3,516 research outputs found

    High-speed imaging in fluids

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    High-speed imaging is in popular demand for a broad range of experiments in fluids. It allows for a detailed visualization of the event under study by acquiring a series of image frames captured at high temporal and spatial resolution. This review covers high-speed imaging basics, by defining criteria for high-speed imaging experiments in fluids and to give rule-of-thumbs for a series of cases. It also considers stroboscopic imaging, triggering and illumination, and scaling issues. It provides guidelines for testing and calibration. Ultra high-speed imaging at frame rates exceeding 1 million frames per second is reviewed, and the combination of conventional experiments in fluids techniques with high-speed imaging techniques are discussed. The review is concluded with a high-speed imaging chart, which summarizes criteria for temporal scale and spatial scale and which facilitates the selection of a high-speed imaging system for the applicatio

    The role of social norms in the portion size effect: reducing normative relevance reduces the effect of portion size on consumption decisions

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    People typically eat more from large portions of food than from small portions. An explanation that has often been given for this so-called portion size effect is that the portion size acts as a social norm and as such communicates how much is appropriate to eat. In this paper, we tested this explanation by examining whether manipulating the relevance of the portion size as a social norm changes the portion size effect, as assessed by prospective consumption decisions. We conducted one pilot experiment and one full experiment in which participants respectively indicated how much they would eat or serve themselves from a given amount of different foods. In the pilot (N = 63), we manipulated normative relevance by allegedly basing the portion size on the behavior of either students of the own university (in-group) or of another university (out-group). In the main experiment (N = 321), we told participants that either a minority or majority of people similar to them approved of the portion size. Results show that in both experiments, participants expected to serve themselves and to eat more from larger than from smaller portions. As expected, however, the portion size effect was less pronounced when the reference portions were allegedly based on the behavior of an out-group (pilot) or approved only by a minority (main experiment). These findings suggest that the portion size indeed provides normative information, because participants were less influenced by it if it communicated the behaviors or values of a less relevant social group. In addition, in the main experiment, the relation between portion size and the expected amount served was partially mediated by the amount that was considered appropriate, suggesting that concerns about eating an appropriate amount indeed play a role in the portion size effect. However, since the portion size effect was weakened but not eliminated by the normative relevance manipulations and since mediation was only partial, other mechanisms may also play a role

    Technical Report: A Trace-Based Performance Study of Autoscaling Workloads of Workflows in Datacenters

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    To improve customer experience, datacenter operators offer support for simplifying application and resource management. For example, running workloads of workflows on behalf of customers is desirable, but requires increasingly more sophisticated autoscaling policies, that is, policies that dynamically provision resources for the customer. Although selecting and tuning autoscaling policies is a challenging task for datacenter operators, so far relatively few studies investigate the performance of autoscaling for workloads of workflows. Complementing previous knowledge, in this work we propose the first comprehensive performance study in the field. Using trace-based simulation, we compare state-of-the-art autoscaling policies across multiple application domains, workload arrival patterns (e.g., burstiness), and system utilization levels. We further investigate the interplay between autoscaling and regular allocation policies, and the complexity cost of autoscaling. Our quantitative study focuses not only on traditional performance metrics and on state-of-the-art elasticity metrics, but also on time- and memory-related autoscaling-complexity metrics. Our main results give strong and quantitative evidence about previously unreported operational behavior, for example, that autoscaling policies perform differently across application domains and by how much they differ.Comment: Technical Report for the CCGrid 2018 submission "A Trace-Based Performance Study of Autoscaling Workloads of Workflows in Datacenters

    Microbubble formation and pinch-off scaling exponent in flow-focusing devices

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    We investigate the gas jet breakup and the resulting microbubble formation in a microfluidic flow-focusing device using ultra high-speed imaging at 1 million frames/s. In recent experiments [Dollet et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 034504 (2008)] it was found that in the final stage of the collapse the radius of the neck scales with time with a 1/3 power-law exponent, which suggested that gas inertia and the Bernoulli suction effect become important. Here, ultra high-speed imaging was used to capture the complete bubble contour and quantify the gas flow through the neck. It revealed that the resulting decrease in pressure, due to Bernoulli suction, is too low to account for an accelerated pinch-off. The high temporal resolution images enable us to approach the final moment of pinch-off to within 1 {\mu}s. We observe that the final moment of bubble pinch-off is characterized by a scaling exponent of 0.41 +/- 0.01. This exponent is approximately 2/5, which can be derived, based on the observation that during the collapse the neck becomes less slender, due to the exclusive driving through liquid inertia

    Coram Deo IV

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    Lee Allen, Fruit Picker, 1982

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    Regulating COVID-19: what lessons can be learned from the handling of the 2009 swine flu pandemic by the EU and the WHO?

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    Given the unprecedented response of governments across the world to COVID-19, what lessons can be learned from the last pandemic to hit the world in 2009? Esther Versluis explains that a notable problem with the WHO’s response to the swine flu pandemic was that it downplayed the uncertain nature of information during the outbreak, prompting criticism of its advice. However, while the WHO appears to have learned from this mistake with COVID-19, we may well be in a worse position overall, with populism prompting even less trust in science and expertise, and fake news flourishing on social media
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