62 research outputs found

    Pathi Nagy Sámuel (1770–1810) szellemi világa – könyvtárának jegyzéke alapján : The cultural background of Sámuel Pathi Nagy (1770–1810) – according to the list of his books / Lumea spirituală a lui Samuel Pathi Nagy (1770–1810) – pe baza catalogului bibliotecii sale

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    Sámuel PATHI NAGY studied in the Protestant College in Debrecen, later in Jena. Here he became the Hungarian secretary of the Mineralogical Society. Returning home, he worked as medical doctor in Komárom. After his death the catalogue of his private library was published which gives a good insight into the sources of his knowledge and cultural background. In this abstract mostly his books dealing with natural history, theology of nature and education are discussed.  Rezumat  Sámuel PATHI NAGY a studiat la Colegiul Protestant din Debrecen, ulterior la Jena. Aici a devenit secretarul maghiar al Societății Mineralogice. Întorcându-se acasă, a lucrat ca medic la Komárom. După moartea sa, a fost publicat catalogul bibliotecii sale private, care oferă o bună perspectivă asupra surselor sale de cunoștințe și de cultură. În acest rezumat sunt discutate cărțile sale despre științele naturale, teologia naturii și educația. Kivonat PATHI NAGY Sámuel a debreceni Református Kollégiumban, majd Jénában végezte tanulmányait. Jénában az Ásványtani Társaság magyar titkára lett. Hazatérve Komáromban működött mint orvos. Halála után kiadták magánkönyvtára katalógusát. Ez jó betekintést ad tudása és műveltsége forrásaiba. Ebben a kivonatban főleg természettudományos, a természet teológiájával és neveléssel foglalkozó könyveit tárgyaljuk

    Szász József (1782–1812) kéziratos ásványtani táblázatai a Teleki Tékában: Hand-written mineralogical tables in the Teleki Téka Library, compiled by József Szász (1782–1812) / Tabelele mineralogice în Biblioteca Teleki scrise de József Szász (1782–1812)

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    The mineralogical collection of the Teleki Téka Library in Marosvásárhely was founded by Domokos Teleki (1773-1798) and further developed by his father, Sámuel Teleki (1739-1822). The first two catalogues of the collection were written personally by Domokos Teleki. The last one was proved to be written in 1831 or later, its author is unknown. In addition to the catalogues there are many large hand-written tables which do not list the samples of the collection. In these tables the minerals are listed in systematic order and are characterised by their external properties. The number of the minerals listed is about 470 and the maximal number of the external properties 40. The sequence of the minerals follows the mineral systems generally accepted in the age. The external properties are almost identical with those proposed by Werner. Certainly, the tables were prepared in Jena. In addition, there is a booklet written in Hungarian on the chemical analysis of minerals. Unfortunately, no author and year can be found in the tables. However, considering the correspondence of Sámuel Teleki, and graphologic analysis of the manuscripts, their author was almost certainly the librarian József Szász (1782-1812). His duty was to care of the mineral collection. By support of Sámuel Teleki he studied 1808-1810 in Jena. In Jena he became member and later the Transylvanian secretary of the Mineralogical Society. Until now, his activity in mineralogy was almost unknown. He can be honoured as one of the first followers of Werner in Hungary. Rezumat Colecția mineralogică a Bibliotecii Teleki din Marosvásárhely/Târgu Mureș a fost fondată de Domokos TELEKI (1773–1798) și dezvoltată în continuare de tatăl său, Sámuel TELEKI (1739–1822). Primele două cataloage ale colecției au fost scrise personal de Domokos TELEKI. Ultimul a fost scris în 1831 sau mai târziu, autorul acestuia nu este cunoscut. În plus față de cataloage, există multe tabele mari scrise manual, care nu listează mostrele colecției, ci în ele mineralele sunt listate în ordine sistematică și se caracterizează prin proprietățile lor externe. Numărul de minerale enumerate este de aproximativ 470, iar numărul maxim de proprietăți externe 40. Secvența mineralelor urmează sistemele minerale general acceptate în epocă. Proprietățile externe sunt aproape identice cu cele propuse de WERNER. Cu siguranță, tabelele au fost pregătite în Jena. În plus, există o broșură scrisă în limba maghiară despre analiza chimică a mineralelor. Din păcate, în tabele nu se găsesc nici nici autori și  nici ani. Cu toate acestea, având în vedere corespondența lui Sámuel TELEKI și analiza grafologică a manuscriselor, autorul lor a fost aproape sigur bibliotecarul József SZÁSZ (1782–1812). Datoria lui era să aibă grijă de colectarea mineralelor. Cu sprijinul lui Sámuel TELEKI a studiat în perioada 1808–1810 la Jena. La Jena a devenit membru și mai târziu secretar ardelean al Societății Mineralogice. Până acum, activitatea sa în mineralogie era aproape necunoscută. El poate fi considerat ca unul dintre primii adepți ai lui WERNER din Ungaria Kivonat A marosvásárhelyi Teleki Tékában levő ásványgyűjteményt Teleki Domokos (1773–1798) hozta létre, de apja, Teleki Sámuel (1739–1822) tovább gyarapította. A gyűjtemény katalógusai közül az első kettőt még maga Teleki Domokos írta. Az utolsóról kiderült, hogy 1831-nél nem lehet régebbi, szerzője ismeretlen. A katalógusokon kívül sok nagyalakú, kézzel írott táblázat is fennmaradt, amelyek viszont nem a gyűjteményt írják le, hanem rendszertani sorrendben ásványokat sorolnak fel, és azokat külső tulajdonságaikkal jellemzik. A felsorolt ásványok száma mintegy 470, a külső jellemzők maximális száma 40. A felsorolás a korban szokásos ásványrendszertanokat követi, a külső jellemzők szinte teljesen megegyeznek a Werner által bevezetett ismertetőjegyekkel. Maguk a táblázatok minden bizonnyal Jénában készültek. A táblázatok mellett fennmaradt még egy kis magyar nyelvű kéziratos füzet is az ásványok kémiai meghatározásáról. Sajnos a táblázatokon nem találunk sem szerzőt, sem évszámot. Teleki Sámuel levelezése és a kéziratok írásmódjának elemzése alapján szinte bizonyos, hogy leírójuk Szász József (1782–1812), az ásványgyűjtemény kezelésével megbízott könyvtáros volt, aki Teleki Sámuel megbízásából 1808 és 1810 között Jénában tanult. Jénában tagja, majd erdélyi titkára lett az Ásványtani Társaságnak. Szász Józsefben egy eddig alig ismert mineralógust tisztelhetünk, Werner egyik korai magyarországi követőjét