical sources. Here we show more generally that the kinetic energy of the black hole, both rotational and translational, can be tapped, thereby producing even more luminous jets powered by the interaction of the black hole with its surrounding plasma. We study the resulting Poynting jet that arises from single boosted black holes and binary black hole systems. In the latter case, we find that increasing the orbital angular momenta of the system and/or the spins of the individual black holes results in an enhanced Poynting flux.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    The Surface Brightness Fluctuations and Globular Cluster Populations of M87 and its Companions

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    Using the surface brightness fluctuations in HST WFPC-2 images, we determine that M87, NGC 4486B, and NGC 4478 are all at a distance of ~16 Mpc, while NGC 4476 lies in the background at ~21 Mpc. We also examine the globular clusters of M87 using archived HST fields. We detect the bimodal color distribution, and find that the amplitude of the red peak relative to the blue peak is greatest near the center. This feature is in good agreement with the merger model of elliptical galaxy formation, where some of the clusters originated in progenitor galaxies while other formed during mergers.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Recursive Encoding and Decoding of Noiseless Subsystem and Decoherence Free Subspace

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    When the environmental disturbace to a quantum system has a wavelength much larger than the system size, all qubits localized within a small area are under action of the same error operators. Noiseless subsystem and decoherence free subspace are known to correct such collective errors. We construct simple quantum circuits, which implement these collective error correction codes, for a small number nn of physical qubits. A single logical qubit is encoded with n=3n=3 and n=4n=4, while two logical qubits are encoded with n=5n=5. The recursive relations among the subspaces employed in noiseless subsystem and decoherence free subspace play essential r\^oles in our implementation. The recursive relations also show that the number of gates required to encode mm logical qubits increases linearly in mm.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Critical Collapse of an Ultrarelativistic Fluid in the Γ→1\Gamma\to 1 Limit

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    In this paper we investigate the critical collapse of an ultrarelativistic perfect fluid with the equation of state P=(Γ−1)ρP=(\Gamma-1)\rho in the limit of Γ→1\Gamma\to 1. We calculate the limiting continuously self similar (CSS) solution and the limiting scaling exponent by exploiting self-similarity of the solution. We also solve the complete set of equations governing the gravitational collapse numerically for (Γ−1)=10−2,...,10−6(\Gamma-1) = 10^{-2},...,10^{-6} and compare them with the CSS solutions. We also investigate the supercritical regime and discuss the hypothesis of naked singularity formation in a generic gravitational collapse. The numerical calculations make use of advanced methods such as high resolution shock capturing evolution scheme for the matter evolution, adaptive mesh refinement, and quadruple precision arithmetic. The treatment of vacuum is also non standard. We were able to tune the critical parameter up to 30 significant digits and to calculate the scaling exponents accurately. The numerical results agree very well with those calculated using the CSS ansatz. The analysis of the collapse in the supercritical regime supports the hypothesis of the existence of naked singularities formed during a generic gravitational collapse.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figures, revised version, added new results of investigation of a supercritical collapse and the existence of naked singularities in generic gravitational collaps

    Massively parallel simulations of binary black holes with Dendro-GR

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    We present results from the new Dendro-GR code. These include simulations of binary black hole mergers for mass ratios up to q=16. Dendro-GR uses Wavelet Adaptive Multi-Resolution (WAMR) to generate an unstructured grid adapted to the spacetime geometry together with an octree based data structure. We demonstrate good scaling, improved convergence properties and efficient use of computational resources. We validate the code with comparisons to LazEv

    Critical Phenomena in Neutron Stars I: Linearly Unstable Nonrotating Models

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    We consider the evolution in full general relativity of a family of linearly unstable isolated spherical neutron stars under the effects of very small, perturbations as induced by the truncation error. Using a simple ideal-fluid equation of state we find that this system exhibits a type-I critical behaviour, thus confirming the conclusions reached by Liebling et al. [1] for rotating magnetized stars. Exploiting the relative simplicity of our system, we are able carry out a more in-depth study providing solid evidences of the criticality of this phenomenon and also to give a simple interpretation of the putative critical solution as a spherical solution with the unstable mode being the fundamental F-mode. Hence for any choice of the polytropic constant, the critical solution will distinguish the set of subcritical models migrating to the stable branch of the models of equilibrium from the set of subcritical models collapsing to a black hole. Finally, we study how the dynamics changes when the numerically perturbation is replaced by a finite-size, resolution independent velocity perturbation and show that in such cases a nearly-critical solution can be changed into either a sub or supercritical. The work reported here also lays the basis for the analysis carried in a companion paper, where the critical behaviour in the the head-on collision of two neutron stars is instead considered [2].Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Relativistic MHD with Adaptive Mesh Refinement

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    This paper presents a new computer code to solve the general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD) equations using distributed parallel adaptive mesh refinement (AMR). The fluid equations are solved using a finite difference Convex ENO method (CENO) in 3+1 dimensions, and the AMR is Berger-Oliger. Hyperbolic divergence cleaning is used to control the ∇⋅B=0\nabla\cdot {\bf B}=0 constraint. We present results from three flat space tests, and examine the accretion of a fluid onto a Schwarzschild black hole, reproducing the Michel solution. The AMR simulations substantially improve performance while reproducing the resolution equivalent unigrid simulation results. Finally, we discuss strong scaling results for parallel unigrid and AMR runs.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figures, 3 table
