5 research outputs found

    Održivost različitih sistema đubrenja u proizvodnji kukuruza

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    According to Long term experiments on chernozem and pseudoglay with different fertilizing systems could be conclused: According to performed experiments certain systems of maize crop rotation significantly affected maize yield (8,51% to 19,41%), and also resulted in similar or higher yields with the application of lesser amounts of nitrogen (50%) of maize was grown in crop rotation with soybean. Soil organic matter content was significantly increased (10,76% to 27,7%) due to the application of organic fertilizers to chernozem. The effects of particular fertilizing systems with mineral and organic manure on maize yield increase (8,16% to 71,65%) were statistically significant. Furthermore, systems with organic fertilizer and lower amounts of nitrogen (46 kg ha-1) were especially economically justified. Stover ploughing positively affected yield increase in all fertilizing systems. Measures of soil amendment (CaO, "njival" liquid and stable manure) significantly influenced improvement of adverse agrochemical properties of pseudogley (pH, easy mobile Al, etc) and alongside with mineral nutrition significantly affected maize yield increase. The studies point out that the application of nitrogen fertilizers in the stationary trial resulted in significant increase of available nitrogen content and its accumulation over the whole depth of the soil profile of chernozem type of soil. This was especially expressed with the application of higher ratios of nitrogen fertilizers and the increases were statistically very significant. The long-term application of higher ratios of nitrogen fertilizer (270 kgN ha-1) leads to excessive accumulation of available nitrogen not only in surface but also in deeper layers of this soil, and therefore the risk from pollution by nitrates not only of plant products but of underground water increases and the outcome of it is economic loss. Based on the analyses of samples collected in four locations with similar soils under maize and the application of medium high ratios of nitrogen fertilizers (135 kgN ha-1) it is noticeable that available nitrogen content significantly varied over locations in relation to its distribution and its total content in the soil profile to the depth of up to 200 cm. Increased available nitrogen content in deeper layers and higher risk from underground.Na osnovu rezultata dugotrajnih stacionarnih ogleda obavljena su istraživanja održivosti pojedinih sistema đubrenja u proizvodnji kukuruza. Ogledi su izvođeni na zemunpoljskom černozemu i na kiselim zemljištima (pseudoglej i smeđe rudo kiselo zemljište), i na osnovu dobivenih rezultata mogu se izvući sledeći zaključci: - pri gajenju u monokulturi na černozemu dugotrajna primena različitih sistema đubrenja organskim (stajnjak i kukuruzovina) i mineralnim đubrivima vrlo značajno je uticala na promene sadržaja organske materije zemljišta pri čemu je povećanje sadržaja pod uticajem zaoravanja kukuruzovine i stajnjaka iznosilo 10,76% do 17,73%, pri čemu je došlo i do značajnog povećanja odnosa C/N. - mere popravke pseudogleja pozitivno su uticale na agrohemijske osobine zemljišta (povećanje pH vrednosti, povećanje zasićenosti bazama, kao i na značajno smanjenje sadržaja lakopristupačnog aluminijuma) - merama popravke pseudogleja statistički je vrlo značajno povećan prinos kukuruza na svim lokalitetima istraživanja, a efekat mineralnih đubriva na prinos kukuruza bio je veći u interakciji sa merama popravke. Veća količina mineralnih đubriva nije uticala na povećanje prinosa (Kraljevo), što se može objasniti lošim vodnofizičkim osobinama pseudogleja kao ograničavajućim faktorom. pojedini sistemi đubrenja mineralnim i organskim đubrivima vrlo značajno su uticali na povećanje prinosa (8,16% do 71,65%), pri čemu su posebno ekonomski opravdani sistemi sa organskim đubrivima i manjim količinama azota (46 kg ha-1). Zaoravanje kukuruzovine je vrlo povoljno uticalo na povećanje prinosa (6,89%) u odnosu na iste sisteme bez kukuruzovine. Efikasnost primenjenog stajnjaka je iznosilo nešto iznad 50% efikasnosti mineralnih đubriva, a pri zajedničkoj primeni sa kukuruzovinom, njegova efikasnost je vrlo značajno povećana, i tako se na černozemu prinos može održavati na visokom nivou i bez primene mineralnih đubriva. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da su pojedini plodoredi na černozemu vrlo značajno uticali na povećanje prinosa kukuruza (8,51% do 19,42%), a pri tome je značajno povećana efikasnost primenjenih mineralnih đubriva, posebno ukoliko je kukuruz gajen u plodoredu sa sojom (dvopolje) i pšenicom i sojom (tropolje). Primena visokih doza azota u vidu mineralnih đubriva kao i akumulacija vode u mikrodepresijama na propusnim zemljištima, značajno su uticali na ispiranje i akumulaciju pristupačnog azota po celom zemljišnom profilu što može uticati na zagađivanje podzemnih voda

    Povećanje proizvodnih sposobnosti kiselih zemljišta pri različitim sistemima đubrenja

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    Many literature data confirm that fertilizing eliminates, to the largest extent, great differences in natural productivity of various soils. Acid soils are considered one of main yield limiting factors in the plant production and are often studied. Results obtained in stationary trials with the application of different fertilization systems and acid soil improvement measures are used in the present study. According to gained results and conclusions based on them, certain fertilizations systems applied in maize cultivation on acid soils are quite sustainable, especially from the aspect of improvement of such soils and efficiency of applied fertilizers. Pseudogley improvement measures positively affected agrochemical soil properties and resulted in statistically very significant increase of maize yield in all observed locations. The effect of mineral fertilizers on maize yield was greater when they were applied together with improvement measures. At the same time, higher rates of mineral fertilizers did not increase yields in certain locations, due to poor moisture and physical properties of soils that eliminated efficiency of greater fertilizations rates.Veći broj podataka iz literature potvrđuje da se đubrenjem u najvećoj meri eliminišu velike razlike u prirodnim i proizvodnim sposobnostima različitih zemljišta. U biljnoj proizvodnji se vrlo često ističe da je problem kiselîh zemljišta jedan od osnovnih uzroka limitiranih prinosa, vrlo je čest predmet istraživanja. U ovom radu smo koristili rezuitate dobijene izvodenjem stacionarnih ogleda sa primenom različitih sistema đubrenja i mera popravke kiselih zemljišta. Dobijeni rezultati i zaključci koji su na osnovu toga izvedeni, jasno govore o održivosti pojedinih sistema đubrenja pri gajenju kukuruza na kiselim zemljištima, a posebno u pogledu popravke ovoh zemljišta i efikasnosti primenjenih đubriva. Mere popravke pseudogleja pozitivno su uticale na agrohemijske osobine zemljišta i na statistički vrlo značajno povećanje prinosa kukuruza, na svim lokalitetima na kojima su objavljena istraživanja. Efekat mineralnih đubriva na prinos kukuruza bio je veći u interakciji sa merama popravke, pri čemu veća količina mineralnih đubriva na pojedinim lokalitetima nije uticala na povećanje prinosa usled loših vodnofizičkih osobina zemljišta, koje eliminišu efikasnost većih doza đubriva

    ZP hibridi kukuruza u proizvodnim ogledima 2003. godine

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    An appropriate choice of the ZP hybrids is a result of studies on yielding carried out under different agroecological conditions. Results on yields of nine ZP hybrids (FAO 300-700) obtained in production trials in 24 locations carried out in 2003 are presented. The highest yields were detected in the following hybrids: ZP 434, ZP 684, ZP 360 and ZP 578. Furthermore, hybrids ZP 684 and ZP 434 overyielded all hybrids under agroecological conditions of Bačka. In Banat, hybrids ZP 434 and ZP 578 were highly ranked, while the highest yields in Srem were detected in the hybrids ZP 434 and ZP 360, Similar results were obtained in the regions of Central Serbia where hybrids ZP 434 and ZP 684 overyielded all other hybrids. Stated results point out to high yielding and adaptability of hybrids of a new generation (ZP 434, ZP 578 and ZP 684). At the same time, high yields of already widely grown hybrids (ZP 677 and ZP 704) were confirmed.Pravilnom izboru ZP hibrida prethode ispitivanja rodnosti u različitim agroekološkim uslovima. Na osnovu proizvodnih ogleda sa 24 lokaliteta izvedenih u 2003. godini prikazani su rezultati prinosa ZP hibrida (FAO 300-700). Po svojoj rodnosti posebno su se istakli hibridi ZP 434, ZP 684, ZP 360 i ZP 578. Posmatrano po različitim agroekološkim celinama na području Bačke najrodniji su bili ZP 684 i ZP 434. U Banatu su visoko rangirani ZP 434 i ZP 578, a u Sremu su najrodniji ZP 434 i ZP 360. Siični rezultati su dobijeni i u području Centraine Srbije gde su najprinosniji ZP434 i ZP684. Navedeni rezultati ukazuju na visoku rodnost i adaptîbilnost hibrida nove generacije (ZP 434, ZP 578 i ZP 684), a istovremeno se potvrđuje i visoka rodnost već provernih ZP hibrida (ZP 677 i ZP 704)

    Effects of harvest residues and mineral fertilisers on yield and lodging of maize plants caused by larvae of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Le Conte

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    Monitoring of plant lodging and yield response was performed with the aim to quantify the maize plant response to WCR larvae root damage. Results of plant lodging ranged from 5.39% to 22.26%. Ploughing down of harvest residues slightly decreased percentage of the plant lodging from 12.92% to 15.24% comparing to the removal of harvest residues. Yield response to CR was followed by 565 kg ha-1 prior to and 586 k /ha-1 after the WCR appearance. Yield differences were 2.861 t ha-1 and 2.840 t ha-1, percentage of yield losses was 35.6% and 33.0% in CRO and CR1, respectively

    Influences of soil tillage and fertilization on maize yield and weed infestation

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    The field experiment was conducted after wheat harvesting (July 1997) on Zemun Polje chernozem. Maize was grown under dry fanning system (without irrigation) for three growing seasons (the factor A: 1998, 1999 and 2000). Soil tillage systems (the factor B) included three treatments as follows: B1) zero tillage (direct sowing in non-cultivated soil), B2) minimum tillage (tillage with a soil miller only and sowing) and 133) conventional tillage (stubble field shallow ploughing, ploughing in autumn, presowing soil preparing and sowing). In each soil tillage treatment three levels of fertilization were used as follows: C1) unfertilized (control), C2) the first level of fertilization (kg ha(-1): 150 N + 105 P2O5 + 75 K2O) and C3) the second level of fertilization (kg ha(-1): 300 N + 211 P2O5 + 150 K2O). The field experiment was conducted in four replicates. Area of base plot was 25 m(2). Under drought stress of the 2000 growing season it was only 6.08 t ha(-1) or 35% lower compared to 1999. The conventional tillage (yield 9.86 t ha(-1)) resulted by 24% and 84% yield increases compared to reduced tillage and zero-tillage, respectively. Using the second rate of fertilizer (yield 8.86 t ha(-1)) increased yields by 17% and 32% compared to the first rate and non-fertilized treatments, respectively. Weeds infestations (weeds m(-2)) under conventional tillage was considerably lower (7) compared to reduced (39) and zero-tillage (46)