23 research outputs found

    Proučavanje jezgre 168Er reakcijom (d, p)

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    The reaction 167Er(d,p)168Er was measured with 22 MeV deuterons at the angles 15◦ , 30◦ and 40◦ . Up to 2.8 MeV, a total of 78 levels were identified. Measured differential cross–sections are given. The results are compared with previous data, especially from the (n,γ) reaction.Izvršili smo mjerenja reakcije 167Er(d,p)168Er s deuteronima energije 22 MeV, na kutovima 15◦ , 30◦ i 40◦ . Do energije uzbude od 2.8 MeV našli smo 78 stanja. U radu se prikazuju izmjereni diferencijalni udarni presjeci. Rezultati se uspoređuju s ranijima, posebno onima iz mjerenja reakcije (n, γ)

    Nuklearna reakcija 103Rh(d,p)104Rh

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    The 103Rh(d, p)104Rh reaction was measured with 22 MeV deuterons up to 1.8 MeV excitation energy at laboratory angles of 20◦ , 30◦ and 50◦ . The best energy resolution was 3.6 keV. 91 energy levels were observed and the angular momentum transfer was determined.Nuklearna reakcija 103Rh(d,p)104Rh istraživana je pomoću deuterona energije 22 MeV do energije pobuđenja od 1.8 MeV pod kutovima od 20◦ , 30◦ i 50◦ . Najbolje energijsko razlučivanje iznosilo je 3.6 keV. Opažena je 91 energijska razina i određen je pripadni prijenos momenta impulsa

    Nuklearna reakcija 103Rh(d,p)104Rh

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    The 103Rh(d, p)104Rh reaction was measured with 22 MeV deuterons up to 1.8 MeV excitation energy at laboratory angles of 20◦ , 30◦ and 50◦ . The best energy resolution was 3.6 keV. 91 energy levels were observed and the angular momentum transfer was determined.Nuklearna reakcija 103Rh(d,p)104Rh istraživana je pomoću deuterona energije 22 MeV do energije pobuđenja od 1.8 MeV pod kutovima od 20◦ , 30◦ i 50◦ . Najbolje energijsko razlučivanje iznosilo je 3.6 keV. Opažena je 91 energijska razina i određen je pripadni prijenos momenta impulsa

    Nuklearna reakcija 164Dy(d, p) 165Dy

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    The 164Dy(d, p) 165Dy reaction was investigated with very high resolution. The spectra were recorded with two sets of measurements, with Ed = 14 MeV at the angle of 45◦ and Ed = 22 MeV at 35◦ . The intensity ratio of these measurements is a measure for the transfered angular momentum ∆l.Istraživana je nuklearna reakcija 164Dy(d, p) 165Dy s visokom rezolucijom. Preliminarni spektri dobiveni su za dva niza mjerenja, s Ed = 14 MeV pod kutom od 45◦ i s Ed = 22 MeV pod kutom od 35

    Nuklearna reakcija 164Dy(d, p) 165Dy

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    The 164Dy(d, p) 165Dy reaction was investigated with very high resolution. The spectra were recorded with two sets of measurements, with Ed = 14 MeV at the angle of 45◦ and Ed = 22 MeV at 35◦ . The intensity ratio of these measurements is a measure for the transfered angular momentum ∆l.Istraživana je nuklearna reakcija 164Dy(d, p) 165Dy s visokom rezolucijom. Preliminarni spektri dobiveni su za dva niza mjerenja, s Ed = 14 MeV pod kutom od 45◦ i s Ed = 22 MeV pod kutom od 35

    Information on the nuclear periphery from antiprotonic atoms

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    In the PS209 experiments at CERN two kinds of measurements were performed: the in-beam measurement of X-rays from antiprotonic atoms and the radiochemical, off-line determination of the yield of annihilation products with mass number At — 1 (less by 1 than the target mass). Both methods give observables which allows to study the peripheral matter density composition and distribution. A comparisons of the PS209 results with the theoretical and semiempirical predictions for neutron and proton densities and with the differences Arnp of the rms radii of neutrons and protons obtained in other experiments are also presented

    Reakcija 133Cs(d, 3He)132Xe

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    The 133Cs(d, 3He)132Xe reaction was measured at the Munich Q3D magnetic spectrograph with high resolution. The spectra were obtained at beam energies of Ed = 27 MeV and Ed = 28 MeV. The corresponding angles of the spectrograph were 30◦ and 50◦ , respectively. The achieved FWHM was between 7 keV and 10 keV and the energies of the levels could be determined with a precision between 0.5 keV and 1 keV.Pomoću Q3D magnetskog spektrografa istraživali smo reakciju 133Cs(d, 3He)132Xe pri visokom razlučivanju. Izmjereni su spektri za energiju upadnih deuterona od 27 i 28 MeV, na kutovima raspršenja 30◦ odnosno 50◦ . Postignuto je razlučivanje između 7 i 10 keV, a energije stanja u 132Xe su određene na točnost između 0.5 i 1 keV

    Spectroscopija 125Te (n,γ), (d,p) i (3He,α) reakcijama

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    Single γ-ray spectra and γγ-coincidences, following thermal neutron capture in 124Te, were measured with semiconductor detectors at the light-water reactor LWR - 15 at Řež. Intensities of g transitions in 125Te were normalized using the absolute intensity of 7.8% of the 6620 keV line in 36Cl. The high resolution (d,p) measurements were performed with 17 MeV deuterons, using the Q3D spectrograph at two scattering angles of 15° and 30°. Spectra were recorded in the range up to 3.3 MeV and calibrated using the proton peaks with l =1, and the corresponding level energies were determined in the thermal neutron capture reaction. The (3He,α) experiment was carried out with a 32 MeV He beam at the angle of 10°. The spectrum was recorded in one run by means of a large detector in a range up to approximately 4.7 MeV. The absolute intensities were determined by measuring the total beam current.Mjerili su se izravni γ- i sudesni γ-γ-spektri nakon uhvata termičkih neutrona u 124Te. Mjerenja (d,p) reakcija visokog razlučivanja na toj jezgri izvela su se s deuteronima 17 MeV na kutovima od 15° i 30° , pomoću Q3D spektrografa. Također se mjerio spektar u reakciji (3He,α) na 10° . Na osnovi tih mjerenja utvrđena su mnoga nova stanja 125Te na energijama uzbude do oko 4.5 MeV. Razlika grananja 403/443 keV iz izravnih i sudesnih γ-spektara ukazuje na jaku primjesu E2 u primarnom prijelazu od 6125 keV

    Spectroscopija 125Te (n,γ), (d,p) i (3He,α) reakcijama

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    Single γ-ray spectra and γγ-coincidences, following thermal neutron capture in 124Te, were measured with semiconductor detectors at the light-water reactor LWR - 15 at Řež. Intensities of g transitions in 125Te were normalized using the absolute intensity of 7.8% of the 6620 keV line in 36Cl. The high resolution (d,p) measurements were performed with 17 MeV deuterons, using the Q3D spectrograph at two scattering angles of 15° and 30°. Spectra were recorded in the range up to 3.3 MeV and calibrated using the proton peaks with l =1, and the corresponding level energies were determined in the thermal neutron capture reaction. The (3He,α) experiment was carried out with a 32 MeV He beam at the angle of 10°. The spectrum was recorded in one run by means of a large detector in a range up to approximately 4.7 MeV. The absolute intensities were determined by measuring the total beam current.Mjerili su se izravni γ- i sudesni γ-γ-spektri nakon uhvata termičkih neutrona u 124Te. Mjerenja (d,p) reakcija visokog razlučivanja na toj jezgri izvela su se s deuteronima 17 MeV na kutovima od 15° i 30° , pomoću Q3D spektrografa. Također se mjerio spektar u reakciji (3He,α) na 10° . Na osnovi tih mjerenja utvrđena su mnoga nova stanja 125Te na energijama uzbude do oko 4.5 MeV. Razlika grananja 403/443 keV iz izravnih i sudesnih γ-spektara ukazuje na jaku primjesu E2 u primarnom prijelazu od 6125 keV

    The nucleus ^198 Au investigated with neutron capture and transfer reactions. II. Construction of the level scheme and calculation of level densities

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    The level scheme of ^198 Au was constructed. Up to 1560 keV a total of 111 (d,p) and 125 (n,gamma) levels was included, frequently with spin and parity assignments. The results for level densities are calculated in interacting boson-fermion-fermion model (IBFFM) and Gaussian polynomial method (GPM) and are compared to the present data