44 research outputs found

    Demand methods of price management: An empirical research

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    One factor which companies often take as a reference point for their pricing decisions is demand. This, however, is often done only partially, with priority being given to quantitative factors rather than qualitative factors. In this context, the aim of this study was to supply companies with a tool to facilitate and enhance price management in areas related to demand. In order to achieve this objective, the following procedure was implemented. Firstly, an extensive review of existing literature was carried out. This has made it possible to identify a set of factors which can influence consumer behaviour with respect to prices, and which should therefore be taken into account when making pricing decisions. The factors identified were then grouped into several categories (variables related to price, variables related to the product, variables related to the characteristics and the behaviour of the consumer, and variables related to the context of the purchase), in order to offer an overall, linked view. An empirical study was then carried out, interviewing price managers in a selection of companies from Andalusia (Spain). The objective was to gather data on their methods of price management, and to evaluate the practical usefulness of the sets of factors identified. The results of the study have made it possible to draw some interesting conclusions on price management. One of these is the importance which companies attach to pricing decisions. These decisions were taken in all cases by higher management teams. However, on analysing the factors which intervene in pricing decisions, it has been observed that their number is limited. In general, cost is still the major factor, while demandrelated aspects, in particular qualitative aspects, play a secondary role. On investigating the reasons for the priority given to quantitative rather than qualitative data, interviewees basically gave two answers. On the one hand, quantitative information (costs and sales) is easier to obtain, use and interpret than qualitative information (motivation, perception and attitude). On the other hand, most companies, and in particular the smaller ones, have no budget available for qualitative market studies. There may be a third reason for this behaviour, which was not explicitly mentioned at first by interviewees. This is the lack of knowledge regarding qualitative demand factors: their nature, their meaning, their usefulness and the way in which they can be incorporated into pricing decisions. This study is a first step towards solving this deficiency, since it proposes a chart which contains numerous restrictions in an integrated, organised fashion. Logically, it would be impractical to take them all into account simultaneously. This is where the work of each company begins, using market studies to establish priorities between the different factors

    What Drives Volunteers to Accept a Digital Platform That Supports NGO Projects?

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    Technology has become the driving force for both economic and social change. However, the recruitment of volunteers into the projects of non-profit-making organizations (NGO) does not usually make much use of information and communication technology (ICT). Organizations in this sector should incorporate and use digital platforms in order to attract the most well-prepared and motivated young volunteers. The main aim of this paper is to use an extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to analyze the acceptance of a technological platform that provides a point of contact for non-profit-making organizations and potential volunteers. The TAM is used to find the impact that this new recruitment tool for volunteers can have on an ever-evolving industry. The TAM has been extended with the image and reputation and visual identity variables in order to measure the influence of these non-profit-making organizations on the establishment and implementation of a social network recruitment platform. The data analyzed are from a sample of potential volunteers from non-profit-making organizations in Spain. A structural equation approach using partial least squares was used to evaluate the acceptance model. The results provide an important contribution to the literature about communication in digital environments by non-profit-making organizations as well as strategies to improve their digital reputation

    Una propuesta de modelo para la medición del valor de marca en entidades deportivas

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    Today, the companies, usually, consider the presence of the intangible assets, specially the brand, in the strategic plans of the organizations. So much the scientific community of marketing, as the managerial world they deal that managing the brand and to know its value is a prior matter in altars to managing to differentiate the products and to reach a competitive advantage. In the world of the sport, in which increasingly the economic interests prevail over other interests of emotional type, it seems to be unavoidable to confront the study of the management of the brand equity of sports entities and clubs. They are organizations that try to compete on a market increasingly competitively and lucratively, and that for it must try to manage and to administer its resources efficiently. And one of these resources it constitutes the brand, the name of the sports entity. In this paper, after approaching the knowledge of the concept brand equity and its components, giving a particular vision of the importance that has the brand equity in sports organizations and proposing a model who helps the sports agent to understand and up to valuing the brand of the entity that it manages

    What role does corporate governance play in the intention to use cloud computing technology?

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    This paper aims to investigate the factors which promote the adoption of cloud-based technology. It strives for a better understanding of the impact of corporate governance on the adoption of this technology. This study concentrated on executives in companies where the use of cloud computing may give a competitive advantage. The main contribution of this work is to propose a model for the influence of corporate governance and other factors that determine the adoption of this technology. A questionnaire was prepared after taking into consideration the reviewed literature. The sample consisted of 164 technology companies from Southern Spain that already use the new economic models for digital solutions. The methodology used to analyze the structural model was the Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results of the survey showed the influence of Corporate Governance and the procedures and practices of the organization on the adoption of cloud computing and the associated business model. This study aims to point out the importance of corporate support and Knowledge Management for the correct and successful adoption of this technology and to show the effects on the new business model of billing for the use of available resources. View Full-Tex

    The designs of trade relations between Spain and Latin America (1995- 2022)

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    El trabajo analiza las relaciones comerciales entre España y Latinoamérica y el Caribe utilizando datos del Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo, la Organización Mundial del Comercio y Atlas of Economic Complexity. Trata de responder a dos cuestiones. De una parte, si las relaciones bilaterales entre Latinoamérica y el Caribe con España se han desarrollado de manera positiva y de otra si el comercio ha evolucionado hacia productos con un índice de complejidad mayor y por tanto hacia actividades de mayor valor añadido. A lo largo del trabajo se comprueba que el porcentaje de importaciones y exportaciones entre España y Latinoamérica y el Caribe se mantiene estable en el rango del 4% y el 6% a lo largo de las últimas décadas y de otra parte se constata que no se ha producido una mayor complejidad de los productos, siendo los sectores extractivos y primarios los que priman en las exportaciones hacia España.This paper analyses trade relations between Spain and Latin America and the Caribbean using data from DataComex (Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism), the World Trade Organisation and the Atlas of Economic Complexity. It attempts to answer two questions, on the one hand, whether bilateral relations between Latin America and the Caribbean and Spain have developed positively and, on the other, whether trade has evolved towards products with a higher level of complexity and therefore towards activities with higher added value. The study shows that the percentage of imports and exports between Spain and Latin America and the Caribbean has remained stable in the range of 4% and 6% over the last few decades, and that there has been no increase in the complexity of products, with extractive and primary sectors being the main export sectors to Spain

    Public services citizen's satisfaction and voting intentions: the moderating effects of citizens characteristics

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    : El objetivo de este artículo es el de analizar la relación entre la satisfacción de los ciudadanos con los servicios públicos y sus intenciones de comportamiento (intención de voto) en el ámbito de las Administraciones Locales. Además, se explorara el papel moderador de las características de los ciudadanos en la mencionada relación.This articles aims to analyze the relationship between citizen’s satisfaction with their public services and their future vote intentions within the scope of local administration. In addition, we explore the moderating role of citizen’s characteristics in the aforementioned relationship

    Towards to personal profiles of online video game players: application of POS-PLS on UTAUT model

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    There are diverse segmentations of online players in the literature. Most of them are proposed a priori, and there are no segmentations based on the acceptance of technology and the personal values of the players. The foremost purpose of this study is to obtain a clustering of online video games players, founded on UTAUT model, and to describe the subsequent segments consistent with the personal values of Schwartz. The measurement model and the structural model was analyzed with partial least squares (PLS). Subsequently, the POS-PLS technique has been devoted to inspect unobserved heterogeneity and to find players’ segments. Four segments are obtained from the statistical tools

    Aplicación de la teoría de áreas sociales a la creación de tipologías de consumidores urbanos mediante Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG).

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar la aplicación novedosa de la teoría de las áreas sociales a la creación de tipologías de consumidores urbanos utilizando Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG), de manera que se contribuya a la toma de decisiones oportunas y eficaces en el entorno de marketing. Para ello, en el marco teórico se presenta el problema de la diferenciación residencial, su origen y el alcance de su significado junto con la teoría de las áreas sociales, que propone claves para el estudio de este fenómeno. Tras la exposición de la metodología, se expone el caso empírico donde se detallan cada una de las variables que intervienen en el análisis y en la creación de las tipologías, de manera que cada una de las variables presentadas proporcionará información al profesional de marketing para construir un perfil de consumo según dichas características. El SIG hará factible la interpretación ágil y eficaz de los resultados al presentar de forma gráfica e inteligible los resultados, mejorando las tomas de decisiones de marketing.The objetive of this paper is to present a new application of social area theory for the creation of urban consumers typologies using Geographical Information Systems (SIG), so that help marketing decission makers. For this, Residential Differentiation phenomeno is presented, its origen, its meaning and the theorical framework of social area theory After the methodology, a case is shown with each variable and the process of creation of typologies based in Social Area theory. The variables used to form clusters give the decissor information about the consumer profile. The SIG makes possible the comprehension of result, as it is a grafic support and a valuable tool for analisys and improvement of marketing decisions

    Expectativas de los alumnos de Ciencias Empresariales de la Universidad Hispalense: Una aproximación empírica

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    En el presente estudio hemos pretendido conocer las expectativas laborales de los estudiantes de Ciencias Empresariales (estudios superiores y de grado medio) una vez que éstos terminen sus respectivos estudios universitarios. A partir de aquí, fijamos a su vez una serie de subobjetivos que quedaron enmarcados en la siguiente jerarquía: comparar los resultados entre los dos centros universitarios, y, poner en relación la opinión de nuestros alumnos con la expresada en otros estudios anteriormente desarrollados, sobre el empresariado de la Comunidad Autónoma Andaluza. Para el cumplimiento de los objetivos anteriormente citados hemos desarrolado una investigación en los dos centros en los que se imparten estudios de Ciencias Empresariales

    Claves para la promoción de ventas en función de las categorías de productos de compra frecuente

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    Las promociones detallistas tienen como respuesta más directa el incremento a corto plazo de las ventas del producto promocionado. El cambio de marca ha sido el efecto que tradicionalmente se ha considerado que explicaba el mayor porcentaje del incremento de ventas. Investigaciones recientes han encontrado que el efecto de la aceleración de compra y el incremento de la cantidad comprada tienen mayor peso en explicar dichas ventas. Estos fenómenos se pueden producir debido a las características de la categoría (como el precio, penetración y frecuencia de compra de la categoría, así como el efecto almacenamiento en los hogares de los consumidores) así como a las características propias de las referencias (cuota de mercado y precio de las marcas). En este trabajo analizamos mediante los datos de un panel de detallistas que recoge las ventas obtenidas en promoción, si las distintas categorías de productos producen efectos diferenciadores en las ventas de los mismos.Retail promotions have a direct response to short-term increase in sales of the promoted product. Brand change has traditionally been identified as the primary explanation for sale increase. However, recent research has put more emphasis on speedy consumption and the increase in the amount purchased as the basic explanations for the increase in sales. These phenomena may occur due to the characteristics of the category (such as price, market penetration and purchase frequency category and the storage effect in the homes of consumers), as well as the characteristics of the references products (market share and brand price). In this paper we analyze the data from a retail panel, to investigate if the sales promotion of different product categories produces a differentiator effect amongst them