16 research outputs found

    Cross Teaching Parallelism and Ray Tracing: A Project-based Approach to Teaching Applied Parallel Computing

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    Massively parallel Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) hardware has become increasingly powerful, available and affordable. Software tools have also advanced to the point that programmers can write general purpose parallel programs that take advantage of the large number of compute cores available in the hardware. With literally hundreds of compute cores available on a single device, program performance can increase by orders of magnitude. We believe that introducing students to the concepts of parallel programming for massively parallel hardware is of increasing importance in an undergraduate computer science curriculum. Furthermore, we believe that students learn best when given projects that reflect real problems in computer science. This paper describes the experience of integrating two undergraduate computer science courses to enhance student learning in parallel computing concepts. In this cross teaching experience we structured the integration of the courses such that students studying parallel computing worked with students studying advanced rendering for approximately 30% of the quarter long courses. Working in teams on a joint project, both groups of students were able to see the application of parallelization to an existing software project with both the benefits and complications exposed early in the curriculum of both courses. Motivating projects and performance gains are discussed, as well as student survey data on the effectiveness of the learning outcomes. Both performance and survey data indicate a positive gain from the cross teaching experience

    Checklist de uma área candidata a RPPN no município de Curitibanos, SC

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    Artigo apresentado na forma de "banner" na Primeira Mostra Científica e Tecnológica da UFSC CuritibanosEstudo florístico (checklist) de Angiospermas em uma área candidata à Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural (RPPN) no município de Curitibanos (Santa Catarina). A área de estudo está inserida no bioma Mata Atlântica (assim como a própria região do Contestado no Oeste de Santa Catarina), com vegetação nativa composta predominantemente de Floresta Ombrófila Mista e uma pequena área de campo limpo rupestre incrustrada. Esta área possui ca. de 10.000 m², a qual está há vinte anos em processo de regeneração natural. Como resultado, são apresentados: um mapa da localidade estudada e o inventário das espécies nativas que ocorrem na área. Os táxons encontrados foram avaliados pela abrangência de sua ocorrência (raridade e endemicidade), seguindo a base de dados da Flora do Brasil e os dados disponíveis em levantamento bibliográficos do seu status conservação (seguindo os critérios da IUCN). Os dados compilados foram confrontados com os levantamentos florísticos similares na região e uma discussão sobre a prioridade desta área para conservação é apresentada

    Examining developmental transitions in civic engagement across adolescence: Evidence from a national U.S. sample.

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    Describing how much and what type(s) of change are evident in civic engagement across adolescence is a fundamental starting point for advancing developmental theory in the civic domain. Using five annual waves of data from a large national U.S. sample spanning 8th–12th grades, our study describes civic engagement typologies and transitions in and out of typologies across adolescence. Four distinct civic typologies were identified across indicators of civic values, behaviors, and future expectations. Two-thirds of youth demonstrated ipsative continuity, i.e., within-class stability over time. Transitions indicated gradual stepwise change in both upward and downward directions and thus provided only modest support for age-related gains. Our study has the potential to spur theoretical progress regarding civic development by documenting developmental change as a series of transitions that vary across people. Results help to clarify the diverse civic pathways that youth experience across adolescence

    Antimicrobial potency of honey and calamansi (Citrofortunella microcarpa) extract against E. coli and S. aureus

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    The study is primarily focused on the assessment of the efficiency of the bacterium commonly found in the lower intestine and upper respiratory tract. This study deals with determining the effect of Honey and Calamansi (Citrofortunella microcarpa) extract on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. This study will be conducted on Angelo King Medical Research Center Dasmariñas, City. The researchers will gather the data with unrelated variables being disregarded. In assessing the gathered data from the laboratory-experimental measures, the researchers will conclude the antimicrobial properties of honey and calamansi extract that can reduce the growth of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus