2,343 research outputs found

    High Redshift Standard Candles: Predicted Cosmological Constraints

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    We investigate whether future measurements of high redshift standard candles (HzSCs) will be a powerful probe of dark energy, when compared to other types of planned dark energy measurements. Active galactic nuclei and gamma ray bursts have both been proposed as potential HzSC candidates. Due to their high luminosity, they can be used to probe unexplored regions in the expansion history of the universe. Information from these regions can help constrain the properties of dark energy, and in particular, whether it varies over time. We consider both linear and piecewise parameterizations of the dark energy equation of state, w(z)w(z), and assess the optimal redshift distribution a high-redshift standard-candle survey could take to constrain these models. The more general the form of the dark energy equation of state w(z)w(z) being tested, the more useful high-redshift standard candles become. For a linear parameterization of w(z)w(z), HzSCs give only small improvements over planned supernova and baryon acoustic oscillation measurements; a wide redshift range with many low redshift points is optimal to constrain this linear model. However to constrain a general, and thus potentially more informative, form of w(z)w(z), having many HzSCs can significantly improve limits on the nature of dark energy.Comment: Accepted MNRAS, 27 Pages, 15 figures, matches published versio

    Performance and diarrhoea in piglets following weaning at seven weeks of age: Challenge with E. coli O 149 and effect of dietary factors

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    Four dietary factors (ad libitum versus feed restriction, control versus protein restriction at ad libitum feeding, control versus inclusion of lupine as a protein source at ad libitum feeding, and control versus extra vitamin E at ad libitum feeding) were tested in four separate experiments for the effect on diarrhoea. To introduce a diarrhoea-like condition, half of the piglets were challenged with an inoculation of an E. coli O 149 dose of 1 x 108 colony forming units on day two and three after weaning (day of weaning = day one). All piglets were susceptible since the dams were tested mono-zygotic susceptible to the attachment site of E. coli O 149 in the intestines. Each of the four experiments included 32 piglets from 4 sows. The design was 2 x 2 factorial with dietary factor and E. coli O 149 challenge as the two factors, each at two levels. The piglets were housed individually during the experiment which lasted for 10 days from weaning at 7 weeks of age. The daily recordings included feed intake, weight and faeces score (from 1 = firm and solid to 6 = yellow and watery). Faeces from days 2 to 5 were tested for E. coli strains. In addition, blood was sampled and serum was analysed for E. coli antibodies, IgG and IgM. Generally the E. coli challenge had no effect on growth and feed intake whereas faeces score and number of faeces haemolytic bacteria increased and faeces dry matter decreased. Feed restriction decreased the weight gain while faeces characteristics were unaffected. An analysis including all four experiments revealed that a feed intake of less than 200 g day one after weaning seems to be associated with a relatively high incidence of a post-weaning diarrhoea-like condition. Protein restriction decreased faeces score and increased faeces dry matter while weight gain tended to decrease. Inclusion of lupine affected neither weight gain nor faeces characteristics. Extra vitamin E did not affect weight gain while faeces dry matter decreased, and faeces score and number of faecal haemolytic bacteria increased. The dietary treatments had no effect on the immunological responses. In conclusion, the studied dietary factors could not alleviate a diarrhoea-like condition and at the same time maintain the growth rate. Furthermore, the results indicate that performance can be improved if piglets achieve a daily feed intake of at least 200 g from day one after weaning

    Sensory quality of organic milk based on grazing and high ratio of legumes in the feeding ration

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    Organic milk forms an important segment of the fresh milk production in Denmark. However, studies are needed to substantiate the high quality and future development of new variations of organic milk for different consumers. Differences in the composition of organically and conventionally produced milk (free fatty acids and a higher content of antioxidants in organic milk) are suggested to be a result of differences in feeding regimes (maize components in conventional production vs. grass and legumes in organic production). Also, milk from dairy cows fed grass silage has a different flavour compared to milk from dairy cows fed maize silage. This study evaluated the sensory properties of organic milk from dairy cows from different feeding trials. The effect of four different legumes and herbs, lucerne (Medicargo sativa), red clover (Trifolium pratense), white clover (Trifolium repens) and chicory (Cichorium intybus), was studied following a schedule including 4*12 Holstein Frisian cows. Descriptive sensory analysis was performed on the fresh pasteurized unhomogenized full-fat milk (6 replicates in 2 sessions) with a trained panel of 10 assessors. The preliminary results from the descriptive analysis of summer feeding (grazing) and winter feeding (silage) show that feeding with legumes and grass affects the sensory quality of full-fat unhomogenized organic milk. The most distinct milk was obtained from feeding ration high in chicory. This milk was characterized by a bitter and metallic taste and an astringent aftertaste both from the summer grazing and winter silage feeding trials. Red clover was characterized by a boiled milk flavour (summer), lucerne by a fatty aftertaste (winter) and white clover by a sweet and creamy flavour (winter). The results of the first season, which will also include relations between the sensory quality and the milk composition, serve as important inputs for the extensive studies to be conducted during the next three seasons. These studies include farm studies and consumer studies (product information, preference and purchase motives)

    A High Flux Source of Cold Rubidium

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    We report the production of a continuous, slow, and cold beam of 87-Rb atoms with an unprecedented flux of 3.2 x 10^12 atoms/s and a temperature of a few milliKelvin. Hot atoms are emitted from a Rb candlestick atomic beam source and transversely cooled and collimated by a 20 cm long atomic collimator section, augmenting overall beam flux by a factor of 50. The atomic beam is then decelerated and longitudinally cooled by Zeeman slowing

    Swift/UVOT grism monitoring of NGC 5548 in 2013: an attempt at MgII reverberation mapping

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    Reverberation-mapping-based scaling relations are often used to estimate the masses of black holes from single-epoch spectra of AGN. While the radius-luminosity relation that is the basis of these scaling relations is determined using reverberation mapping of the Hβ\beta line in nearby AGN, the scaling relations are often extended to use other broad emission lines, such as MgII, in order to get black hole masses at higher redshifts when Hβ\beta is redshifted out of the optical waveband. However, there is no radius-luminosity relation determined directly from MgII. Here, we present an attempt to perform reverberation mapping using MgII in the well-studied nearby Seyfert 1, NGC 5548. We used Swift to obtain UV grism spectra of NGC 5548 once every two days from April to September 2013. Concurrent photometric UV monitoring with Swift provides a well determined continuum lightcurve that shows strong variability. The MgII emission line, however, is not strongly correlated with the continuum variability, and there is no significant lag between the two. We discuss these results in the context of using MgII scaling relations to estimate high-redshift black hole masses.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Optical/near-infrared selection of red QSOs: Evidence for steep extinction curves towards galactic centers?

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    We present the results of a search for red QSOs using a selection based on optical imaging from SDSS and near-infrared imaging from UKIDSS. For a sample of 58 candidates 46 (79%) are confirmed to be QSOs. The QSOs are predominantly dust-reddened except a handul at redshifts z>3.5. The dust is most likely located in the QSO host galaxies. 4 (7%) of the candidates turned out to be late-type stars, and another 4 (7%) are compact galaxies. The remaining 4 objects we could not identify. In terms of their optical spectra the QSOs are similar to the QSOs selected in the FIRST-2MASS red Quasar survey except they are on average fainter, more distant and only two are detected in the FIRST survey. We estimate the amount of extinction using the SDSS QSO template reddened by SMC-like dust. It is possible to get a good match to the observed (restframe ultraviolet) spectra, but for nearly all the reddened QSOs it is not possible to match the near-IR photometry from UKIDSS. The likely reasons are that the SDSS QSO template is too red at optical wavelengths due to contaminating host galaxy light and that the assumed SMC extinction curve is too shallow. Our survey has demonstrated that selection of QSOs based on near-IR photometry is an efficent way to select QSOs, including reddened QSOs, with only small contamination from late-type stars and compact galaxies. This will be useful with ongoing and future wide-field near-IR surveys such as the VISTA and EUCLID surveys. [Abridged]Comment: 74 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for for publication in ApJ

    Serendipitous discovery of a projected pair of QSOs separated by 4.5 arcsec on the sky

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    We present the serendipitous discovery of a projected pair of quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) with an angular separation of Δθ=4.50\Delta\theta =4.50 arcsec. The redshifts of the two QSOs are widely different: one, our programme target, is a QSO with a spectrum consistent with being a narrow line Seyfert 1 AGN at z=2.05z=2.05. For this target we detect Lyman-α\alpha, \ion{C}{4}, and \ion{C}{3]}. The other QSO, which by chance was included on the spectroscopic slit, is a Type 1 QSO at a redshift of z=1.68z=1.68, for which we detect \ion{C}{4}, \ion{C}{3]} and \ion{Mg}{2}. We compare this system to previously detected projected QSO pairs and find that only about a dozen previously known pairs have smaller angular separation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in A