1,665 research outputs found

    A structured light solution for detecting scapular dyskinesis

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    Scapular dyskinesis is a common occurrence in overhead athletes, i.e. athletes who participate in any sport where the upper arm and shoulder is used above the athlete’s head. However, no consensus has been reached on how to evaluate scapular dyskinesis quantitatively. In this thesis, we developed a measuring tool that can be used to evaluate certain key clinical parameters specific to scapular dyskinesis. The tool employs a 3D structured light computer vision approach to create a surface map of the soft-tissue across the scapula. This surface map is then analysed using surface curvature analysis techniques to identify the key clinical parameters associated with scapular dyskinesis. The main advantage of this method is that it provides a measurement tool that may facilitate future quantitative analysis of these key parameters. This may aid with diagnosis and monitoring of the condition by allowing measurement data to be collected both before and after treatment and rehabilitation. We expect that this tool will make the monitoring of treatment effectiveness easier while contributing to diagnostic computer vision

    Intersectionality Visualized: An Analysis of Global Feminisms

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    This paper is a detailed analysis of the Global Feminisms exhibition held at the Brooklyn Museum in 2007. Seeking to understand the ways in which women curators have challenged the traditional male artistic canon through their practice, this paper engages in a close reading of the exhibition’s design and the feminist artworks within it. The paper argues that the Global Feminisms exhibition visualizes intersectionality, bringing together the artistic voices of women of diverse backgrounds whose works explore colonialism, sexuality, self identity, motherhood, nationality, and other themes to form a rich tapestry that is not contained within the frame of the European canon. This paper illuminates an important movement toward feminist curatorial activism in the spaces of museums globally

    Reimagining collaboration in urban planning through a social practice lens: Towards a conceptual framework

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    Collaboration manifests in urban planning as central to all public engage-ment activities and is thus a powerful tool in the planner’s quest for social justice and empowered societies. This being said, as a foundational urban planning concept, collaboration has been influenced by neoliberal and technocratic tendencies and as such has become identifiable as a skill (a way of doing) rather than its intended normative character (a way of being). This article represents an effort to reframe and reimagine a contextually sensitive understanding of collaboration, by proposing a conceptual framework based on theoretical perspectives from two distinct subject areas, namely social practice and collaborative urban planning. This article further introduces a ‘relational reading of text’ as an alternative form of research method or inquiry to explore collaboration. Through this method, five social practice dimensions emerged. It is contended that these five dimensions, namely relational actions, entities, sense-making, inter-relatedness, and structuring tensions can refocus the worth of collaboration as a professional value attribute for both students of urban planning and practitioners.

    The Building Contract: A commentary on the JBCC Agreements

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    Like Finsen's previous books, The Building Contract, presents the industry, students and arbitrators with an excellent guide but does not represent a detailed investigation of construction contracts and the consequences of contracting or contractual issues. Despite this shortcoming the book fills the vital gap created by the new JBCC 2000 series of documentation and is a must for professionals, developers, builders and managers in the construction industry

    A Church with the Poor – Lessons From Scripture and From Congregations in Informal Settlements

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    The church has an essential role to play in communities riddled with poverty, disease, and despair. Communities in informal-settlement areas suffer a great deal. Churches in these communities are often small and have few means for alleviating poverty. In the Bible, the community of God is a community of love. Although there are instances of retribution in the Old Testament, there are clear instances where the community of God experiences the implications of love for one’s neighbour. In the New Testament, the essence of the church is to be the community of love. Congregations in Mangaung’s informal settlements bring a message of hope by being the community of love in their area. The church can become the true messenger of God’s hope in informal areas

    Die bemagtiging van die armes

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    The issues addressed in this article is whether the poor can be empowered to change their own situations without becoming revolutionary. Poverty comprises lack of the most basic life-sustaining goods. However, the poor as people before God, can be empowered to change their situation. Although poverty is an all-inclusive problem, the possibility of helping the poor to realise that they are called to take possession of their own destiny is important. In Jesus Christ a new way of hope and change is offered. With the realisation of their own situation comes the responsibility to become involved. By means of an important ministry the poor should be helped to regain self-respect and to act accordingly. Initiatives on the part of the poor are therefore of the utmost importance

    Strategies for successfully meeting the demands of quality and service excellence

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    The management of quality is crucial to business survival and merits the personal attention and commitment of executive management, but the primary responsibility for quality lies with those who perform the work. To enable production teams to accept responsibility for quality output, management must establish systems for control and verification of that output and must educate and train the workforce in the execution of duty. This training in techniques to achieve quality standards, will be re­paid many times over by greater output, less waste, an improved pro­duct and higher profits

    Die liefde van god as aanknopingspunt vir ’n gesprek met moslems: die rol van joh. 3:16.

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    Christian and Muslim relations are under tremendous strain. The political situation makes it very difficult to proclaim the love of God to Muslims. It is, however, possible to reach out to Muslims from the explanation of the love of God. John 3:16 is of utmost importance in this regard. In this article the love of God for the whole world is portrayed and in his love He reaches out to all and not only to Israel. The difficult concept of “Son of God” must, however, be explained to Muslims who often are offended by the conceptbecause of a biological understanding of it. The confession of the Trinity is of importance to fully explain the love of God and must be proclaimed in the dialogue with and the proclamation of the Gospel to Muslims