534 research outputs found

    Fractalkine: A Cellular Link Between Adipose Tissue Inflammation and Vascular Pathologies

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    It is hard to imagine, given the wealth of new datareported over the recent past, that adipose tissue atone time was primarily considered as a passive res-ervoir for energy deposition and storage. However, research beginning in the early 1990s on the role of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a ushered in a new era of inves-tigation, and since that time, there has been an incredibly rapid and substantive increase in our understanding of underlying physiologic systems and molecular pathways linking obesity, inflammation, and insulin action (1,2). Spe-cifically, our understanding of the link between obesity and carbohydrate metabolism has been significantly enhanced with the elucidation of key regulators of energy balance and cellular insulin signaling that are complex and highly in-tegrated (3–6). We now readily accept adipose tissue as a key endocrine organ regulating processes throughout the body with its significant number of adipocyte secre-tions. What now appears to be emerging is the elucidatio

    The Mouse IAPE Endogenous Retrovirus Can Infect Cells through Any of the Five GPI-Anchored EphrinA Proteins

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    The IAPE (Intracisternal A-type Particles elements with an Envelope) family of murine endogenous retroelements is present at more than 200 copies in the mouse genome. We had previously identified a single copy that proved to be fully functional, i.e. which can generate viral particles budding out of the cell and infectious on a series of cells, including human cells. We also showed that IAPE are the progenitors of the highly reiterated IAP elements. The latter are now strictly intracellular retrotransposons, due to the loss of the envelope gene and re-localisation of the associated particles in the course of evolution. In the present study we searched for the cellular receptor of the IAPE elements, by using a lentiviral human cDNA library and a pseudotype assay on transduced cells. We identified Ephrin A4, a GPI-anchored molecule involved in several developmental processes, as a receptor for the IAPE pseudotypes. We also found that the other 4 members of the Ephrin A family –but not those of the closely related Ephrin B family- were also able to mediate IAPE cell entry, thus significantly increasing the amount of possible cell types susceptible to IAPE infection. We show that these include mouse germline cells, as illustrated by immunohistochemistry experiments, consistent with IAPE genomic amplification by successive re-infection. We propose that the uncovered properties of the identified receptors played a role in the accumulation of IAPE elements in the mouse genome, and in the survival of a functional copy

    Loss of Muscle MTCH2 Increases Whole-Body Energy Utilization and Protects from Diet-Induced Obesity

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    SummaryMitochondrial carrier homolog 2 (MTCH2) is a repressor of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), and its locus is associated with increased BMI in humans. Here, we demonstrate that mice deficient in muscle MTCH2 are protected from diet-induced obesity and hyperinsulinemia and that they demonstrate increased energy expenditure. Deletion of muscle MTCH2 also increases mitochondrial OXPHOS and mass, triggers conversion from glycolytic to oxidative fibers, increases capacity for endurance exercise, and increases heart function. Moreover, metabolic profiling of mice deficient in muscle MTCH2 reveals a preference for carbohydrate utilization and an increase in mitochondria and glycolytic flux in muscles. Thus, MTCH2 is a critical player in muscle biology, modulating metabolism and mitochondria mass as well as impacting whole-body energy homeostasis
