3 research outputs found

    PGF2α (250 mcg d-cloprostenol) Effectiveness of two Schemes for Estrus Induction in Brahman Bovine Females with Lasting Anestrus.

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    The reproductive behavior of Brahman breeding cows subject to estrus induction was assessed, at the “Rancho Bonito Farm”, Gamelotal area, Lara State, Venezuela. The experiment lasted 90 days, and was based on two estrus induction schemes (Progesterone + Estradiol Benzoate and Progesterone + PMSG). Following 72 h of treatment, 62.5 % of the  cows that received  P4  + PMSG  were fertilized; whereas the P4  + BE treatment induced fertilization of 25 % (P < 0.05). During the 90 days,  93.7 % of the cows that received P4  + PMSG, and 75 %  under  the P4  + BE treatment, were fertilized, which demonstrated the effectiveness of the schemes

    Observaciones hematoquímicas en un rebaño de vacas lecheras con frecuentes estados de anemia

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    A study of some hematic indicators in a dairy cows herd, Holstein x Zebu crossbreed, during five months of dry period was carried out in a large scale farm in Granma province. The hematic indicators were: hemoglobin, hematocrito, leukocytes, neutrofilos, lymphocytes, eosinophilos, glucose, total proteins, albumen, globulin and urea. The results showed frequent cases of anemia, lynphocitosis, neutropenia, hypoglycemia, hypoalbuminemia and hypopoproteinemia and low level of hypouremia which indicates a nutritional deficiency characterized basically by insufficient consumption of proteins and dietetic energies..Se realizó el estudio de algunos indicadores hematoquímicos, en un rebaño de vacas lecheras mestizas 3/4 Holstein x 1/4 Cebú (F2), durante un período estacional seco de cinco meses, en una empresa pecuaria de la Provincia Granma. Los indicadores sanguíneos determinados fueron: Hemoglobina, Hematócrito, Leucocitos, Neutrófilos, Linfocitos, Eosinófilos, Glucosa, Proteínas Totales, Albúmina, Globulina y Urea. Entre los trastornos observados se encuentran frecuentes casos de anemia, linfocitosis, neutropenia, hipoglicemia, hipoalbuminemia y en menor grado hipoproteinemia e hipouremia, los que manifiestan un episodio nutricional caracterizado básicamente por insuficiente consumo de proteínas y energías dietéticas.&nbsp

    Efectividad de dos esquemas de inducción del celo en hembras bovinas Brahman con anestro prolongado.

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    Se ev aluó  el comportamiento reproductivo de vacas Brahman de cría, sometidas a inducción de celos, en la finca “Rancho Bonito”, región Gamelotal del Estado Lara, Venezuela. El experimento duró 90 días y se basó en dos esquemas de inducción del celo: (Progesterona + Benzoato de Estradiol y Progesterona + PMSG). A las 72 h postrata-miento, se gestó el 62,5 % de las vacas que recibieron P4  + PMSG, mientras que con el tratamiento P 4  + BE se gestó el 25 % (P < 0,05). En los 90 días se gestaron el 93,7 % de las vacas que recibieron P 4 + PMSG y el 75 % con el tra-tamiento P4 + BE, lo que muestra la efectividad de estos esquemas.Effectiveness of two Schemes for Estrus Induction in Brahman Bovine Females with Lasting Anestrus.ABSTRACTThe reproductive behavior of breeding  Brahman cows subject to estrus induction was assessed, at the “Rancho Bonito Farm”, Gamelotal  area, Lara State, Venezuela. The experiment lasted 90 days, and was based on two estrus induction schemes (Progesterone + Estradiol Benzoate and Progesterone + PMSG). Following 72 h of treatment, 62.5 % of cows that were administered  P 4 + PMSG, were fertilized; whereas the P 4 + BE treatment induced fertiliza-tion of 25 % (P < 0.05).  During the 90 days 93.7 % of the cows that received P 4 + PMSG, and 75 %with the P4 +  BE treatment, were fertilized, which proved the effectiveness of the schemes