3,987 research outputs found

    A New Low Complexity Uniform Filter Bank Based on the Improved Coefficient Decimation Method

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    In this paper, we propose a new uniform filter bank (FB) based on the improved coefficient decimation method (ICDM). In the proposed FB’s design, the ICDM is used to obtain different multi-band frequency responses using a single lowpass prototype filter. The desired subbands are individually obtained from these multi-band frequency responses by using low order frequency response masking filters and their corresponding ICDM output frequency responses. We show that the proposed FB is a very low complexity alternative to the other FBs in literature, especially the widely used discrete Fourier transform based FB (DFTFB) and the CDM based FB (CDFB). The proposed FB can have a higher number of subbands with twice the center frequency resolution when compared with the CDFB and DFTFB. Design example and implementation results show that our FB achieves 86.59% and 58.84% reductions in resource utilizations and 76.95% and 47.09% reductions in power consumptions when compared with the DFTFB and CDFB respectively

    Algorithms for Stochastic Games on Interference Channels

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    We consider a wireless channel shared by multiple transmitter-receiver pairs. Their transmissions interfere with each other. Each transmitter-receiver pair aims to maximize its long-term average transmission rate subject to an average power constraint. This scenario is modeled as a stochastic game. We provide sufficient conditions for existence and uniqueness of a Nash equilibrium (NE). We then formulate the problem of finding NE as a variational inequality (VI) problem and present an algorithm to solve the VI using regularization. We also provide distributed algorithms to compute Pareto optimal solutions for the proposed game

    Power Allocation Games on Interference Channels with Complete and Partial Information

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    We consider a wireless channel shared by multiple transmitter-receiver pairs. Their transmissions interfere with each other. Each transmitter-receiver pair aims to maximize its long-term average transmission rate subject to an average power constraint. This scenario is modeled as a stochastic game under different assumptions. We first assume that each transmitter and receiver has knowledge of all direct and cross link channel gains. We later relax the assumption to the knowledge of incident channel gains and then further relax to the knowledge of the direct link channel gains only. In all the cases, we formulate the problem of finding the Nash equilibrium as a variational inequality (VI) problem and present an algorithm to solve the VI.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1409.755

    An Efficient Data-aided Synchronization in L-DACS1 for Aeronautical Communications

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    L-band Digital Aeronautical Communication System type-1 (L-DACS1) is an emerging standard that aims at enhancing air traffic management (ATM) by transitioning the traditional analog aeronautical communication systems to the superior and highly efficient digital domain. L-DACS1 employs modern and efficient orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation technique to achieve more efficient and higher data rate in comparison to the existing aeronautical communication systems. However, the performance of OFDM systems is very sensitive to synchronization errors. L-DACS1 transmission is in the L-band aeronautical channels that suffer from large interference and large Doppler shifts, which makes the synchronization for L-DACS more challenging. This paper proposes a novel computationally efficient synchronization method for L-DACS1 systems that offers robust performance. Through simulation, the proposed method is shown to provide accurate symbol timing offset (STO) estimation as well as fractional carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimation in a range of aeronautical channels. In particular, it can yield excellent synchronization performance in the face of a large carrier frequency offset.Comment: In the proceeding of International Conference on Data Mining, Communications and Information Technology (DMCIT

    Resource Allocation in a MAC with and without security via Game Theoretic Learning

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    In this paper a KK-user fading multiple access channel with and without security constraints is studied. First we consider a F-MAC without the security constraints. Under the assumption of individual CSI of users, we propose the problem of power allocation as a stochastic game when the receiver sends an ACK or a NACK depending on whether it was able to decode the message or not. We have used Multiplicative weight no-regret algorithm to obtain a Coarse Correlated Equilibrium (CCE). Then we consider the case when the users can decode ACK/NACK of each other. In this scenario we provide an algorithm to maximize the weighted sum-utility of all the users and obtain a Pareto optimal point. PP is socially optimal but may be unfair to individual users. Next we consider the case where the users can cooperate with each other so as to disagree with the policy which will be unfair to individual user. We then obtain a Nash bargaining solution, which in addition to being Pareto optimal, is also fair to each user. Next we study a KK-user fading multiple access wiretap Channel with CSI of Eve available to the users. We use the previous algorithms to obtain a CCE, PP and a NBS. Next we consider the case where each user does not know the CSI of Eve but only its distribution. In that case we use secrecy outage as the criterion for the receiver to send an ACK or a NACK. Here also we use the previous algorithms to obtain a CCE, PP or a NBS. Finally we show that our algorithms can be extended to the case where a user can transmit at different rates. At the end we provide a few examples to compute different solutions and compare them under different CSI scenarios.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures. Part of the paper was presented in 2016 IEEE Information theory and applicaitons (ITA) Workshop, San Diego, USA in Feb. 2016. Submitted to journa

    Combined Integer and Floating Point Multiplication Architecture(CIFM) for FPGAs and Its Reversible Logic Implementation

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    In this paper, the authors propose the idea of a combined integer and floating point multiplier(CIFM) for FPGAs. The authors propose the replacement of existing 18x18 dedicated multipliers in FPGAs with dedicated 24x24 multipliers designed with small 4x4 bit multipliers. It is also proposed that for every dedicated 24x24 bit multiplier block designed with 4x4 bit multipliers, four redundant 4x4 multiplier should be provided to enforce the feature of self repairability (to recover from the faults). In the proposed CIFM reconfigurability at run time is also provided resulting in low power. The major source of motivation for providing the dedicated 24x24 bit multiplier stems from the fact that single precision floating point multiplier requires 24x24 bit integer multiplier for mantissa multiplication. A reconfigurable, self-repairable 24x24 bit multiplier (implemented with 4x4 bit multiply modules) will ideally suit this purpose, making FPGAs more suitable for integer as well floating point operations. A dedicated 4x4 bit multiplier is also proposed in this paper. Moreover, in the recent years, reversible logic has emerged as a promising technology having its applications in low power CMOS, quantum computing, nanotechnology, and optical computing. It is not possible to realize quantum computing without reversible logic. Thus, this paper also paper provides the reversible logic implementation of the proposed CIFM. The reversible CIFM designed and proposed here will form the basis of the completely reversible FPGAs.Comment: Published in the proceedings of the The 49th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS 2006), Puerto Rico, August 2006. Nominated for the Student Paper Award(12 papers are nominated for Student paper Award among all submissions