101 research outputs found

    Quantum Universe on Extremely Small Space-time Scales

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    The semiclassical approach to the quantum geometrodynamical model is used for the description of the properties of the Universe on extremely small space-time scales. Under this approach, the matter in the Universe has two components of the quantum nature which behave as antigravitating fluids. The first component does not vanish in the limit ħ → 0 and can be associated with dark energy. The second component is described by an extremely rigid equation of state and goes to zero after the transition to large space-time scales. On small space-time scales, this quantum correction turns out to be significant. It determines the geometry of the Universe near the initial cosmological singularity point. This geometry is conformal to a unit four-sphere embedded in a five-dimensional Euclidean flat space. During the consequent expansion of the Universe, when reaching the post-Planck era, the geometry of the Universe changes into that conformal to a unit four-hyperboloid in a five-dimensional Lorentz-signatured flat space. This agrees with the hypothesis about the possible change of geometry after the origin of the expanding Universe from the region near the initial singularity point. The origin of the Universe can be interpreted as a quantum transition of the system from a region in the phase space forbidden for the classical motion, but where a trajectory in imaginary time exists, into a region, where the equations of motion have the solution which describes the evolution of the Universe in real time. Near the boundary between two regions, from the side of real time, the Universe undergoes almost an exponential expansion which passes smoothly into the expansion under the action of radiation dominating over matter which is described by the standard cosmological model.Квазiкласичний пiдхiд до квантово-геометродинамiчної моделi застосовано для опису властивостей всесвiту на екстремально малих просторово-часових масштабах. У цьому пiдходi матерiя у всесвiтi має двi компоненти квантової природи, якi поводять себе як антигравiтуючi рiдини. Перша компонента не набуває нульового значення в границi ħ → 0 та може бути асоцiйована з темною енергiєю. Друга компонента описується екстремально жорстким рiвнянням стану i прямує до нуля пiсля переходу до великих просторово-часових масштабiв. На малих просторовочасових масштабах ця квантова поправка вiдiграє значну роль. Вона визначає геометрiю всесвiту бiля точки початкової космологiчної сингулярностi. Ця геометрiя є конформною до одиничної 4-сфери, зануреної у 5-вимiрний евклiдовий плоский простiр. Пiд час наступного розширення всесвiту, пiсля досягнення пост-планкiвської ери, геометрiя всесвiту перетворюється на геометрiю, конформну до одиничного 4-гiперболоїда у 5- вимiрному плоскому просторi з лоренцiвською сигнатурою. Це узгоджується з гiпотезою про можливу змiну геометрiї пiсля виникнення всесвiту, що розширюється з областi поблизу точки початкової сингулярностi. Виникнення всесвiту може бути iнтерпретовано як квантовий перехiд системи з областi у фазовому просторi, забороненої для класичного руху, але де iснує траєкторiя в уявному часi, в область, де рiвняння руху мають розв’язок, що описує еволюцiю всесвiту у реальному часi. Поблизу межi мiж двома областями, з боку реального часу, всесвiт зазнає майже експоненцiального розширення, яке гладко переходить у розширення пiд дiєю випромiнювання, що домiнує над матерiєю, у вiдповiдностi iз стандартною космологiчною моделлю

    Структура кредитной политики коммерческого банка

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    В статье раскрывается структура кредитной политики коммерческого банка

    Bovine skin lesions of possible filarial origin associated with heavy hornfly infestations (Haematobia meridiana)

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    Circumscribed, ulcerative skin lesions, usually situated caudal to the scapula, affected cattle in the Republic of Venda during the summer of 1981-82. The occurrence of the lesions was associated with heavy infestations of the hornfly, Haematobia meridiana. Microscopically the lesions were characterized by intense eosinophilic dermatitis. Microfilariae were seen in histological sections of one lesion, but a species identification could not be made. The possible cause of the lesions is discussed.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format

    Взаимовлияние валютного курса и платежного баланса в Украине

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    Цель статьи - выявить основные каналы взаимовлияния валютного курса и платежного баланса для определения наиболее подходящей модели валютного регулирования в Украине

    Narcolepsy, driving and traffic safety

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    Driving performance in narcolepsy patients is often affected. This is predominantly caused by excessive daytime sleepiness and disturbed vigilance. To a lesser extent cataplexy and sleep paralysis may play a role as well. This chapter discusses experimental studies assessing driving performance in both treated and untreated patients with narcolepsy. Driving simulator studies, on-road tests in actual traffic, and psychological test batteries show that untreated narcolepsy may significantly impair driving ability and increase the risk of becoming involved in traffic accidents. However, much more research is needed to evaluate the effects of narcolepsy treatment on driving in normal traffic, and epidemiological data on traffic accident risks should be gathered. Relatively few studies have been performed to examine effects of narcolepsy treatment on driving ability. Up to now driving improvement has been demonstrated in patients who are successfully treated with methamphetamine and modafinil. Future driving studies should examine the effect of other treatment options

    Toward a standardized investigation protocol in sudden unexpected deaths in infancy in South Africa : a multicenter study of medico-legal investigation procedures and outcomes

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    INTRODUCTION : South Africa manifests a socio-economic dichotomy that shows features of both a developed and developing country. As a result of this, areas exist where the lack of resources and expertise prevents the implementation of a highly standardized protocol for the investigation of sudden and unexpected deaths in infants (SUDI). Although the medico-legal mortuaries attached to academic centers have the capacity to implement standardized protocols, a previous study conducted at two large medico-legal mortuaries indicated otherwise. This study also revealed that the exact number and incidence of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) cases was unknown. These findings prompted a multicenter study in five academic centers of the medicolegal investigation procedures and outcomes in South Africa. METHODS : A retrospective case audit was conducted over a five-year period (2005 to 2009) at medico-legal laboratories attached to universities in Bloemfontein, Cape Town – Tygerberg, Durban, Johannesburg and Pretoria. The total case load as well as the total number of infants younger than 1 year of age, admitted to these mortuaries was documented. The case files on all infants younger than 1 year of age who were admitted as sudden and unexpected or unexplained deaths were included in the study population. Data collected on the target population included demographic details, the nature and scope of the post-mortem examinations, as well as the final outcome (cause of death).RESULTS : A total case load of 80,399 cases were admitted to the mortuaries (over the 5 year period) with a total of 3,295 (6.5%) infants. In the infant group, 591 (0.7%) died from other than natural causes and 2,704 (3.3%) cases of sudden, unexpected and/or unexplained deaths in infants were admitted and included in the detailed case analysis study. One-hundred-and-ninety-nine babies were between 0 and 7 days of age and 210 babies between 8 and 30 days. The remaining 2,295 infants were between 1 month and 12 months of age. Death scene investigation was done in a total of 14 (0.5%) cases. Discrepancies were present in the extent of the macroscopic postmortem examinations, as well as the type and extent of the ancillary investigations performed. The investigations were completed in 2,583 of the cases. The majority of these infants died from natural disease processes [1,976 infants (76.5%)]. Bronchopneumonia was the leading cause of natural deaths at all the mortuaries [674 cases (26.1%)]. SIDS was diagnosed in only 224 cases (8.7%) and in 383 (14.8%) cases, where a full post-mortem examination with ancillary investigations was conducted; the cause of death was recorded as “unascertained”. CONCLUSIONS : This study indicated that the admission criteria (to medico-legal mortuaries) and the investigative process/protocols in cases of sudden and unexpected deaths in infants differ greatly among 5 of the largest academic medical institutions in South Africa. Establishing and implementing standardized admission criteria (to medico-legal mortuaries) and implementing uniform investigative and autopsy protocols would appear to be an essential prerequisite to gain better understanding of the mystery of SIDS in South Africa.http://link.springer.com/journal/12024hb2013ay201

    Effects of anxiolytics on driving

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    Insomnia, hypnotic drugs and traffic safety

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    Sleep medication helps patients who suffer from insomnia to fall asleep and maintain asleep, but unfortunately hypnotic drugs often have residual effects that may affect daily activities such as driving a car. Epidemiological studies show that patients who use sleep medication are at increased risk of becoming involved in traffic accidents. These studies show an increased traffic accident risk for patients using benzodiazepine hypnotics or zopiclone.this chapter reviews the experimental studies assessing the effects of various hypnotic drugs on driving ability. On-the-road studies confirm that benzodiazepine hypnotics and zopiclone significantly impair driving ability the morning following bedtime administration, whereas the z-drugs zolpidem and zaleplon do not affect driving performance when taken as recommended. Impairment was dose dependent and most prominent in benzodiazepines with a relative long half-life.epidemiological studies show that tolerance to the impairing effects on driving ability of hypnotic drugs develops slowly. However, experimental evidence from on-the-road driving studies on the effects of chronic use of hypnotics is currently lacking. Also, the impact of untreated insomnia on driving should be examined in future studies.current hypnotics all act at the gaba receptor which may explain their residual effects on driving performance. Various newly developed hypnotic drugs have a different mechanism of action and may therefore be devoid of residual effects on driving performance.keywordshypnotic drugtraffic accident risksimulated drive performancedvvrfldwhg zlwkvkrz wkdwthese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves