17 research outputs found

    Environmental design, building reclamation and slow tourism for a sustainable development

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    [EN] With the project Valore Paese - Cammini e Percorsi, addressed to the buildings located along the historical-religious itineraries and cycle paths, Italy aims to reclaim the abandoned buildings through the slow tourism development, motivated by cultural and sporting interests. The project, included in the Strategic Plan of Tourism and the Special Plan of Tourism Mobility, involves private operators, companies, cooperatives, associations and start-ups composed mainly of young people under 40, who will have the task of re-using the constructions in question. A study on Slow mobility has been developed (in the BikeFlu research, of the G. D'Annunzio University Architecture Department for the Abruzzi Region) for using the Abruzzi landscapes - coast, hill, foothill and mountain – through the reclamation of abandoned buildings (for centres and cycle-workshops, services, refreshment points, cyclehotels, museums and workshops) for a tourism directly linked to the slow mobility and the territory enhancement. A redevelopment of pre-existing facilities is proposed aimed at providing all the comforts to make the cycle paths attractive and practicable, for a wide range of users (children, young people, adults, agonists, beginners, etc.). The redevelopment proposals include works aimed at securing and preserving buildings and transforming works through addition and grafting to promote sustainable development processes for a useful and appropriate reuse of abandoned resources. The transformative logic is based on the will to ensure the sustainability of design choices and the enhancement of local resources, above all through the control of safety performance, environmental protection, well-being, usability, management, integration and architectural quality of building systems.Radogna, D.; Viskovic, A. (2018). Environmental design, building reclamation and slow tourism for a sustainable development. VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability. 3(2):55-64. doi:10.4995/vitruvio-ijats.2018.11019SWORD556432Di Battista, V. (2006) Ambiente costruito. Un secondo paradigma. Alinea, Firenze.Forlani M.C., Radogna D., Viskovic A. (2014) Opere di "innesto" lignee per il rinforzo strutturale e la riqualificazione funzionale degli involucri murari. In Villegas L., Yuste J., Diez J. (ed.), Patología del la construcción, tecnología de la rehabilitación y gestión del patrimonio. Mundial Rehabend 2014 Proceedings, Santander, Spain. Grafica Igunas S.A., ISBN: 9788461688623, pp. 1600-1607.Forlani M.C., (2010) Cultura Tecnologica e progetto sostenibile. Idee e proposte ecosostenibili per i territori del sisma aquilano, Alinea, Firenze.Forlani M.C., (2009), L'Università per il terremoto. Castelnuovo e l'altopiano di Navelli. Alinea, Firenze.Pinto M. R., (2004) Il riuso edilizio. Procedure metodi ed esperienze. UTET, Torino.Forlani M. C., Radogna D., Viskovic A., (2012) Wooden framed structures for masonry buildings retrofitting. A pilot project in Caporciano. In Jasienko, J. (2012), Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, Wiadomosci Konserwatorskie. SAHC 2012 Proceedings, Wroclaw, Poland. Dolnoslaskie Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne (DWE), ISBN: 9788371252167, ISSN:0860-2395, pp. 2650-2657.Radogna D. (2013) Trasformazioni dell'ambiente costruito. Riflessioni ed esperienze per un recupero sostenibile dell'esistente. Edicom, Monfalcone (Go).Gangemi, V. (2004). Riciclare in architettura. Scenari innovativi della cultura del progetto. Clean, Napoli.Radogna D. (2008) Kalhofoer & Korschildgen Flessibilità ed esigenze d'uso. Soluzioni progettuali per un quadro prestazionale. Sala editori, Pescara.Gaspari J. (2012) Trasformare l'involucro: la strategia dell'addizione nel progetto di recupero. Tecnologie per la riqualificazione sostenibile del costruito. Edicom, Monfalcone (Go).Imperadori M. (2001) Costruire sul costruito. Tecnologie leggere nel recupero edilizio. Carrocci, Roma.Fabbricatti, K. (2013) Le sfide della città interculturale. La teoria della resilienza per il governo dei cambiamenti. Franco Angeli, Milano.Longo, D. (2007) Decostruzione e riuso: procedure e tecniche di valorizzazione dei residui edilizi in Italia. Alinea, Firenze

    Deformable Polyurethane Joints and Fibre Grids for Resilient Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Frames with Orthoblock Brick Infills

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    The behaviour of reinforced concrete frames with masonry wall infills is influenced a lot by the stiffness and strength difference between the frame and the infill, causing early detrimental damage to the infill or to the critical concrete columns. The paper reports the results from shake table seismic tests on a full-scale reinforced concrete (RC) frame building with modified hollow clay block (orthoblock brick) infill walls, within INMASPOL SERA Horizon 2020 project. The building received innovative resilient protection using Polyurethane Flexible Joints (PUFJs) made of polyurethane resin (PU), applied at the frame-infill interface in different schemes. Further, PUs were used for bonding of glass fibre grids to the weak masonry substrate to form Fibre Reinforced Polyurethanes (FRPUs) as an emergency repair intervention. The test results showed enhancement in the in-plane and out-of-plane infill performance under seismic excitations. The results confirmed remarkable delay of significant infill damages at very high RC frame inter-story drifts as a consequence of the use of PUFJs. Further, the PUFJ protection enabled the resilient repair of the infill even after very high inter-story drift of the structure up to 3.7%. The applied glass FRPU system efficiently protected the damaged infills against collapse under out-of-plane excitation while they restored large part of their in-plane stiffness

    Metodi di generazione di modelli di vento nel dominio del tempo

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    Dottorato di ricerca in ingegneria delle strutture. 7. ciclo. Coordinatore F. VestroniConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Mode Pressure Coefficient Maps as an Alternative to Mean Pressure Coefficient Maps for Non-Gaussian Processes: Hyperbolic Paraboloid Roofs as Cases of Study

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    Wind tunnel experiments are necessary for geometries that are not investigated by codes or that are not generally and parametrically investigated by literature. One example is the hyperbolic parabolic shape mostly used for cable net roofs, for which codes do not provide pressure coefficients and literature only gives mean, maxima, and minima pressure coefficient maps. However, most of pressure series acquired in wind tunnels on the roof are not Gaussian processes and, for this reason, the mean values are not precisely representative of the process. The paper investigates the ratio between mean and mode of pressure coefficient series acquired in wind tunnels on buildings covered with hyperbolic paraboloid roofs with square plans. Mode pressure coefficient maps are given as an addition to traditional pressure coefficient maps

    Hemp Cables, a Sustainable Alternative to Harmonic Steel for Cable Nets

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    Recent developments in the field of materials engineering have allowed for the use of natural materials for common structural elements, instead of traditional materials, such as steel or concrete. In this context, hemp is a very interesting material for structural building design. This paper proposes the use of hemp cables for roofs with hyperbolic paraboloid cable nets, which sees the use of a sustainable material for structure, thus having a very low environmental impact, in terms of structural thickness and amount of material. The paper discusses five different plan sizes and two different hyperbolic paraboloid surface radius of curvatures. The cable traction, which gives the cable net stiffness, was varied in order to give a parametric database of structural response. Three dimensional geometrically nonlinear analyses were carried out on different geometries (i.e., 10), cable net stiffnesses (i.e., 8), and materials (i.e., 2). Traditional harmonic steel and hemp cables are compared, in terms of vertical displacements and natural periods under dead and permanent loads

    Modelling of deformable polymer to be used for joints between infill masonry walls and R. C. frames

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    In the paper an idea to use a deformable polymer material for the joint between R.C. frames and masonry infills is presented. As an early step of testing the idea, experimental tests of the polymer in monotonic uniaxial tension at different load rates are performed and analyzed. The load rates range from very fast (8.3 mm/s) to very slow (0.00083 mm/s). The material exhibits a very strong strain rate effect and viscous behavior. In the second part of the paper a numerical model is developed and implemented into a finite element to simulate the results of the tests. The model is based on a new family of strain measures, called the Darjani-Naghdabadi strain measures and a classical viscosity formulation. Almost perfect model predictions up to collapse at 50-150% elongation are obtained by using calibration based on minimization of error

    Enhancing archaeological knowledge dissemination: the pivotal role of digital representation and BIM interoperability for preservation, FEA, and XR of Villa dei Quintili in Rome

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    This research delves into the profound significance of the Science of Representation, demonstrating its pivotal role in crafting semantic and interoperable analysis. The adept application of these ‘mediums’ could represent a primary shift for future generations in how information is conceptualized, interpreted, represented, and communicated, ultimately fostering a deeper level of understanding and collaboration among professionals in the field. In this context, the convergence of digital representation, knowledge-driven semantic refinement, and techniques for intricate model conversion could assume a foundational role. Given these paramount considerations, the study emphasizes the urgency of establishing interoperable procedures and cultivating a comprehensive understanding of digital representation as a crucial informational medium. The results served as vessels for disseminating archaeological knowledge and as powerful tools for dissecting the structural intricacies of ancient environments. To achieve this, a highly specialized cognitive process was required to elucidate both the tangible and intangible elements within the ontological framework. The introduction of the interoperable approach at the archaeological site of Villa dei Quintili in Rome served as a prime example of the critical function of digital models able to interpret, disseminate, and preserve our cultural heritage accurately. It proved instrumental, both theoretically and practically, in transferring geometries and information for diverse analytical purposes, significantly enhancing their effectiveness through a thoughtfully selected range of exchange formats for preservation and structural analysis. Finally, the study introduces a methodology for translating digital models into advanced mediums, including extended reality (XR), pushing the boundaries of heritage preservation in the digital age