61 research outputs found


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    Magnetodont je nastavno pomagalo za vizuelnu interpretaciju odstupanja u postavu zubi u transverzalnoj i sagitalnoj ravnini, sa mogućnoŔću komparacije sƤ pravilnim zubnim lukom. Pomagalo omogućava i izmjerivanje aberacija u metričkim jedinicama. Veličina idealnog zubnog luka bazirana je na Pontovom indeksu, a 1 mm u naravi predstavljen je kao 1 cm na pomagalu.Magnetodent is a teaching aid for visual interpretation of aberations in tooth position in transverse and sagittal planes, with the possibility of comparison v/ith the normal dental arch. The aid also enables \u27measuring the malposition of individual teeth and of the dental arch in metrical units. The measurements of the ideal upper dental arch are based on the Pont\u27s Index, one millimetre in nature represented by one centimetre on the device. Description: Two rubber tapes (11a) provided with two grooves are inserted in two U-type metal rods (10) held in parallel horizontal position by two vertical rods containing the supports. A tin panel (9) with traced in a normal dental arch and anatomic details relevant for the determination of the median line is placed in the back groove (11b). The teeth (1ā€”7) made of white plastic sheet 2 mm thick ā€” forms, drawings and measures analogous to the drawing in the tin panel ā€” with round magnetized sheets Ļ† 1 cm (8) glued to the back, are put m the wanted position over the tin panel. A sliding plexiglass sheet 3 mm thick (12a) devided into fields of 1 sq. cm. (12b) in the front groove (11d) is used for performing exact measurements of the aberations. When the change of the position of the teeth is required this sheet is slid to the right or to the left to enable the operation. Dimensions of the prototype: 56 cm x 50 cm. The same principle can be applied for the mandible changing the tin panel in the back groove (11b).Magnetodent ist em Lerhrbehelf fĆ¼r die visuelle Darstellung von Abweichungen in der Zahnstellung sowohl in der transversalen als auch in der sagitalen Ebene, wobei der Vergpleich mit einem regelmƤssigen Zahnbogen mƶglich ist.Das Hilfsmittel ermƶglicht auch die Messung der Ablenkung iim Metenm absein hei ten. Die Grƶsse des lidealen Zahnbogein\u27S wiiird auf den Pont Index bezogen ā€”ein mm am Lebenden entspricht einem cm am jaim Hilfsmittel

    Science and Its Ambience

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    U znanosti postoje različiti načini transfera rezultata istraživanja. Jedan od vrlo čestih, ako ne i najčeŔći, jest objavljivanje radova u međunarodno priznatim i indeksiranim časopisima i edicijama. Znanstveni dosezi citirani u edicijama koje izdaje ISI (CC i SCI) cilj su svakog znanstvenika. Za tim treba težiti, premda su i neke druge sekundarne, pa i tercijarne publikacije od značenja u protoku informacija.There are different ways o f transfering research findings. One o f the most often is the publication o f papers in internationally recognized and listed journals and registers. Scientific achievements cited by ISI (CC and SCI) are the aim o f every scientist. This is the optimum, but there are also some secondary and even terciary editions in the flow o f information, which have a significance

    Faktoren in den Unterrichstprogrammen welche auf eine bessere mitwirkung der Studenten einfluss haben

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    Koristeći se vlastitim nastavnim iskustvima, kao i opsežnim materijalima sa dviju evropskih konferencija (godine 1967: European Orthodontic Society Bern, godine 1968: W.H.O. ā€” Copenhagen), autor analizira faktore, koji utječu na bolju motivaciju studenata u nastavnom procesu. Između ostalog razrađuje: ulogu ličnosti nastavnika u koncepciji nastavnog plana i programa, interdisciplinarnu ravnotežu i njeno kronoloÅ”ko usklađivanje, osuvremenjivanje nastave, nastavnu literaturu, balaste kojima je nastava bremenita, ulogu znanstveno - istraživačkog rada na fakultetu, vrsti komunikacije u realizaciji nastavnog programa itd. Studija se prema miÅ”ljenju autora može primijeniti na jugoslavenske stomatoloÅ”ke edukativne centre kao cjelinu. Njen cilj je da pridonese boljem i neposrednijem sudjelovanju studenata u izvođenju nastave.On the basis of his personal teaching experiences and of the printed material from two European teaching conferences (EOS ā€” Bern, in 1967, and WHO ā€” Copenhagen, in 1968) the author analyses those factors which improve the motivation of students during the teaching process. He deals, inter alia, with the role of the teacher\u27s personality in the conception of the teaching programme and curriculum, and the interdisciplinary balance and its chronologic coordination. He discusses also the modernization of course contents and textbooks, the participation of students in the scientific and research work, the types of communications, etc. The paper can be applied to the existing conditions at all Yugoslav dental faculties. Its objective is to realize a more thorough and direct participation of students in the process of study.An Hand von eigenen Erfahrungen im Unterricht und auf Grund von Materialien zweier europƤischen Konferenzen (European Orthodontie Society, Bern, 1967, und W.H.O., Copenhagen, 1968) analysiert der Autor Faktoren welche eine bessere Beteiligung der Studenten am Unterricht bedingen. Unter anderem wurde bearbeitet; die Bedeutung der Persƶnlichkeit der LehrkrƤfte in der Ausarbeitung des Lehrplans und -programms, das gegenseitige Gleichgewicht der LehrgegenstƤnde und ihre chronologische Reihenfolge, die Aktualisierung der Ausbildung, die Lehr-Literatur, Ballaste welche den Unterricht erschweren, die Rolle der wissenschaftlichen Forschung an der FakultƤt, die Arten der Kommunikation in der Verwicklichung der Programme u.s.w. Die Studie hat die bestehende Lage im Auge, welche, nach Ansicht des Autors, auf die jugoslawischen stomatologischen Edukationszentren angewendet werden kann. Ihr Zweck ist es eine bessere und unmittelbare Beteiligung der Studenten in der Ausbildung zu forden

    Kontinuirana edukacija stomatologa ā€” koncepcija i realizacija

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    [Funktionelle Therapie von Robin bis heute]

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    Motiv koji je ponukao autora na prikaz funkcionalne ortodontske terapije od njenog uvođenja do danaÅ”njih protagonista proizlazi iz oprečnih publicističkih prikaza koji prate svaku novu konstrukciju i njenog zagovornika. Divergentni stavovi osim svoje pozitivne strane unose katkad i određenu zabunu, te su često povodom dezorijentacije mlađih stručnjaka. IzdvojivÅ”i one autore koji su novim napravama ili njihovim modifikacijama doprinijeli savremenim funkcionalnim koncepcijama, pisac daje vlastiti kritički komentar.The author was motivated to survey functional orthodontic therapy from the time of its introduction to that of its current protagonists by the contradictory publications accompanying every new construction and its advocate.Though having their positive aspects these divergent standpoints may sometimes cause a certain confusion and are a frequent reason for the disorientation of the inexperienced dental surgeon. In discussing particularly the authors who have contributed to modern functional conceptions by their new appliances or modifications thereof the author proffers his critical comment.Das Motiv welches den Autor zur Darlegung der funktionellen ortodonthischen Therapie seit ihrer EinfĆ¼hrung bis zu den heutigen Protagonisten bewegte, geht aus den widersprechenden publizistischen Darstellungen hervor, welche jede neue Konstruktion und ihren FĆ¼rsprecher begleiten. Die divergenten Einstellungen tragen manchmal, ausser ihren positiven Beitrag, auch gewisse Verwirrungen ein und geben ƶfters Anlass zur Desorientierung jĆ¼ngerer Fachleute. Der Autor scheidet jene Autoren aus, welche durch neue Vorrichtungen oder ihren Modifikationen zu den modernen funktioneilen Konzeptionen beigetragen haben, und gibt sein eigenes kritisches Komentar ab

    Vijesti iz Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije

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    Gnatometrie oder kefalometrie

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    Razmatranju su podvrgnute gnatometrijske analize na sadrenim odljevima i kefalometrijske analize na LL rendgenogramu. Iznoseći određene dijagnostičke dileme na tom području, autor upućuje kako cla se one svedu na nužni minimum.Gnathometric analyses on plaster casts and cephalometric analyses on LL roentgenograms are discussed. Suggestions are given for the reduction of the diagnostic dilemma existing in this field to the smallest extent possible.Gnatometrische Analysen auf Gipsmodellen und kefalometrische Analysen auf LLRƶntgenogrammen wurden verglichen. Die Autoren weisen darauf hin wie man gewisse diagnostische Schwierigkeiten, die sich auf diesem Gebiet ergeben, auf das nƶtige Minimum reduzieren kann

    Prof. dr. Rudolf P. Hotz 1905-1979.

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