70 research outputs found

    Stress-fiber mechanics and cell mechano-sensitivity

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    In recent years, research in cell biology has shown that mechanics is a key to cell response, differentiation, and disease. For instance, an increasing number of observations have shown that the ability of cells to contract, spread, and differentiate is highly dependent on the stiffness and architecture of the surrounding matrix. Although the origins of these intriguing behaviors are still poorly understood, it is now clear that cells fully make use of cross-talks between mechanics, chemistry, and transport processes to organize their structure, generate forces, and make appropriate decisions. To better understand the underlying mechanisms of mechano-transduction, this presentation will introduce a multiscale approach to the actin cytoskeleton of an adherent scale, spanning from the molecular to the cellular scale. At the cellular scale, the cytoskeleton is viewed as an active gel, which can acquire a specific structure and exert contractile forces in response to its mechanical environment. The way by which these forces arise and stabilize the cytoskeleton is explained in terms of a fine scale model of the interactions between the actin filaments and myosin motors found within each individual sarcomere of a stress fiber. At this scale, a cross-bridge model is used to explain the stabilization of active acto–myosin complex in the presence of so-called a catch-bond behavior between the two molecular units. The idea of a catch-bond response acto–myosin assembly was indeed discovered recently but never related to the mechano-sensitivity of stress-fibers. After further derivations, these concepts are summarized into a coupled system of differential equation whose solution is analyzed using numerical methods such as finite elements. Numerical simulations show that the model is able to capture the dependency of cell contraction on substrate stiffness, adhesion or the application of external force on the cell boundary. The very good agreement between model predictions and experimental observations not only confirms that catch bonds may play a significant role in the mechano-sensitivity of adherent cells, but also pinpoint the importance of the hierarchical structure of stress-fibers across the scales

    Growth mechanics in degradable hydrogel scaffolds

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    Despite tremendous advances in the field of tissue engineering, a number of obstacles are still hindering its successful translation to the clinic. One of these challenges has been to design cell-laden scaffolds that can provide an appropriate environment for cells to successfully synthesize new tissue while providing a mechanical support that can resist physiological loads at the early stage of in situ implementation. A solution to this problem has been to balance tissue growth and scaffold degradation by creating new hydrogel systems that possess both hydrolytic and enzymatic degradation behaviors. Very little is known, however, about the complex behavior of these systems, emphasizing the need for a rigorous mathematical approach that can eventually assist and guide experimental advances. This presentation will introduce a mathematical and numerical formulation based on mixture theory, to describe the degradation, swelling, and transport of extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules released by cartilage cells (chondrocytes) within a hydrogel scaffold. The model particularly investigates the relative roles of hydrolytic and enzymatic degradations on ECM diffusion and their impacts on two important outcomes: the extent of ECM transport (and deposition) and the evolution of the scaffold’s mechanical integrity. Numerical results based on finite element show that if properly tuned, enzymatic degradation differs from hydrolytic degradation, in that it can create a degradation front that is a key to maintain scaffold stiffness while allowing ECM deposition. These results, therefore, suggest a hydrogel design that could enable successful in situ cartilage tissue engineering

    Smart polymers for advanced applications: a mechanical perspective review

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    Responsive materials, as well as active structural systems, are nowadays widely used to develop unprecedented smart devices, sensors or actuators; their functionalities come from the ability of responding to environmental stimuli with a detectable reaction. Depending on the responsive material under study, the triggering stimuli can have a different nature, ranging from physical (temperature, light, electric or magnetic field, mechanical stress, ...), chemical (pH, ligands, …), or biological (enzymes, …) type. Such a responsiveness can be obtained by properly designing the meso- or macroscopic arrangement of the constitutive elements, as occurs in metamaterials, or can be obtained by using responsive materials per se, whose responsiveness comes from the chemistry underneath their microstructure. In fact, when the responsiveness at the molecular level is properly organized, the nanoscale response can be collectively detected at the macroscale, leading to a responsive material. In the present paper, we review the huge world of responsive polymers, by outlining the main features, characteristics and responsive mechanisms of smart polymers and by providing a mechanical modeling perspective, both at the molecular as well as at the continuum scale level. We aim at providing a comprehensive overview of the main features and modeling aspects of the most diffused smart polymers. The quantitative mechanical description of active materials plays a key role in their development and use, enabling the design of advanced devices as well as to engineer the materials’ microstructure according to the desired functionality

    The mechanical response of fire ant rafts

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    Fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) cohesively aggregate via the formation of voluntary ant-to-ant attachments when under confinement or exposed to water. Once formed, these aggregations act as viscoelastic solids due to dynamic bond exchange between neighboring ants as demonstrated by rate-dependent mechanical response of 3D aggregations, confined in rheometers. We here investigate the mechanical response of 2D, planar ant rafts roughly as they form in nature. Specifically, we load rafts under uniaxial tension to failure, as well as to 50% strain for two cycles with various recovery times between. We do so while measuring raft reaction force (to estimate network-scale stress), as well as the networks' instantaneous velocity fields and topological damage responses to elucidate the ant-scale origins of global mechanics. The rafts display brittle-like behavior even at slow strain rates (relative to the unloaded bond detachment rate) for which Transient Network Theory predicts steady-state creep. This provides evidence that loaded ant-to-ant bonds undergo mechanosensitive bond stabilization or act as \say{catch bonds}. This is further supported by the coalescence of voids that nucleate due to biaxial stress conditions and merge due to bond dissociation. The characteristic timescales of void coalescence due to chain dissociation provide evidence that the local detachment of stretched bonds is predominantly strain- (as opposed to bond lifetime-) dependent, even at slow strain rates, implying that bond detachment rates diminish significantly under stretch. Significantly, when the voids are closed by restoring the rafts to unstressed conditions, mechanical recovery occurs, confirming the presence of concentration-dependent bond association that - combined with force-diminished dissociation - could further bolster network cohesion under certain stress states

    A theoretical treatment on the mechanics of interfaces in deformable porous media

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    AbstractThe presence of interfaces (such as cracks, membranes and bi-material boundaries) in hydrated porous media may have a significant effect on the nature of their deformation and interstitial fluid flow. In this context, the present paper introduces a mathematical framework to describe the mechanical behavior of interfaces in an elastic porous media filled with an inviscid fluid. While bulk deformation and flow are characterized by displacement gradient and variations in the fluid chemical potential, their counterpart in the interface are derived by defining adequate projections of strains and flow onto the plane of the interface. This operation results in the definition of three interface deformation and stress measures describing decohesion, mean tangential strain and relative tangential strain, as well as three interface fluid driving forces and flux representing normal flux, mean tangential flux and relative tangential flux. Consistent with this macroscopic description of interface behavior, a set of governing equations are then introduced by considering the conservation of mass and the balance of momentum in the mixture. In particular, we show that the coupled mechanisms of interface deformation and fluid flow are described by six differential equations for fluid flow and three equations for solid deformation. It is also shown that a simpler set of governing equation can be derived when incompressible constituents are considered. The behavior of the mixture is finally specified through a general linear constitutive relation that relies on the definition of quadratic strain energy and dissipation functions. While an large number of material constants are needed in the general case, we show that under simplifying assumptions, the behavior of the interface can be written in terms of only eight material constants. A summary and discussion is then provided on the proposed formulation and potential applications are suggested
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