92 research outputs found

    Current Concepts of Psychosomatic Diseases

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    Najava Hrvatskog kongresa o prevenciji i rehabilitaciji u psihijatriji

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    Pod visokim pokroviteljstvom predsjednika Republike od 9 ā€“ 11 veljače 2012. po drugi puta održat će se Hrvatski kongres o prevenciji i rehabilitaciji u psihijatriji s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem pod motom kako medicinu usmjeriti čovjeku, u organizaciji Hrvatskog druÅ”tva za zaÅ”titu i unapređenje mentalnog zdravlja Hrvatskog liječničkog zbora i Centra za palijativnu medicinu, medicinsku etiku i komunikacijske vjeÅ”tine (cepamet) Medicinskog fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu. Predsjednik kongresa je doc. dr. sc. Veljko Đorđević, specijalist psihijatar s Klinike za psiholoÅ”ku medicinu KBC-a Zagreb. Već nakon prvog kongresa održanog u Svetom Martinu na Muri u veljači 2010. godine, izrađene su preporuke i rezolucija o mentalnom zdravlju kao doprinos razvoju nacionalne strategije o mentalnom zdravlju Republike Hrvatske. Obzirom na pravi međunarodni ā€žpokretā€œ koji se danas posvećuje medicini usmjerenoj prema osobi, bez striktnih podjela na tjelesno, psiholoÅ”ko, socijalno, duhovno, a koji su upravo započeli najugledniji svjetski psihijatri, na drugom kongresu posvećenom prevenciji i rehabilitaciji u psihijatriji veliku će pozornost zauzeti interdisciplinarna suradnja i komunikacija, konzultativna (liaison) psihijatrija, uloga volontera u zdravstvenom sustavu ali i mjesto, uloga i značenje farmaceutske industrije u promicanju medicine usmjerene prema čovjeku te podizanju svijesti u prevenciji, liječenju i rehabilitaciji. Slika 1. 101 Upravo zbog naglaska na interdisciplinarnosti, na ovom će kongresu uz profesionalce na području mentalnog zdravlja (psihijatre, psihologe, defektologe, socijalne radnike, medicinske sestre, radne terapeute i dr.) sudjelovati specijalisti drugih struka, duhovnici, novinari, volonteri i predstavnici udruga bolesnika, predstavnici lokalne i nacionalne vlasti te voditelji farmaceutskih kompanija koje djeluju u Hrvatskoj. Zbog toga vas pozivamo da nam se pridružite na naÅ”em drugom kongresu s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, koji će se pod nazivom ā€žKako medicinu usmjeriti prema čovjekuā€ž održati od 9-11. veljače 2012. u hotelu Westin u Zagrebu. ViÅ”e o kongresu i programu na: www.psihijatrija-prevencijairehabilitacija.co


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    Chronic stress and Person-Centered Medicine

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    The Role of Media in Stroke Prevention

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    Učinkovitost Ŕkole zdravog mrŔavljenja u liječenju pretilosti

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    Obesity is a condition characterized by storage of excessive amounts of fat in the body. According to the World Health Organization, obesity has reached epidemic proportions and has become a leading public health issue. The increase in body weight causes numerous clinical complications and affects the quality of life, ability to work, and longevity of the patient. The treatment costs, direct and indirect, have become a substantial burden of healthcare systems. The etiology of obesity is complex and includes genetic factors, lifestyle, psychological factors, and, of course, high-fat diet. Fats are significant sources of calories, which are stored in the body in the form of fatty tissue. Typical human diet contains over 40% of fat, although the recommended maximum is 30%. Insufficient physical activity fosters the accumulation of adipose tissue. A sensible approach to the treatment should include moderate diets rich in carbohydrates, regular exercise, and pharmacological aid, if necessary. Weight loss programs offer a new multidisciplinary approach with a long-term goal to change the patientā€™s lifestyle and to treat the illness and its complications. The aim of this pilot study was to assess to what extent intensive healthy diet education, psychotherapistā€™s counseling, and exercise contribute to successful pharmacological treatment of obesity. Besides the psychotherapeutic and nutritional counseling, the Healthy Weight Loss Program relied on the treatment with orlistat, a representative of the new therapeutic group of lipase inhibitors, which selectively binds to the lipase enzyme in the gastrointestinal tract, thus preventing the fat digestion into simpler forms and reducing their absorption in the body by up to 30%. The analysis of the six-month program, which included 111 subjects, showed the comprehensive approach to therapy of obesity to have a statistically significant effect on weight control. The average weight loss was 12.5% of the baseline weight. Besides the weight reduction, the glucose metabolism improved, and blood pressure levels dropped by 5%. The subjects expressed satisfaction with the program and the results achieved. The analysis of the achievements confirmed the weight loss program based on education, psychotherapeutic counseling, and therapy with orlistat to be an efficient and reliable mode of obesity management.Pretilost je stanje prekomjernog nakupljanja masnog tkiva u organizmu. Prema miÅ”ljenju Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije, pretilost je poprimila epidemijske razmjere i postala vodeći problem javnog zdravstva. Zbog povećane tjelesne težine nastaju brojne kliničke komplikacije koje smanjuju kvalitetu života, radnu sposobnost i životni vijek oboljelih. Izravni i neizravni troÅ”kovi liječenja pretilosti predstavljaju velik teret za proračune zdravstvenih sustava. Etiologija pretilosti je složena i uključuje genetske čimbenike, životne navike, psiholoÅ”ke čimbenike, ali nedvojbeno je da jednu od ključnih uloga ima masna prehrana. Masti čine značajan izvor kalorija koje se uskladiÅ”tavaju u organizmu u obliku masnog tkiva, a tipičan sastav ljudske hrane sadrži viÅ”e od 40% masti, iako se preporuča da udio masti iznosi najviÅ”e 30%. Istodobno premala tjelesna aktivnost pomaže gomilanju masnog tkiva. Razborito liječenje pretilosti temelji se stoga na umjerenoj dijeti bogatoj ugljikohidratima, redovitoj tjelesnoj aktivnosti, uz farmakoloÅ”ku potporu kada je to potrebno. Å kole zdravog mrÅ”avljenja predstavljaju potpuno nov multidisciplinarni pristup koji ima za cilj promjenom životnih navika dugoročno rijeÅ”iti problem pretilosti i njenih komplikacija. Cilj ovoga probnog istraživanja bio je utvrditi u kojoj mjeri intenzivna izobrazba o prehrani, psihoterapijska potpora i redovita tjelesna aktivnost pojačavaju učinak farmakoterapije. Kao sastavni dio Å”kole se, uz psihoterapijske i nutricionističke savjete, primjenjivao orlistat, predstavnik nove terapijske skupine inhibitora lipaze, koji djeluje u gastrointestinalnom sustavu selektivno se vezujući za enzim lipazu, čime sprječava razgradnju masti do jednostavnih oblika i na taj način smanjuje apsorpciju masti unesenih hranom za 30%. Analiza Å”estomjesečnih rezultata Å”kole, u koju je bilo uključeno 111 ispitanika, pokazuje da ovakav cjelovit pristup u terapiji pretilosti statistički značajno poboljÅ”ava kontrolu tjelesne težine. Prosječni gubitak tjelesne težine iznosio je 12,5% početne tjelesne težine. Uza smanjenje tjelesne težine statistički je značajno učinkovito regulirana lipidemija, poboljÅ”an je metabolizam glukoze, te su snižene vrijednosti krvnog tlaka za 5%. Ispitanici su iskazali veliko zadovoljstvo programom Å”kole, kao i postignutim rezultatima. Navedena analiza i dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju da Å”kola zdravog mrÅ”avljenja utemeljena na izobrazbi, psihoterapijskoj potpori, u kombinaciji s orlistatom predstavlja učinkovitu i sigurnu terapiju pretilosti


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    Background: Different studies clearly show that doctor-patient relationship and communication are extremely important. They have a big influence on the outcome of medical treatment, but also on the cooperability, quality of life, safety of patients, teamwork, cultural sensitivity and fewer complaints to the doctorā€™s work. In this paper, we present results of our original research about attitudes of doctors and their perception related to the importance of communication between doctors and patients and personcentered approach. Subjects and methods: This cross-sectional study used a 28 items on-line survey to collect data from doctors in the period from 29 September 2015 till 23 November 2015 by using the Google forms. Total of 939 doctors from the entire Croatia responded. Results: Main results of the study suggest that doctors are aware of the importance of communication between doctors and patients and that education about communication skills was not appropriate during their study. Doctors have undoubtedly expressed their desire for further development and learning about a better communication between doctors and patients and they have showed in this research that they love their job. Conclusion: The research unambiguously speaks in favor of the need of the significant strengthening of this segment within the program of the School of Medicine and support the current changes in the medical curriculum at the School of medicine University of Zagre


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    Background: Different studies clearly show that posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is important factor in a reduction of the overall quality of life. PTSD remains a substantial problem in Croatia, nearly three decades after the beginning of the Croatia n Homeland war. In this paper, we present results of our original research about impact of PTSD on the self-perceived health-rela ted quality of life and social support in Croatian Homeland war veterans. Subjects and methods: A total of 277 war veterans were included from all Croatian counties. 158 (57.03%) veterans has PTSD and 119 (42.47%) are without PTSD. Strucured questionnaire was designed for socio-demographic data and information about combat experience and health problems. SF-36 was used in the estimation of health-related quality of life and Multidimesional S cale for Perceived Social Support for estimation of social support. Research was performed from June 2017 till November 2017. Results: Main results of the study suggest that Croatian veterans with PTSD have lower health-related quality of life in almost all doimains, and that they perceive less social support from family, friends and significant others in comparison to veterans without PTSD. Conclusion: The results of this study reiterate strong impact of PTSD on quality of life and perception of social support. The research speaks in favor of the need to develop person-centered interdisciplinry health-care programs for this population, with special emphasis on their overall quality of life
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