449 research outputs found

    Food utilization and surfacing activity of Channa striatus fry in relation to quality of food

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    Effects of food items (mosquito larva; pupa, ehironomous larva and chopped pieces of the fish Lepidocephalichthyes thermalis) on food utilization and surfacing activity of Channa Striatus fry were studied. Test individuals fed on live food organisms surfaced 94- 117% more frequent ly, consumed 23- 119% more ralions/day and, on an average, converted 33% more than those fed on pieces of Lepidocephalichthyes thermalis. Regardless of the quality of food, Channa striatus surfaced about 60 times/h before each meal and the frequency increased to 130 timesfh 3- 6 h after the meal was offered and returned to the prefeeding level 18- 21 h after the meal

    Gill net fishery off Veraval during 1982-1990

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    The fishery resources off Veraval are exploited intensively mainly by two gears, viz., trawl and gill nets. The gill net fishery has undergone changes by way of introduction of many out-board motorised canoes. Two types of crafts, wooden and FRP dugout canoes (with out-board engine) and plankbuilt boats are used for gill net fishing. Effort has remained almost constant during the 9 years. Fishes belonging to 10 groups formed about 98% of the gill net fishery

    Fishery - Related Mortality of Sea Turtles in India: An Overview

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    Coastal communities have exploited sea turtles for centuries. In the 1950s, organised fisheries were developed to capture turtles in many parts of the world; sea turtles were considered an important exploitable fishery resource due to their high commercial value. Turtle meat and eggs were seell as a basic protein source for coastal populations. In India, Jacob (1973) highlighted the potential of sea turtle resources. Organised trade in turtle products existed prior to the eighties (Dattatri 1984, Rajagopalan 1984, 2000). It is estimated that 50,000-80,000 adult olive ridleys were captured off the Gahirmatha coast every nesting season up to 1981-82 (Das 1985). In September 1977. the five species of sea turtles that occur in Indian waters were included in Schedule I of the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. As a consequence of the implementation of regulatory measures, organised capture and trade decreased, though illegal trade persisted till the mid-1980s. While the threat from targeted capture and trade decreased, incidental capture of sea turtles in gear operated for other species of fish and shellfish has become more significant over the years. The interaction of sea turtles with fisheries has become an area of critical importance in many parts of the world (Gerosa and Casale 1999, Vivekanandan 2002). In India tOO, incidental capture in gill nets and trawls has become a serious threat to sea turtle populations (Rajagopalan et a11996, 2001, Pandav and Choudhury 1999, Wright and Mohanty 2002). Due to an increase in the number of fishing units, and also improvement in technology, incidental bycatch has increased in recent years to the extent that it is the most significant cause of sea turtle mortality in Indian waters


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    Objective: The main objective was to study the prevalence of diabetes and to create the awareness of the diseases among the peoples who visited and admitted in tertiary care hospital at Chennai. Methods: This study was carried out at Sir Ivan Stedford Hospital in Chennai. The data were collected from the outpatient department of diabetology. In our study, 150 diabetes mellitus (DM) patients were selected, which include visited or admitted in the hospitals. The pilot study used to observe DM patient for 3 months and the outcome was recorded. As per the standard guidelines, patient data collection form was prepared and got approval from diabetologist for collected patient data and pharmaceutical care issues. Results: A total of 150 cases were collected for this study. The epidemiological evaluation study has expresses that female patients were more when compared to male patients. The survey results indicate that 62 numbers are literate people and 88 of them are illiterate. As per the survey, the results indicate that the diet followers are 92 and non-followers are 58. The findings show that in patients doing exercise are more when compared to non-exerciser. The alcohol consumers show 42 of DM patients. The survey results show that 42 peoples are alcohol consumers and 46 peoples are smokers. Conclusion: The survey on epidemiological study on diabetes patients demonstrated the prevalence of DM and the patientтАЩs adherence to diabetic care. In our study, we guided patients based on their diet and exercise through counseling. As a pharmacist, we render our services to patients


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    Objective: The objective of this research is to design and evaluate a colon specific drug delivery of budenoside using guar gum as enzyme dependent polymer.Methods: Matrix tablets of Budenoside were prepared by using wet granulation technique with different proportions of guar gum and evaluated for different evaluation tests and release profiles.Results: The formulations were studied for post compression parameters like hardness, friability, weight variation and drug content are in acceptable range of pharmacopoeial specifications. In vitro swelling and Invitro release studies was carried out at different pH ranges (1.2, 6.8 and 7.4). The release profile of budenoside from the matrix tablets is dependent upon the gelling property of guar gum and degradation of guar gum polysaccharide by colonic bacteria. High concentration of guar gum showed less drug release in the stomach as an enzyme dependent polymer. In vitro release data revealed that the presence of rat caecal content in dissolution medium showed the significant increase in drug release (97.12%), when compared to drug release study in absence of caecal content (76.86).Conclusion: The results were subjected to study the release kinetics. The values of correlation coefficient indicated that the drug release followed Zero order drug release kinetics with Peppas drug release mechanism. In vitro drug release studies shows that guar gum with high concentration (25%) has optimum release in a controlled manner for 24 hours.├В


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    Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the in vitro xanthine oxidase (XO) inhibiting activity of the methanolic leaf extract of the Rhusmysorensis.Methods: Uric acid is synthesized in the presence of XO which is an essential enzyme. Various concentrations of the leaf extract were taken. XO inhibiting activity was spectrophotometrically assayed. By increasing absorbance at 295 nm, the degree of enzyme spontaneity was determined.Results: Inhibition concentration 50 (IC50) of the methanolic extract of R. mysorensis leaves was 45.24├В┬▒0.34 ├О┬╝g/ml, compared with IC50 value of the standard allopurinol of 7.8├В┬▒1.28 ├О┬╝g/ml.Conclusion: Methanol extract of R. mysorensis can be used to treat hyperuricemia and gout after proper preclinical and clinical studies

    Some recent observations on small-scale fishery In the vicinity of Madras

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    Madras zone is one of the important fishing centres on the east coast of India. To understand the fish landings from different gears in Madras, three landing centres, viz., Kasimedu, Triplicane and Nochikuppam were selected. Kasimedu is about 8 km north of Triplicane and Nochikuppam is about 2 km south of Triplicane. The major catch components from the demersal trawls of this area arc silver bellies, threadfin breams, sciaenids, lizardfish, prawns, squids and cuttlefish. These groups are landed in a meagre quantity by the traditional gears, thus maintaining compatability between mechanised and non-mechanised gears in the exploitation of fishery resources off Madras

    Status of fisheries of Lakshadweep

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    The Union Territory of Lakshadweep (08 00'N and 12 30'N latitudes and 71 00'E and 74 00'E longitudes), consisting of eleven inhabited and 25 uninhabited islands, is scattered in the Arabian Sea at about 200- 400 km from the Malabar Coast.Lakshadweep sea is rich in fishery resources such as the tunas, billfishes Mar. Fish. Infor. Serv., T&E Ser., No. 187, 2006 2 pelagic sharks etc., and the other groups of food fishes, live baits and ornamental fishes.The estimated marine fishery resources potential in the Lakshadweep waters are about 63,000 to 1,40,000 tonnes of various groups of fish, whereas the present annual production is around 10,000 t (10% of the potential)

    Recent Trends in Sea Surface Temperature and its Impact on Oil Sardine

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    The oil sardine is a coastal, pelagic schooling fish, forming massive fisheries in India. It has high population to doubling time of less than 15 months and is probably the largest stock in the Indian Ocean (www.fishbase.org). Like many other small pelagics, the oil sardine also has shown pbpulation crashes and sudden recoveries in the past. It is a tropical fish, governed by the vagaries of ocean climatic conditions. It is known for its restricted distribution in the Malabar upwelling region along the southwest coast. It attains a maximum total length of about 22 cm and plays a crucial role in the ecosystem as a plankton feeder and as food for large predators. The annual average production is 3.8 lakh tones (15% of all India total catch) valued at about Rs 350 crores. It is a cheap source of protein and forms a staple, sustenance and nutritional food for millions of coastal people

    Ornamental shrimps collected from Kovalam, Chennai coast

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    During routine fishing operations with the hooks and line by catamarans off the Kovalam coast, fishermen lookout for floating debris, particularly drifting woods and planks from river drainages during floods, as these floating objects are associated with large fish shoals of carangids, rainbow runners, tunas and breams. These objects normally have algal growth, Lepas colonies, barnacles, sponges, ascidian colonies, sea spiders, amphipods and several other associated fauna
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