235 research outputs found

    Proizvodnja soje (Glycine max.) u svetu i kod nas

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    Areas under soybean in the world in 2013 amounted to 111.27 million hectares, with the total production of 276.40 million tonnes. America is the world's largest producer of soybean, with an area of 85.63 million ha, or with total world share of 76.95%, followed by Asia with an area of 20.69 million hectares and Europe with an area of 3.18 million hectares and total production of 5.94 million tonnes. The Republic of Serbia is among the largest producers oil crops in Europe. In 2013, the average soybean yields in Serbia were at the level of the average global yield while production amounted to 385,514 tons. The Republic of Serbia has favorable conditions for growing soybean. The correct cultivation practices and choice variety is a prerequisite for economic profitable soybean production.Površine pod sojom u svetu, u 2013. godini iznosile su 111,27 miliona ha, sa ostvarenom ukupnom proizvodnjom od 276,40 miliona tona. Amerika je najveći svetski proizvođač soje, sa površinama od 85,63 miliona ha, odnosno sa ukupnim svetskim učešćem od 76,95%, zatim slede, Azija sa površinama od 20,69 miliona ha i Evropa sa površinama od 3,18 miliona ha i ukupnom proizvodnjom od 5,94 miliona tona. Republika Srbija je među najvećim proizvođačima uljarica u Evropi. U 2013. godini prosečni prinosi soje u Srbiji bili na nivou prosečnih svetskih prinosa dok je proizvodnja iznosila 385.514 tona. Republika Srbija ima povoljne uslove za gajenje soje. Pravilna tehnologija gajenja i odabir sorte preduslov je za ekonomski isplativu proizvodnju soje

    Uticaj količine i oblika azota na produktivnost ozime pšenice

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    This paper examined the influence of the quantity and form of nitrogen on the important parameters of productivity of winter wheat. Field microexperiments were conducted in agroecological conditions of Central Serbia and loam soil type (vertisol). The results showed significant differences in the spike length, number of spikelets, grain yield and hectoliter weight between examined quantities of nitrogen. On the contrary, a form of nitrogen had not a significant effect on the observed parameters of productivity of wheat.U ovom radu je ispitivan uticaj količine i oblika azota na važnije parametre produktivnosti ozime pšenice. Poljski mikroogled je postavljen u agroekološkim uslovima centralne Srbije i na zemljištu tipa smonica (vertisol). Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali značajne razlike u dužini klasa, broju klasića, prinosu zrna i hektolitarskoj masi između ispitivanih količina azota. Suprotno tome, oblik azota nije ispoljio značajan uticaj na posmatrane parametre produktivnosti pšenice


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    Before the onset of the illness, future schizophrenia patients do not weigh more comparing to their peers. However, during the later course of the illness, obesity is twice as prevalent as in general public, afflicting the half of schizophrenia patient population. There is a list of potential factors that contribute to this, including lifestyle, dietary habits, unsatisfactory monitoring of physical health etc, but nowadays side effects of antipsychotic medication become the most prominent concern when weight gain and metabolic issues in psychosis are addressed. The fact is that second generation antipsychotics (SGA) are associated with weight gain and metabolic syndrome, but that might be the case with the first generation antipsychotics (FGA) too. Besides, obesity might be evident in patients before any exposure to medications, and all that bring lot of dilemmas into the field. This paper critically reviews available data on metabolic problems in patients with psychotic disorders, raging from genetic to molecular and environmental factors, and highlights the necessity of screening for the early signs of metabolic disturbances, as well as of multidisciplinary assessment of psychiatric and medical conditions from the first psychotic episode

    Soluble ST2 levels and left ventricular structure and function in patients with metabolic syndrome

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    Background: A biomarker that is of great interest in relation to adverse cardiovascular events is soluble ST2 (sST2), a member of the interleukin family. Considering that metabolic syndrome (MetS) is accompanied by a proinflammatory state, we aimed to assess the relationship between sST2 and left ventricular (LV) structure and function in patients with MetS. Methods: A multicentric, cross-sectional study was conducted on180 MetS subjects with normal LV ejection fraction as determined by echocardiography. LV hypertrophy (LVH) was defined as an LV mass index greater than the gender-specific upper limit of normal as determined by echocardiography. LV diastolic dysfunction (DD) was assessed by pulse-wave and tissue Doppler imaging. sST2 was measured by using a quantitative monoclonal ELISA assay. Results: LV mass index (β=0.337, P<0 .001, linear regression) was independently associated with sST2 concentrations. Increased sST2 was associated with an increased likelihood of LVH [Exp (B)=2.20, P=0.048, logistic regression] and increased systolic blood pressure [Exp (B)=1.02, P=0.05, logistic regression]. Comparing mean sST2 concentrations (adjusted for age, body mass index, gender) between different LV remodeling patterns, we found the greatest sST2 level in the group with concentric hypertrophy. There were no differences in sST2 concentration between groups with and without LV DD. Conclusions: Increased sST2 concentration in patients with MetS was associated with a greater likelihood of exhibiting LVH. Our results suggest that inflammation could be one of the principal triggering mechanisms for LV remodeling in MetS

    Varijabilnost prinosa različitih sorti ozimog ječma

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    This paper presents the results of winter barley cultivars (Rekord, Grand, NS 565 and Nonijus). Varieties were grown in the experimental field of Agro-chemical school "Dr. Djordje Radic"-Kraljevo during two growing seasons. By examining the physical properties of grain, Nonijus was achieved the highest average yield in both growing seasons (4.140 t ha-1, 5.706 t ha-1). The significant difference in the significance between the impact of the year on grain quality in the examined barley varieties was significant for grain yield. The established differences in significance from the point of view of the genotype to the average values of grain yield were statistically not significant.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja ozimih sorti ječma (Rekord, Grand, NS 565 i Nonijus). Sorte su gajene na oglednom polju Poljoprivredno-hemijske škole „Dr Đorđe Radić“-Kraljevo, tokom dve vegetacione sezone. Ispitivanjem fizičkih osobina zrna, sorta Nonijus je ostvarila najveći prosečan prinos zrna u obe vegetacijske sezone (4,140 t ha-1; 5,706 t ha-1). Utvrđena razlika značajnosti između uticaja godine na kvalitet zrna kod ispitivanih sorti ječma, bila je značajna za prinos zrna. Ustanovljene razlike značajnosti sa stanovišta uticaja genotipa na prosečne vrednosti prinosa zrna statistički nisu bile signifikantne

    Uticaj sezone i genotipa na prinos i kvalitet zrna kod ozimih sorti pšenice

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    The small-scale trials over two years (2011/12th and 2012/13th), examined the six varieties of winter wheat (Vizija, Takovčanka, Planeta, Kruna and Perfekta). Studied grain yield (t ha-1), weight of 1000 grains (g) and test weight (kg hl-1). Estimates were statistically significant differences for grain yield between varieties and years. Cultivars Vizija, Takovčanka and the Planeta have conducted surveys have shown a high degree of adaptability conditions of production of wheat and had a satisfactory yield in the examined vegetation seasons.U mikroogledima tokom dve godine (2011/12.-2012/13.), ispitivano je šest sorti ozime pšenice (Vizija, Takovčanka, Planeta, Kruna i Perfekta). Istraživan je prinos zrna (t ha-1), masa 1000 zrna (gr) i hektolitarska masa (kg hl-1). Procenjene su statistički signifikantne razlike za prinos zrna između sorti i godina. Sorte Vizija, Takovčanka i Planeta su u sprovedenim ispitivanjima pokazale visok stepen adaptabilnosti uslovima proizvodnje pšenice i imale su zadovoljavajući prinos u ispitivanim godinama

    Parametri rodnosti različitih sorti jarog ječma (Hordeum vulgare L)

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    This paper presents the results of Kragujevac spring barley varieties (Jadran and Dunavac). The experiment was conducted at the experimental field of the Center for Small Grains, Kragujevac during two growing seasons. Investigated the grain yield (t ha-1), 1000 grain weight (g) and test weight (kg hl-1). By examining the physical properties of grain, variety Jadran is made slightly larger two-year average grain yield (3.127 t ha-1). The average value for 1000 kernel weight and test weight in both years was slightly higher in the variety Dunavac.U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja kragujevačkih jarih sorti ječma (Jadran i Dunavac). Ogled je postavljen na oglednom polju Centra za strna žita, Kragujevac tokom dve vegetacijske sezone. Istraživan je prinos zrna, masa 1000 zrna i hektolitarska masa. Prosečan prinos zrna u posmatranom dvogodišnjem periodu kretao se u intervalu od 2,674 t ha-1 do 3,127 t ha-1, dok se vrednost za masu 1000 zrna kretala u intervalu od 44,16 g do 44,48 g. Sorta Jadran je ostvarila nešto veći dvogodišnji prosečan prinos zrna (3,127 t ha-1). Prosečna vrednost za masu 1000 zrna i hektolitarsku masu u obe godine istraživanja bila je nešto veća kod sorte Dunavac

    Uticaj godine na prinos i kvalitet zrna ozimih sorti pšenice

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    The small-scale trials over two years (2009/10th and 2010/11th), examined the six varieties of winter wheat (Vizija, Takovčanka, Kg 56 S, Kruna, Aleksandra and Planeta). Studied grain yield (t ha-1), weight of 1000 grains (g) and test weight (kg hl-1). Estimates were statistically significant differences for grain yield between varieties and years. Cultivars Vizija, Kg 56 S, Takovčanka and the Kruna have conducted surveys have shown a high degree of adaptability conditions of production of wheat and had a satisfactory yield in the examined vegetation seasons.U mikroogledima tokom dve godine (2009/10.-2010/11.), ispitivano je šest sorti ozime pšenice (Vizija, Takovčanka, Kg 56 S, Kruna, Aleksandra i Planeta). Istraživan je prinos zrna (t ha-1), masa 1000 zrna (gr) i hektolitarska masa (kg hl-1). Procenjene su statistički signifikantne razlike za prinos zrna između sorti i godina. Sorte Vizija, Kg 56 S, Takovčanka i Kruna su u sprovedenim ispitivanjima pokazale visok stepen adaptabilnosti uslovima proizvodnje pšenice i imale su zadovoljavajući prinos u ispitivanim godinama

    Uticaj mineralne ishrane na prinos ozime pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    Investigations were carried out during the 2006/2007 year on stationary field trial, the Center for Small Grains in Kragujevac. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of mineral nutrition on the yield of winter wheat varieties (Lazarica, Takovčanka, Kg 56S, Kg 100 i Ana Morava). For these investigations were conducted two experiments (N1-80 kg ha-1 and N2-120 kg ha-1). Analysis of variance indicates very significant effects of cultivar on the grain yield, 1000-grain weight and test weight. Analysis of variance for the impact of nitrogen rates (N1 and N2) on investigated traits was found that doses of nitrogen in combination with NPK fertilizers significantly affected only on grain yield.Istraživanja su izvedena tokom 2006/2007. godine na stacionarnom poljskom ogledu, Centra za strna žita u Kragujevcu. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispita uticaj mineralne ishrane na prinos ozime pšenice sorte (Lazarica, Takovčanka, Kg 56S, Kg 100 i Ana Morava). Za ova istraživanja su izvedena dva ogleda (N1-80 kg ha-1 i N2-120 kg ha-1). Analizaom varijanse je utvrđen vrlo visoko značajan uticaj sorte na prinos, masu 1000 zrna i hektolitarsku masu. Analizom varijanse za uticaj doze azota (N1 i N2) na ispitivane osobine utvrđeno je da su doze azota u kombinaciji sa NPK đubrivima značajno uticale samo na prinos zrna

    Sorta facelije NS priora za proizvodnju biomase u cilju dobijanja voluminozne stočne hrane

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    California bluebell (Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth) is a hardy plant forage. It is grown for seed production, for obtaining green forage, silage, hay, as well as crop protection, crop of green fertilizers and as bee pasture. The experiment the new variety California bluebell, NS Priora, was carried out in four replications on plots of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Backi Petrovac (φN 45 ° 20 ', λE 19 ° 40', m.s.l. 89), in 2016. Cellulose content in the grain of variety NS Priora was 4.91%, while the average yield of raw biomass was 25,000 kg ha-1. NS Priora has achieved high yields of raw biomass and good grain quality and proved to be a good feedstock for the production of seeds and roughage.Facelija (Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth) je jednogodišnja krmna biljka. Koristi se za proizvodnju semena, za dobijanje zelene krme, silaže, sena, kao zaštitni usev, usev za zelenišno đubrenje i kao pčelinja paša. Ogled sa novom sortom facelije, NS Priora, izveden je u četiri ponavljanja na parcelama Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Bačkom Petrovcu (φN 45°20', λE 19°40', m.s.l. 89), u 2016. godini. Sadržaj celuloze u zrnu sorte NS Priora iznosio je 4,91% dok je prosečan prinos sirove biomase iznosio 25.000 kg ha-1. NS Priora je ostvarila visoke prinose sirove biomase i dobar kvalitet zrna i pokazala se kao dobra sirovina za proizvodnju semena i voluminozne stočne hrane