7 research outputs found

    Aptitud de padres para prevenir abuso sexual en menores después de una intervención educativa participativa Parental aptitude to prevent child sexual abuse after a participatory education intervention

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    OBJETIVO: Evaluar la aptitud en los padres sobre el impacto de educar con equidad a los menores, para prevenir abuso sexual infantil con una estrategia educativa participativa. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Diseño cuasiexperimental. Se incluyó a 92 padres con hijos menores en preescolar que recibieron una intervención educativa con estrategia promotora participativa por una hora durante 20 días. Para evaluar el cambio de aptitud se construyó previamente un cuestionario estructurado con 20 enunciados, que fue validado por expertos en educación y sexología infantil. Para comparar la diferencia intragrupos se utilizó Wilcoxon. RESULTADOS: Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las respuestas de los padres antes/después de la intervención educativa con un valor en la mediana (rango) 10(2-12)/18(6-20), p<0.01. CONCLUSIÓN: Después de la intervención educativa participativa, se encontró un cambio de aptitud en los padres al adquirir un mayor aprendizaje sobre el impacto de educar con equidad a los menores para prevenir abuso. Es necesario continuar evaluando diferentes estrategias educativas.<br>OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the aptitude of parents regarding the educational impact of equity education for children to prevent child sexual abuse using participatory strategies. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Quasi-experimental design. Ninety-two parents with children in preschool were included in the study. The parents were given a course using participatory educational strategies for one hour daily over a period of 20 days. Prior to the course, a group of experts in child education and sexology prepared a questionnaire with 20 sentences. A Wilcoxon test was used to compare intergroup differences RESULTS: We found statistically significant differences in the parents' responses before and after the educational intervention, with a median (range) of 10(2-12)/18(6-20), p<0.01. CONCLUSIONS: A significant change in aptitude was noted when parents attended classes using a participatory strategy to learn about the impact of educational equity for the prevention of child sexual abuse. Thus, it is imperative to continue evaluating different educational strategies

    Factors associated with the use of information and communication technologies in family medicine residents

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    Las tecnologías en información y comunicación (TICss) son herramientas que se utilizan para procesar, administrar y compartir la información mediante diversos soportes tecnológicos. La necesidad actual de que todo profesional cuente con los conocimientos básicos en el área de inglés, informáTICsa y gerencia, es también válida para la medicina. Nos propusimos analizar los factores asociados al uso de TICss en médicos residentes(n=59) de Medicina Familiar (MF) de la Unidad de Medicina Familiar No. 24 del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS); se aplicó el Instrumento Tecnología en Información y Comunicación en médicos residentes, publicado por Veloz MG y col. 2012. El 98.6%disponen de computadora portátil, 98% disponen de internet en su domicilio, el 69.5% haparTICsipado en cursos en línea y se encontró una asociación entre el grado académico y nivel de dominio de internet con una p=.013, eoncontrándose que el 49% de los residentes tienen un dominio regular en la computadora. Concluimos que el dominio regular de la computadora en médicos residentes es bajo, aunque existe una asociación entre el grado académico y el nivel de dominio de internet. Las TICs están cada vez más incorporadas en los procesos de formación y actualización de médicos residentes. La falta de dominio del idioma inglés no dificulta el uso de internet y la brecha generacional en el uso de TICs seva cerrando poco a poco, siendo estas herramientas útiles en el campo clínico de nuestros residentes.Information and communication technologies (ICT) are tools used to process, manage and share information through various technological supports. The current needfor every professional to have basic knowledge in the area of English, IT and managementis also valid for medicine. We set out to analyze the factors associated with the use of ICT in medical residents (n = 59) of Family Medicine (FM) of the Family Medicine Unit No. 24of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS); The Information and CommunicationTechnology Instrument was applied to resident physicians, published by Veloz MG et al.2012. 98.6% have a laptop, 98% have internet at home, 69.5% have parTICsipated in onlinecourses and an association was found between academic degree and level of internetproficiency with p = .013, finding that 49% of residents have a regular domain on thecomputer. We conclude that regular computer proficiency in resident physicians is low,although there is an association between academic degree and level of internet proficiency.ICTs are increasingly incorporated in the training and updating processes of residentdoctors. The lack of command of the English language does not hinder the use of theinternet and the generation gap in the use of ICT is closing little by little, these tools beinguseful in the clinical field of our residents

    Reemerging Influenza Virus Infections during the Dominance of the Omicron SARS-CoV-2 Variant in Mexico

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    The burden of influenza in Mexico has been high. We aimed to characterize its epidemiological patterns before and during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. A retrospective cohort study was conducted and 5652 PCR-confirmed cases of influenza (October 2019&ndash;April 2022) were analyzed. The highest incidence (144 per million) was observed in December 2019 and rapidly decreased right before the start of the pandemic (February 2020). No cases were documented in the 2020&ndash;2021 season, and infections reemerged at a low level (8 per million) in December 2021. The case-fatality rates were around 5% in both seasons (p = 0.591). The dominant strains were AH1N1 and AH3N2 in the 2019&ndash;2020 and 2021&ndash;2022 seasons, respectively. In multiple analysis, males and older patients were at increased risk of a fatal outcome. Flu vaccination and infection by B lineages (vs. AH1N1) showed a protective effect. Our results suggest that the spread of the influenza virus reemerged in the 2021&ndash;2022 season when the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant (B.1.1.529) was dominant. Efforts focusing on the prevention of transmission of respiratory viral pathogens, together with flu vaccination, may be useful to reduce the risk of an influenza outbreak

    Insight into the Burden of Malignant Respiratory Tumors and their Relationship with Smoking Rates and Lead Contamination in Mexico

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    We aimed to report the results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 related to respiratory malignant tumors (tracheal, bronchial, and lung) in Mexico. We also evaluated the relationship between the burden of these neoplasms and the proportion of daily smokers and total lead emissions in 2019. A cross-sectional analysis of ecological data was performed. The burden of these tumors was 152,189 disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), and years of life lost (YLL) contributed to 99% of them. The highest DALYs rates (per 100,000) were observed in the states of Sinaloa, Chihuahua, Baja California Sur, Sonora, and Nayarit. We documented a linear relationship between the DALYs rates and the prevalence of daily smokers (&beta; = 8.50, 95% CI 1.58&ndash;15.38) and the total lead emissions (tons/year: &beta; = 4.04, 95% CI 0.07&ndash;8.01). If later replicated, our study would provide insight into the major relevance of regulating tobacco use and the activities associated with the production of lead dust and other hazardous contaminants

    Survival Analysis and Contributing Factors among PCR-Confirmed Adult Inpatients during the Endemic Phase of COVID-19

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    In May 2023, the global health emergency status of COVID-19 concluded, marking the onset of an endemic era. This study assessed survival rates among PCR-confirmed adult inpatients during this phase and determined contributing factors. Employing a survival analysis approach, this investigation utilized a nationwide Mexican cohort encompassing 152 adult inpatients. Survival rates were computed using the Kaplan–Meier method, and a proportional Cox model identified mortality risk factors. Survival rates remained above 65% on day 14 after admission. Vaccination status, including the number of doses administered, was not significantly associated with fatal outcomes. Chronic kidney disease or a history of immunosuppression (due to any cause) increased mortality risk. Our findings underscore the persistent severity of COVID-19 beyond the global health emergency, emphasizing the necessity for tailored interventions for vulnerable patients

    Assessing the Influence of COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage on Excess Mortality across 178 Countries: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on global health, necessitating urgent and effective strategies to mitigate its consequences. Vaccination programs have been implemented worldwide to combat virus transmission and reduce the disease burden. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between COVID-19 vaccination coverage and all-cause excess mortality in 178 nations during the first two years of the pandemic. Multiple regression analysis, after adjusting for life expectancy at birth, confirmed a significant association between higher vaccination coverage and lower all-cause mortality rates (β = −106.8, 95% CI −175.4 to −38.2, p = 0.002). These findings underscore the importance of vaccination campaigns in reducing overall mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic. Evidence-based decision making and resource allocation can benefit from this information, facilitating the optimization of vaccination strategies for maximal impact on mortality reduction. Further research and continuous monitoring are crucial to understanding the long-term effects of vaccination coverage on population health in the ongoing pandemic