18 research outputs found

    Feeding rate and frequency on juvenile pompano growth

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a taxa e a frequência alimentar ideal para juvenis de pampo (Trachinotus marginatus). Foram conduzidos dois experimentos, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições cada um. No experimento I, 25 peixes (4,8±0,6 g e 6,48±0,01 cm) foram estocados em 15 tanques (50 L) durante 21 dias e alimentados com 4, 8, 12, 16 e 20% da biomassa total por dia. No experimento II, 20 peixes (4,1±0,1 g e 6,6±0,1 cm) foram estocados em 15 tanques (40 L) durante 28 dias e alimentados 2, 6, 8 e 10 vezes por dia. As taxas e as frequências alimentares testadas não influenciaram a sobrevivência. O peso e o comprimento finais no experimento I foram significativamente menores nos peixes alimentados com 4% da biomassa total por dia, enquanto, no experimento II, somente o peso foi significativamente menor nos peixes alimentados 2 e 6 vezes por dia. Ao final dos dois experimentos, a conversão alimentar aparente apresentou diferença significativa, com pior valor observado nos peixes alimentados com 20% da biomassa total por dia, no experimento I, e 2 vezes por dia no experimento II. Juvenis de pampo apresentam melhor desempenho de crescimento quando alimentados com 8% da biomassa total por dia e oito vezes por dia.The objective of this work was to evaluate the ideal feeding rate and frequency for juvenile pompano (Trachinotus marginatus). Two experiments were carried out in a completely randomized design, with three replicates each. In experiment I, 25 fish (4.8±0.6 g and 6.48±0.01 cm) were stocked in 15 tanks (50 L) during 21 days and fed 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20% body weight per day. In experiment II, 20 fish (4.1±0.1 g and 6.6±0.1 cm) were stocked in 15 tanks (40 L) during 28 days and fed 2, 6, 8, and 10 times a day. The tested feeding rates and frequencies did not influence survival. Final weight and length in experiment I were significantly lower in fish fed 4% body weight per day, whereas in experiment II only weight was significantly lower in fish fed 2 and 6 times a day. At the end of both experiments, apparent feed conversion showed significant difference, with the worst value observed for fish fed 20% body weight per day in experiment I and 2 times a day in experiment II. Juvenile pompano show better growth performance when fed 8% body weight per day and 8 times a day

    Efeito da taxa arraçoamento e da freqüência alimentar no crescimento de juvenis do pampo Trachinotus marginatus

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    Dissertação(mestrado)-Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Aqüicultura, Instituto de Oceanografia, 2008.A família Carangidae engloba uma série de peixes economicamente importantes, abundantes em águas tropicais e sub-tropicais. O pampo Trachinotus marginatus apresenta fácil adaptação a sistemas intensivos de criação, comprovado pela rápida aceitação de dieta artificiais. Entretanto, para determinar a viabilidade do cultivo de uma espécie é necessário o conhecimento dos fatores limitantes para sua produção. A taxa de arraçoamento e a freqüência alimentar apropriada são importantes para o correto manejo alimentar de uma espécie cultivada. O conhecimento da “Specific dynamic action” (SDA) também é importante e pode auxiliar na determinação da capacidade suporte do sistema de produção. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer a taxa ótima de arraçoamento, a freqüência alimentar adequada e estudar a taxa de consumo de oxigênio pós-prandial para juvenis do pampo. Os experimentos foram realizados com juvenis (4,8±0,6g) coletados na natureza e aclimatados ao laboratório. Foram testadas diferentes taxas de arraçoamento (4, 8, 12, 16 e 20% da biomassa total por dia) e freqüência alimentar (2, 4, 6, 8 e 10 vezes por dia). O consumo de oxigênio foi avaliado com peixes alimentados com 12% da biomassa por dia. É sugerido o uso de uma taxa de arraçoamento de 8% da biomassa por dia e a freqüência alimentar de 6 a 8x/dia para juvenis de pampo, de modo a otimizar o crescimento e a taxa de conversão alimentar aparente. Foi observado um pico de consumo de oxigênio aos 30 min após a alimentação e decorridos 150 min da alimentação, o consumo de oxigênio retornou ao nível basal.Carangidae fish are economically important fish, abundant in tropical and subtropical environments. Pompano Trachinotus marginatus easily adapts to captivity, since wild caught fish accept dry diets soon after being captured. However, in order to determine the viability of a new species for aquaculture, it is important to know the limiting factors for its production. Daily ration and feeding frequency are important parameters to control regarding feeding management for juvenile rearing. Specific dynamic action is also important and can help to determine carrying capacity of a given rearing system. The objective of this work was to determine optimum daily ration and feeding frequency, and to study post-pandrial oxygen consumption. Wild caught juvenile pompano (4.8±0.6g) captured in the surf zone at Cassino beach (Brazil). Two independent feeding trials were carried in laboratory. In trial I pompano were fed 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20% total biomass daily (% B.D-1). In trial II, juveniles were fed 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 times per day. The postprandial metabolic changes were measured with juvenile pompano fed 12%B.D-1. The best feeding ration was 8% B.D-1, while optimum feeding frequency was between 6 and 8 meals per day to maximize growth and feed conversion rate. Postprandial increase in oxygen consumption was observed 30 min after feeding and after 150 min it decreased to the standard metabolic rate

    Effects of salinity on growth of juvenile mullet Mugil platanus

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    Assuming the energetic cost of osmoregulation is minimized in an isosmotic medium, the energy spared could support a higher growth rate of fish. The isosmotic point of juvenile mullet Mugil platanus was estimated at 414 mOsmol/Kg H2O, which corresponds to salinity 12‰.The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of salinity on the performance of juvenile mullet reared at different salinities. Four hundred and eighty fish (0.48±0.01g and 3.27±0.01cm) were randomly distributed into 16 tanks (50L). These tanks were connected to four recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) equipped with UV sterilization, mechanical and biological filtration and temperature controllers. Each RAS was maintained at salinities 0, 6, 12, and 24, equivalent to 0, 50, 100 and 200% of the isosmotic point of M. platanus. During the experimental period (40 days), fish were maintained at 28.2 ± 0.1°C and oxygen saturation was always above 90%. Fish were fed 4 times per day on NRD INVE (50% protein) until apparent satiation. Results were analyzed by analysis of variance (One-Way) followed by Test of Tukey. All analyses were performed with significance level of p<0.05 and were conducted using the software Statistic 6.0. Salinity did not influence survival of juvenile mullet (p>0.05), nor influenced feed efficiency. However, final weight and specific growth rate were significantly affected at different salinities (p<0.05). Overall survival was above 90% and feed efficiency was y. Fish reared at salinities 12 and 24 grew faster than those reared at lower salinities (Figure 1 and 2) Results indicated that salinity plays an important role in juvenile mullet growth and that final weight and SGR were maximized when they were reared at salinity equivalent to, or higher, than the isosmotic point

    Dietary salt supplementation for juvenile mullet Mugil platanus reared in freshwater

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    Dietary salt supplementation for seawater/euryhaline fish reared in low salinities and/or freshwater might spare energy expenditure for osmoregulation allowing more energy for growth. Growth of mullet Mugil platanus is hampered in hypoosmotic environments, thus the objective of this study was to evaluated the effect of dietary salt supplementation on their performance when reared in freshwater. Two hundred and forty fish (4.50 ± 0.07g e 7.41 ± 0.03cm) were randomly distributed into 16 tanks (50L). These tanks were connected to a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) equipped with UV sterilization, mechanical and biological filtration and temperature controller. A commercial diet (32%CP and 1.5% NaCl) was grinded to powder, supplemental salt was added, and cellulose was used to compensate for the extra salt. Fish were fed 3 times per day on diets supplemented with 0, 3, 6, and 9% NaCl. During the experiment, fish were maintained at temperature of 27 ± 0.1°C, oxygen saturation above 89%, 78.56 ± 1.09, 7.92 ± 0.02 and photoperiod 14C:10E. Fish were fed three times per day until apparent satiation. Biometry was made every 15 days. The data (average ± SE) were analyzed by analysis of variance (One-Way) (ANOVA) followed by Test of Tukey. All analyses were performed with significance level of p<0.05 and were conducted using the software statistic 6.0. Dietary salt supplementation did not affect survival of juvenile mullet, survival was above 90% in all tanks. Feed efficiency was not influenced by the experimental diets either, it averaged 0.31 ± 0.01 (p>0.05). However, final weight of juvenile mullet fed NaCl-enriched diets (6 and 9%) was significantly smaller than fish fed control or NaCl-enriched (3%) diets (p<0.05) (Figure 1). Considering the specific growth rate, juvenile mullet fed NaCl-enriched diet (9%) showed the poorest performance when compared to fish fed any other diet (Figure 2). Results indicated that diets supplemented with NaCl are not beneficial to juvenile mullet. Furthermore, excess salt (6% and 9% NaCl) are harmfull and compromise their growt

    Consumo de oxigênio pós-prandial de juvenis do pampo Trachinotus marginatus Postprandial oxygen consumption of juvenile pompano Trachinotus marginatus

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    Para determinar a viabilidade do cultivo de uma espécie, é importante o conhecimento dos fatores limitantes para sua produção. Conhecer a taxa de consumo de oxigênio pós-prandial pode auxiliar na determinação da freqüência alimentar ideal para as espécies cultivadas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a taxa de consumo de oxigênio pós-prandial para juvenis do pampo Trachinotus marginatus. A avaliação do consumo de oxigênio foi feita a 24°C e 33&#137;, com pampos (9,64±0,2g) alimentados com 12% da biomassa por dia com dieta NRD INVE (59% proteína). Foi observado um pico de consumo de oxigênio 30min após a alimentação (1,06mgO2 g-1 h-1) e seu retorno ao nível de jejum (0,79mgO2 g-1 h-1) depois de decorridos mais 120min. A alimentação de juvenis de pampo pode ser realizada com uma freqüência de aproximadamente oito vezes por dia, pois a cada 2,5h a taxa de consumo de oxigênio já não mostra a elevação característica da fase pós-prandial, sugerindo que os processos de digestão e assimilação dos nutrientes estejam finalizados.<br>In order to determine the viability of new species for aquaculture, it is important to know the limiting factors for its production. The knowledge about postprandial oxygen consumption of fish is useful to estimate the time for returning to appetite and allows to estimate the proper feeding frequency. The objective of this research was to study the postprandial oxygen consumption of juvenile pompano Trachinotus marginatus. Oxygen consumption rate was determined at 24°C and 33&#137; and fish (9.64±0.2g) were fed daily with 12% total of biomass NRD INVE diet (59% protein). Postprandial increase in oxygen consumption was observed 30min after feeding (1.06mgO2 g-1 h-1), and it returned to the routine metabolic rate (0.79mgO2 g-1 h-1) within the next 120min. According to these results, it seems appropriated to feed juvenile pompano 8 times per day, because every 2.5h the oxygen consumption rate declines to the unfed level, suggesting that the process of digestion and assimilation have already finished

    Consumo de oxigênio pós-prandial de juvenis do pampo Trachinotus marginatus

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    Para determinar a viabilidade do cultivo de uma espécie, é importante o conhecimento dos fatores limitantes para sua produção. Conhecer a taxa de consumo de oxigênio pós-prandial pode auxiliar na determinação da freqüência alimentar ideal para as espécies cultivadas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a taxa de consumo de oxigênio pós-prandial para juvenis do pampo Trachinotus marginatus. A avaliação do consumo de oxigênio foi feita a 24°C e 33‰, com pampos(9,64±0,2g) alimentados com 12% da biomassa por dia com dieta NRD INVE (59% proteína). Foi observado um pico de consumo de oxigênio 30min após a alimentação (1,06mgO2 g-1 h-1) e seu retorno ao nível de jejum (0,79mgO2 g-1 h-1) depois de decorridos mais 120min. A alimentação de juvenis de pampo pode ser realizada com uma freqüência de aproximadamente oito vezes por dia, pois a cada 2,5h a taxa de consumo de oxigênio já não mostra a elevação característica da fase pósprandial, sugerindo que os processos de digestão e assimilação dos nutrientes estejam finalizados.In order to determine the viability of new species for aquaculture, it is important to know the limiting factors for its production. The knowledge about postprandial oxygen consumption of fish is useful to estimate the time for returning to appetite and allows to estimate the proper feeding frequency. The objective of this research was to study the postprandial oxygen consumption of juvenile pompano Trachinotus marginatus. Oxygen consumption rate was determined at 24°C and 33‰ and fish (9.64±0.2g) were fed daily with 12% total of biomass NRD INVE diet (59% protein). Postprandial increase in oxygen consumption was observed 30min after feeding (1.06mgO2 g-1 h-1), and it returned to the routine metabolic rate (0.79mgO2 g-1 h-1) within the next 120min. According to these results, it seems appropriated to feed juvenile pompano 8 times per day, because every 2.5h the oxygen consumption rate declines to the unfed level, suggesting that the process of digestion and assimilation have already finished

    Feeding rate and frequency on growth of juvenile pompano

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the ideal feeding rate and frequency for juvenile pompano (Trachinotus marginatus). Two experiments were carried out in a completely randomized design, with three replicates each. In experiment I, 25 fish (4.8±0.6 g and 6.48±0.01 cm) were stocked in 15 tanks (50 L) during 21 days and fed 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20% body weight per day. In experiment II, 20 fish (4.1±0.1 g and 6.6±0.1 cm) were stocked in 15 tanks (40 L) during 28 days and fed 2, 6, 8, and 10 times a day. The tested feeding rates and frequencies did not influence survival. Final weight and length in experiment I were significantly lower in fish fed 4% body weight per day, whereas in experiment II only weight was significantly lower in fish fed 2 and 6 times a day. At the end of both experiments, apparent feed conversion showed significant difference, with the worst value observed for fish fed 20% body weight per day in experiment I and 2 times a day in experiment II. Juvenile pompano show better growth performance when fed 8% body weight per day and 8 times a day.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a taxa e a frequência alimentar ideal para juvenis de pampo (Trachinotus marginatus). Foram conduzidos dois experimentos, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições cada um. No experimento I, 25 peixes (4,8±0,6 g e 6,48±0,01 cm) foram estocados em 15 tanques (50 L) durante 21 dias e alimentados com 4, 8, 12, 16 e 20% da biomassa total por dia. No experimento II, 20 peixes (4,1±0,1 g e 6,6±0,1 cm) foram estocados em 15 tanques (40 L) durante 28 dias e alimentados 2, 6, 8 e 10 vezes por dia. As taxas e as frequências alimentares testadas não influenciaram a sobrevivência. O peso e o comprimento finais no experimento I foram significativamente menores nos peixes alimentados com 4% da biomassa total por dia, enquanto, no experimento II, somente o peso foi significativamente menor nos peixes alimentados 2 e 6 vezes por dia. Ao final dos dois experimentos, a conversão alimentar aparente apresentou diferença significativa, com pior valor observado nos peixes alimentados com 20% da biomassa total por dia, no experimento I, e 2 vezes por dia no experimento II. Juvenis de pampo apresentam melhor desempenho de crescimento quando alimentados com 8% da biomassa total por dia e oito vezes por dia

    Effect of salinity on survival, growth and biochemical parameters in juvenile Lebranch mullet Mugil liza (Perciformes: Mugilidae)

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    Teleost fish growth may be improved under isosmotic condition. Growth and metabolic performance of juvenile Mugil liza (isosmotic point: 12‰) were evaluated after 40 days in different salinities (0, 6, 12 and 24‰). Tests were performed in quadruplicate (30 fish/tank; 0.48 ± 0.1 g body weight; 3.27 ± 0.1 cm total length) under controlled water temperature (28.2 ± 0.1ºC) and oxygen content (>90% saturation). Fish were fed on artificial diet (50% crude protein) four times a day until apparent satiation. Results showed that salinity influenced juvenile mullet growth. Fish reared at salinity 24‰ grew better than those maintained in freshwater (salinity 0‰). Gill Na+,K+-ATPase activity and whole body oxygen consumption showed an U-shape-type response over the range of salinities tested, with the lower values being observed at the intermediate salinities. Although no significant difference was observed in liver glycogen content at different salinities, it tended to augment with increasing salinity. These findings indicate that energy demand for osmorregulation in juvenile M. liza can be minimized under isosmotic condition. However, the amount of energy spared is not enough to improve fish growth. Results also suggest that M. liza is able to alternate between different energy-rich substrates during acclimation to environmental salinityO crescimento de peixes teleósteos pode ser melhorado em condição isosmótica. O crescimento e o desempenho metabólico de juvenis da tainha Mugil liza (ponto isosmótico: salinidade de 12‰) foram avaliados após 40 dias de cultivo em diferentes salinidades (0, 6, 12 e 24‰). Os testes foram realizados em 4 réplicas (30 peixes/tanque; 0,48 ± 0,1 g de peso corporal; 3,27 ± 0,1 cm de comprimento total) em condições controladas de temperatura (28,2 ± 0,1ºC) e conteúdo de oxigênio (>90% saturação). Os peixes foram alimentados quatro vezes ao dia com dieta artificial (50% de proteína bruta) até a saciedade aparente. Os resultados mostraram que a salinidade influenciou o crescimento dos juvenis da tainha. Os peixes cultivados na salinidade 24‰ cresceram melhor que aqueles mantidos na água doce (salinidade 0‰). A atividade da Na+,K+-ATPase branquial e o consumo corporal de oxigênio mostraram uma resposta do tipo em forma de U, na faixa de salinidade testada, com os menores valores sendo observados nas salinidades intermediárias. Apesar de não ter sido observada diferença significativa no conteúdo de glicogênio entre os peixes mantidos nas diferentes salinidades, este parâmetro tendeu a aumentar com o incremento da salinidade. Estes achados indicam que a demanda energética para osmorregulação em juvenis de M. liza podem ser minimizados em condição isosmótica. Entretanto, a quantidade de energia poupada não é suficiente para melhorar o crescimento. Os resultados também sugerem que M. liza é capaz de alternar entre diferentes substratos ricos em energia durante a aclimatação à salinidade da águ

    NEOTROPICAL CARNIVORES: a data set on carnivore distribution in the Neotropics

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    Mammalian carnivores are considered a key group in maintaining ecological health and can indicate potential ecological integrity in landscapes where they occur. Carnivores also hold high conservation value and their habitat requirements can guide management and conservation plans. The order Carnivora has 84 species from 8 families in the Neotropical region: Canidae; Felidae; Mephitidae; Mustelidae; Otariidae; Phocidae; Procyonidae; and Ursidae. Herein, we include published and unpublished data on native terrestrial Neotropical carnivores (Canidae; Felidae; Mephitidae; Mustelidae; Procyonidae; and Ursidae). NEOTROPICAL CARNIVORES is a publicly available data set that includes 99,605 data entries from 35,511 unique georeferenced coordinates. Detection/non-detection and quantitative data were obtained from 1818 to 2018 by researchers, governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations, and private consultants. Data were collected using several methods including camera trapping, museum collections, roadkill, line transect, and opportunistic records. Literature (peer-reviewed and grey literature) from Portuguese, Spanish and English were incorporated in this compilation. Most of the data set consists of detection data entries (n = 79,343; 79.7%) but also includes non-detection data (n = 20,262; 20.3%). Of those, 43.3% also include count data (n = 43,151). The information available in NEOTROPICAL CARNIVORES will contribute to macroecological, ecological, and conservation questions in multiple spatio-temporal perspectives. As carnivores play key roles in trophic interactions, a better understanding of their distribution and habitat requirements are essential to establish conservation management plans and safeguard the future ecological health of Neotropical ecosystems. Our data paper, combined with other large-scale data sets, has great potential to clarify species distribution and related ecological processes within the Neotropics. There are no copyright restrictions and no restriction for using data from this data paper, as long as the data paper is cited as the source of the information used. We also request that users inform us of how they intend to use the data