12 research outputs found

    Study of Abies somatic embryogenesis and its application

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    This paper provides results of somatic embryogenesis study in our laboratory. General description of somatic embryogenesis (SE) induction, maturation of somatic embryos and plantlets regeneration of the Abies species, followed by a comparisons of some characteristics of zygotic and somatic embryos, seedlings and emblings (somatic seedlings). Own results are supplemented with some literature data. Also aplication of SE for improving of plantlet regeneration of elite fir trees from Dobroč primeval is described as well as initiation of the SE from seeds of incompatible crossings of firs where zygotic embryos abort usually several weeks after pollinatio

    Passive defense in somatic embryos of Abies alba from two cell lines tested with Phaeolus schweinitzii

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    Differential inhibition in growth of fungus Phaeolus schweinitzii inoculum was testedwith somatic embryos of two cell lines of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) by the methodof dual cultures with pre-cultivation of somatic embryos andsubsequent removal. It was confirmedthat inhibitory substances from pre-cultivated somatic embryos L27 spreading to agar cultivation medium by simple diffusion cause greater inhibition of tester mycelial growth during subsequent co-cultivation compared to somatic embryos L122. Characteristics of embryogenic cell lines L27 and L122, from which somatic embryos were formed, are provided. Increased levels of peroxidase activity characterized the cell line L27. Natural non-induced constitutive defense of plant somatic embryos establishedby quantitatively measuredrestriction of growth in tester Phaeolus schweinitzii was discussed

    Growth characteristics and needle structure in some interspecific hybrids of Abies cephalonica Loud

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    The height growth dynamics of three interspecific crosses with Greek fir (Abies cephalonica Loud.) acting as mother and a control variant from self-pollination were followed throughout a period of 30 years. The hybrid combination A. cephalonica × A. nordmanniana exhibited enhanced growth relative to the selfed control at stage of 4-year old seedlings already, whereas the hybrid A. cephalonica × A. alba only at stage of 9-year old saplings. At age of 30, the heterotic growth persisted only in the latter, the hybrid A. cephalonica × A.nordmanniana was comparable in height growth parameters with a selfed control. The interspecific cross A. cephalonica × A. numidica was remarkable by its accelerated growth during early stages of the development. At age of 4 years it has surpassed in height growth both A. cephalonica × A. alba and control but has declined profoundly during subsequent stages of its development. A conspicuous feature of the hybrid needle anatomy were abundant resin canals and reduced size of some anatomical traits of its needles. In spite of variable growth potentials, all the three interspecific hybrids are recommended for planting in Slovakia, especially at densely polluted areas where domestic silver fir cannot withstand emission pressure

    Crossability relationships between noble, manchurian and causanian firs

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    We used artificial hybridization to study the crossability of the noble fir (Abies procera) with Manchurian fir (A. holophylla) and Caucasian fir (A. nordmanniana), and found compatibility between A. procera of North American origin and the Asian species A. holophylla as evidenced by the 14% fraction of filled seeds obtained in A. procera × A. holophylla crossing. Crossing of A. procera with the Mediterranean species A. nordmanniana failed completely, producing only empty seeds