417 research outputs found

    Reducing explicit and implicit prejudice toward disabled colleagues: Effects of contact and membership salience in the workplace

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    In the present study, membership salience was tested as a moderator of the effects of contact on emotions and explicit and implicit attitudes toward the disabled. Participants were non-disabled employees of firms and cooperative societies; they worked in contact with colleagues with psychiatric problems. Results indicated that quantity and quality of contact improved outgroup evaluations, both within and outside the contact situation. Consistent with intergroup contact theory (Brown & Hewstone, 2005), the positive effects of contact on anxiety and empathy toward disabled colleagues generalized to the whole category of the disabled when group distinctions were salient within the contact setting. Notably, frequent and cooperative contact also reduced implicit prejudice toward the general disabled category. Theoretical and practical implications of findings are discussed

    Editorial: Challenging injustice: Understanding upstanding, civic action, and bystander intervention to promote justice

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    Throughout history, individuals and communities have come together to challenge injustice in the local community and across the globe. In recent years, we have seen communities rally together to advocate for changes in policy and practice to address injustices faced by marginalized and disenfranchised groups of people. For instance, communities have taken action through the Movement for Black Lives in the United States, the women's uprising in Iran following the death of Mahsa Amini, and the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong. These challenges to social injustices are not only led by adults. Rather, youth engage in civic action to amplify the voices of those who are marginalized, isolated, or victimized and frequently organize to protest injustice and foster collective action through social media or other technology. These challenges to injustice often arise from community-led efforts, rooted in the unique contexts and histories of the local community. This special issue considers challenging injustice broadly to include bystander intervention in instances of bullying, harassment, or aggression, political and civic engagement, anti-racist or anti-oppression activism, and resistance to injustice in institutions and communities. Three overarching themes are featured in this special issue: (1) work examining bullying experiences and factors that motivate bystander intervention in response to bullying; (2) scholarship exploring identity, socialization, and critical action and (3) research focused on collective action and challenging inequalities

    BESPORT. Sport e benessere a 360 gradi

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    “BeSport: Sport e Benessere a 360 gradi” è un’iniziativa di public engagement promossa dall’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Unimore) per condividere con un pubblico non accademico studi, ricerche e interventi nell’ambito della promozione del benessere attraverso lo sport

    A proposito di BESPORT

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    “BeSport: Sport e Benessere a 360 gradi” è un’iniziativa di public engagement promossa dall’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Unimore) per condividere con un pubblico non accademico studi, ricerche e interventi nell’ambito della promozione del benessere attraverso lo sport. Questo capitolo introduce i contenuti del volume

    Come ridurre il pregiudizio: il punto di vista della psicologia sociale

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    Nel presente lavoro si affronta inizialmente il tema del pregiudizio, distinguendo le forme piĂą aperte e plateali da quelle piĂą indirette e difficilmente riconoscibili, quali il pregiudizio implicito o inconscio. Successivamente si presentano alcune tecniche individuate dalla psicologia sociale volte al miglioramento dei rapporti tra i gruppi, come il contatto intergruppi diretto e quello indiretto (contatto esteso e contatto immaginato). Per ognuna di tali tecniche si mettono in luce i vantaggi e i limiti, oltre a fornire un esempio di applicazione in contesti naturalistici. Infine, si traggono le conclusioni, sostenendo come non esista una strategia universale di riduzione del pregiudizio, ma occorra invece integrare tecniche diverse e scegliere in ogni singola situazione quella piĂą adatta allo scopo

    Feeling like a group after a natural disaster: Common ingroup identity and relations with outgroup victims among majority and minority young children

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    We conducted a field study to test whether the common ingroup identity model (Gaertner & Dovidio, 2000, reducing intergroup bias: The common ingroup identity model. Philadelphia, PA: Psychology Press) could be a useful tool to improve intergroup relations in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Participants were majority (Italian) and minority (immigrant) elementary school children (N = 517) living in the area struck by powerful earthquakes in May 2012. Results revealed that, among majority children, the perceived external threat represented by the earthquake was associated with greater perceptions of belonging to a common ingroup including both ingroup and outgroup. In turn, heightened one-group perceptions were associated with greater willingness to meet and help outgroup victims, both directly and indirectly via more positive outgroup attitudes. Among immigrant children, perceived disaster threat was not associated with any of the dependent variables; one-group perceptions were positively associated with outgroup attitudes, helping and contact intentions towards outgroup victims. Thus, onegroup perceptions after a natural disaster may promote more positive and supporting relations between the majority and the minority group. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of the findings

    Bullying victimization due to racial, ethnic, citizenship and/or religious status: a systematic review

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    A resurgent climate of nationalism, racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and Islamophobia in many parts of the world has drawn attention to the risk of bullying victimization among racial, ethnic and/or religious minority youth. However, no attempt has yet been made to synthesize the literature on this topic to derive better understanding and guide future prevention and intervention efforts. The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review of the literature on individual, school, family, and community -level factors and outcomes associated with racist bullying victimization. Systematic searches of EBSCOhost, Scopus, ASSIA and Web of Science databases identified 73 articles that included quantitative and qualitative analyses on this topic. Overall, this review found that negative stereotypes and discrimination operating in school and community contexts put racial/ethnic minority, immigrant, and refugee youth at an increased risk of racist bullying victimization. The review also found that racist bullying victimization is associated with a wide range of negative outcomes including poor mental health, lower academic engagement, and an increased risk of involvement in delinquent behaviours, especially among older pupils. The review identified several gaps in the research, including the lack of adequate theorization and the infrequent consideration of potential mediators and moderators. Finally, the review outlined future directions, such as the need to study how intergroup processes influence racist bullying victimization

    Making the School Smart: The Interactive Whiteboard Against Disparities in Children Stemming From Low Metacognitive Skills

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    The demand for an increasingly differentiated education, which takes into account the individual differences of children to stimulate effective learning, accompanies the introduction of new technologies at school. Amongst these, the Interactive Whiteboard (IWB), which allows multimodality and sharing of contents, is one of the most widespread tools in schools. The aim of the study was to test with a sample of primary school children the impact of a teaching session with the use of the IWB (vs. traditional lessons) on knowledge performance. In addition, we were interested in investigating the role of metacognition as a potential moderator on learning effects. Our results revealed an advantage of IWB use in learning achievement. Notably, the increase in learning outcomes only occurred among children with low metacognitive skills. This shows that new technologies can play an important role both per se and in supporting learning processes, especially of less metacognitive students, therefore contributing to reduce the gap between children with differential metacognitive skills. The results are analyzed in light of the important role in the nowadays world of Information and Communication Technologies, which can become an extremely relevant and appealing educational and cultural compensation tool
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