4 research outputs found

    Legal Aspect of Corporate Actions on Telecommunication Operators for Utilizing Radio Frequency Spectrum

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    This research describe legal aspect of corporate actions such as merger, consolidation and acquisition of telecommunication operators who are utilizing radio frequency spectrum in Indonesia. Telco operators' corporate actions should be carried out to enable utilization of radio frequency spectrum efficiently and effectively. Radio frequency spectrum utilization effectively and efficiently conducted through legal enforcement of single preserence policy on telecommunication sector (single ownership) whereas only one party would be the controlling shareholder in 1 (one) legal entity of telco provider. This legal enforcement is one way to restructure the telecommunication industry to achieve an ideal structure. The implementation of law of single preserence policy on telecommunication sector should oblige to other law and regulations pertinent to corporate laws, telecommunication laws and anti monopoly law

    Kajian Hukum Penerapan Prinsip Netral Teknologi Dalam Pemanfaatan Spectrum Sharing [Study on Implementation of Neutral Technology Law on Spectrum Sharing]

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif analitis, yang bertujuan mendeskripsikan atau memberikan gambaran terhadap suatu objek penelitian yang didukung oleh data primer dan data sekunder mengenai berbagai permasalahan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi dan efektfitas pemanfaatan spektrum frekuensi radio perlu diterapkan prinsip netral teknologi di seluruh band frekuensi khususnya band frekuensi seluller penyelenggara telekomunikasi. Penerapan prinsip netral teknologi terbukti dapat meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektifitas pemanfaatan spektrum frekuensi radio, selain itu efektifitas dan efisiensi spektrum frekuensi radio dapat ditempuh melalui penerapan spectrum sharing antar penyelenggara telekomunikasi.*****This study is a normative legal research using descriptive analytical research, which aims to describe or provide an object of research which supported by primary data and secondary data on various issues. This research shown that the effectiveness and efficiency of the radio frequency spectrum need to apply of neutral technology principle for all band frequency especially selluler frequency band of telecommunication operators. Applied of neutral technology will encourage effectiveness and efficiency of the radio frequency spectrum. Furthermore, effectiveness and efficiency of the radio frequency spectrum can be reached through spectrum sharing applied among telecommunication operators

    Informasi Bencana & Budaya Komunikasi Lokal Kasus Bukit Duri Jakarta Selatan

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    This article is a part of the study Effectiveness of Information Dissemination for Disaster area, and conducted by Research and Development APTEL SKDI years 2009. The area of South Jakarta Bukit Duri in this case study because it is unique. Residents location of Bukit Duri on the banks of ci/iwung rivers. Despite living near in the middle of metropolis almost no information as expected. The level of awareness of hygiene and environmental regulation is relatively low. The results of this study indicate that the information flood is still required, is considered important as a guide to the locals' knowledge. They understand not only formally, but also read symbols and natural phenomena. While the most dominant search and distribute information on flood disaster is television. In addition to interpersonal media are also personal because it has a closeness with the people of Bukit Duri