13 research outputs found

    Оценка на селекционни линии пипер (Capsicum annuum L.) към важни заболявания в органична селскостопанска система

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    The reaction of pepper breeding lines under organic production conditions to Verticillium wilt, viruses and phytoplasma was observed at Maritsa Vegetable Crop Research Institute, Plovdiv, Bulgaria during two successive years. The diseases severity was recorded, when symptoms of Verticillium dahliae, viruses and Phytoplasma diseases were deeply expressed. The Verticillium dahliae attack index for early production breeding lines varied widely from 15.04% for line O58/14 to 43.83% for O26/16. For kapia type materials, the attack rate of Verticillium wilt ranged from 39.27% (O17/15) to 46.68% (O79/16). The highest index of attack by the disease was established for the powder breeding line (OP69/16) – 49.85%. The viruses which were monitored belong to groups of tobamoviruses, cucumoviruses and tospoviruses and were only 5.00% in breeding lines for early production. The Phytoplasma development was from 10.51% (O12/15) to 32.92% (O38/14). It was established that among studied diseases Verticillium wilt (42.41%) was more dangerous for studied pepper breeding lines in organic conditions followed by Phytoplasma disease (20.67%) and viruses (0.59%).Проучена е реакцията на селекционни линии пипера при условия на органично производство към вертицилийно увяхване, вируси и фитоплазма в в продължение на две последователни години в Институт по зеленчуковите култури Марица, Пловдив, България. Отчита се степента на заразяване, когато симптомите на заболяванията са силно изразени. Индексът на нападение на Verticillium dahliae за ранни производствени линии варира в широки граници от 15,04% за линия O58/14 до 43,83% за O26/16. За материали от тип капия степента на нападение на вертицилийно увяхване варира от 39,27% (O17/15) до 46,68% (O79/16). Най-висок индекс на нападение от болестта е установен при линията за мелене (ОР69/16) – 49,85%. Вирусите, които са наблюдавани, принадлежат към групи тобамовируси, кукумовируси и тосповируси и са до 5,00% само при линии за ранно производство. Развитието на фитоплазмата е от 10,51% (O12/15) до 32,92% (O38/14). Установено е, че сред изследваните болести вертицилйиното увяхване (42,41%) е по-опасно за изследваните линии за отглеждане на пипер в органични условия, следвано от фитоплазмата (20,67%) и вирусите (0,59%)

    In vitro answer of Bulgarian pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

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    Callusogenesis and regeneration ability of cotyledon and hypocotyl explants from three Bulgarian pepper varieties in MS basal medium supplemented with l-3mg/l BAP. l.0mg/1 IAA and 0.5mg/l GA3 was studied. In the different variants of culture medium was registered high level of callusogenesis and organogenesis in both type of explants from the all varieties. The highest percentage of plant-regenerants is established in cotyledon explants (from 3.3 to 18.3) in variant 3 of the culture medium containing 3mg/l BA. In the process of micropropagation by stem explants of the same studied pepper varieties the addition of the vitamins C. B12. Casein hydrolysate and Ferulic acid had a stimulation effect on the plant growth in height and rooting. In result of anther cultivation from three pepper varieties and four breeding lines the highest percentage of embryo structure formation was registered in varieties Albena and Strjama (12.0 and 13.8 respectively). The Bulgarian peppers are recalcitrant and their in vitro answer is different depending from the explants type, genotype and the culture media composition

    Correlaciones entre factores agrometeorológicos y caracteres de valor económico y morfológico en cultivares Búlgaros de pimentón ( Capsicum annuum L.)

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    Comparative cultivar trials were carried out for a long period (1984-2000) at the experimental field at "Maritsa" Vegetable Crops Research Institute, Plovdiv. Seven Bulgarian pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) cultivars with different fruit shape: 'Sivriya 600', 'Hebar', 'Stryama', 'Kurtovska kapiya 1619', 'Sofiyska kapiya', 'Kalinkov 800/7' and "Maritsa" were studied on phenological development. A solid data base for morphological and economical important characters, valuable meteorological factors along the interphase periods of cultivar development was constructed. The aim of the research was to establish relationship between important agrometeorological factors and morphological and economical value characters. Twenty four high correlations (r > ± 0.70) were determined for the investigated period and most of them (80%) was negative. In most of the established high dependencies (75% of the cases) the pericarp thickness and fruit weight were in close relation with agrometeorological factors. Negative correlation between the pericarp thickness and rainfalls during the whole harvesting period was found in 'Sofiyska kapiya', 'Maritsa' and 'Kalinkov 800/7'. Positive correlation (r > 0.70) was determined between the fruit weight and the active temperatures (air temperature which is above 10 °C) from transplanting to first harvesting in 'Hebar', 'Sivriya 600' and 'Sofiyska kapiya'.Se realizaron ensayos comparativos de cultivares durante un largo período (1984-2000) en el campo experimental del "Maritsa" Vegetable Crops Research Institute, Plovdiv Instituto de Investigación de Cultivos Vegetales "Maritsa", Plovdiv. Se estudiaron siete cultivares Búlgaros de pimentón con diferentes formas del fruto: 'Sivriya 600', 'Hebar', 'Stryama', 'Kurtovska kapiya 1619', 'Sofiyska kapiya' 'Kalinkov 800/7' y 'Maritsa' en relación al desarrollo fenológico. Se construyó una base de datos sólida para caracteres morfológicos y de importancia económica y factores meteorológicos importantes a lo largo de los períodos de interfases del desarrollo de los cultivares. El objetivo de la investigación fue establecer las relaciones entre factores agrometeorológicos importantes y caracteres morfológicos y económicos. Se determinaron en total 24 correlaciones altas (r > ± 0,70) para el período investigado y la parte predominante de ellos (80%) fue negativa. En la mayoría de las altas dependencias establecidas (75% de los casos), el grosor del pericarpio y peso de frutos estuvieron en estrecha relación con los factores agrometeorológicos. Se encontró una correlación negativa entre el grosor de pericarpio y la cantidad de lluvia durante todo el periodo de cosecha en 'Sofiyska kapiya', 'Maritsa' y 'Kalinkov 800/7'. Se determinó una correlación positiva (r > 0,70) entre el peso de frutos y las temperaturas activas (temperatura del aire la cual está por encima de 10 °C) desde el transplante a la primera cosecha en 'Hebar', 'Sivriya 600' y 'Sofiyska kapiya'

    Assessment of Serbian pepper varieties grown in conditions of South Bulgaria

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    Breeding evaluation of pepper lines obtained by in vitro anther culture

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    The comparative breeding evaluation was carried out with six advanced pepper lines (Capsicum annuum L.) with androgenic origin and their initial pepper variety Hebar during the period 2008 - 2010 in field conditions at Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The genotypes were characterized by total and standard yield, plant height and fruit traits: length, width, wall thickness and weight. The response of two lines (4 and 6) and control variety to the Verticillium wilt was also investigated on artificial infected background. According to the results of the experimental work standard and total yield in all androgenic lines were higher compared to the initial variety but significant differences were established only for lines 1, 2, 4 and 6. Line 6 was characterized with the highest standard yield (4009 kg/da) followed by line 2 (3829 kg/da). They exceeded variety Hebar with 42.26% and 35.89%, respectively. Line 2 formed the heaviest (61.31 g) and longer (11.24 cm) fruits than most studied genotypes. Anther-derived lines were also with a good uniformity by studied traits. In line 6 was registered lower index of infestation byVerticillium dahliae Kleb. than the control during the investigated period. These perspective lines will be included as valuable genetic resources for future pepper breeding programs for development of new varieties

    Association between cultivar performance for economic and morphologic traits and agrometeorological factors in Bulgarian pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

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    Comparative cultivar trials were carried out for a long period (1984-2000) at the experimental field at �Maritsa� Vegetable Crops Research Institute, Plovdiv. Seven Bulgarian pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) cultivars with different fruit shape: �Sivriya 600�, �Hebar�, �Stryama�, �Kurtovska kapiya 1619�, �Sofiyska kapiya�, �Kalinkov 800/7� and �Maritsa� were studied on phenological development. A solid data base for morphological and economical important characters, valuable meteorological factors along the interphase periods of cultivar development was constructed. The aim of the research was to establish relationship between important agrometeorological factors and morphological and economical value characters. Twenty four high correlations (r > ± 0.70) were determined for the investigated period and most of them (80%) was negative. In most of the established high dependencies (75% of the cases) the pericarp thickness and fruit weight were in close relation with agrometeorological factors. Negative correlation between the pericarp thickness and rainfalls during the whole harvesting period was found in �Sofiyska kapiya�, �Maritsa� and �Kalinkov 800/7�. Positive correlation (r > 0.70) was determined between the fruit weight and the active temperatures (air temperature which is above 10 ºC) from transplanting to first harvesting in �Hebar�, �Sivriya 600� and �Sofiyska kapiyaSe realizaron ensayos comparativos de cultivares durante un largo período (1984-2000) en el campo experimental del Maritsa� Vegetable Crops Research Institute, Plovdiv Instituto de Investigación de Cultivos Vegetales "Maritsa", Plovdiv. Se estudiaron siete cultivares Búlgaros de pimentón con diferentes formas del fruto: �Sivriya 600�, �Hebar�, �Stryama�, �Kurtovska kapiya 1619�, �Sofiyska kapiya� �Kalinkov 800/7� y �Maritsa� en relación al desarrollo fenológico. Se construyó una base de datos sólida para caracteres morfológicos y de importancia económica y factores meteorológicos importantes a lo largo de los períodos de interfases del desarrollo de los cultivares. El objetivo de la investigación fue establecer las relaciones entre factores agrometeorológicos importantes y caracteres morfológicos y económicos. Se determinaron en total 24 correlaciones altas (r > ± 0,70) para el período investigado y la parte predominante de ellos (80%) fue negativa. En la mayoría de las altas dependencias establecidas (75% de los casos), el grosor del pericarpio y peso de frutos estuvieron en estrecha relación con los factores agrometeorológicos. Se encontró una correlación negativa entre el grosor de pericarpio y la cantidad de lluvia durante todo el periodo de cosecha en �Sofiyska kapiya�, �Maritsa� y �Kalinkov 800/7�. Se determinó una correlación positiva (r > 0,70) entre el peso de frutos y las temperaturas activas (temperatura del aire la cual está por encima de 10 ºC) desde el transplante a la primera cosecha en �Hebar�, �Sivriya 600� y �Sofiyska kapiya�

    Evaluation of diversity in Bulgarian pepper cultivars by agronomical traits and ISSR markers

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    Information about the genetic variation among cultivars of vegetable crops is of vital importance for improvement of plant breeding programmes worldwide. The objectives of this study were to group 19 pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) cultivars from the collection of Maritsa Vegetable Crops Research Institute, Plovdiv, Bulgariainto clusters according to their distances as estimated by agronomic traits and 9 di-and tri -nucleotide inter simple sequence repeat polymorphism (ISSR) markers and to assess the relationships between them. The phenotypic characterization during 3 consecutive years revealed significant differences among Bulgarian cultivars for the studied 13 phenotypic traits. The biplot analysis of quantitative traits showed that the most strongly correlating traits with the first axis (55.6% of variance) were fruit width, fruit weight and pericarp thickness (in the negative direction of the axis), and plant height (PH) (in the positive direction). The most discriminative traits, considering the second axis (22.6% of variance) were fruit length (FL) and to a lesser extent the stem height (StH). The correspondence analysis of the qualitative traits showed that the intensity of the colour of the fruit (before and at maturity), fruit colourbefore maturity and fruit shape in longitudinal section were the most discriminative characteristics for the first two dimensions. The agronomic traits data and 7 dinucleotide ISSR primers were used to estimate the pairwise genetic distances. Higher mean phenotypic distance (0.414) in comparison to the genotypic ones (0.214) among the cultivars was observed, indicating higher phenotypic diversity among them. A highly significant, positive correlation between the agronomic data and ISSR marker-based matrices (r=0.41, p=0.001)was detected. This indicates that ISSR distance tended to reflect that of the agronomics ones. However, additional molecular studies and large collection of highly diverse genotypes are needed to reveal associations between the marker loci and specific QTLs. The research initiated is a base for more precise estimation of genetic distances between pepper genotypes from the available large collection of landraces, local and modern cultivars including large number of highly polymorphic markers

    Comparative Study on Physicochemical, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties of Propolis Collected from Different Regions of Bulgaria

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    Propolis (bee glue), a valuable biological mixture produced by European honey bees (Apis mellifera L.), is widely used as a remedy in traditional and alternative medicine, as an effective food biopreservative and as a nutritional value enhancer. The present study aimed to investigate eighty propolis samples collected from all twenty-eight districts of Bulgaria in the period of 2020–2022 in order to determine their physicochemical properties as well as their antioxidant and antimicrobial potential. The raw propolis samples exhibited brown or green colour depending on the climatic zone from which they are collected and pH values from 4.82 to 5.87, while the moisture content ranged between 0.98% and 2.97%. The total phenolics content (TPC) and total flavonoids content (TFC) varied from 63.14 mg GAE/g to 737.27 mg GAE/g, and from 29.22 mg QE/g to 234.17 mg QE/g, respectively. The propolis samples demonstrated significant antioxidant potential determined by DPPH and FRAP methods, from 18.56 mM TE/g to 1598.66 mM TE/g and from 82.28 mM TE/g to 1208.81 mM TE/g, respectively, whose values showed a positive correlation (r2) with the TPC and TFC. The results from the antimicrobial screening revealed that the methanolic propolis extracts in concentration of 20 mg/ml exhibited the highest inhibitory effect on the Gram-positive bacteria such as Micrococcus luteus 2YC-YT, Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Listeria monocytogenes NBIMCC 8632 and Listeria innocua ATCC 33090

    Double Haploid Development and Assessment of Androgenic Competence of Balkan Pepper Core Collection in Bulgaria

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    This study was designed to assess the androgenic potential of 180 pepper accessions and 11 progenies (four F1 and seven BC) possessing PMMoV resistance in order to complement an ongoing pepper breeding program. The experiment was carried out in 10 replications with 20 anthers for each accession in two different induction mediums from 2017 to 2019. The highest androgenic response was observed in culture medium 17-2 but differences between two mediums were nonsignificant. From a total of 191 genotypes, 102 genotypes expressed a potential for direct embryogenesis. Embryo induction was seen to be genotype-dependent and decreased in the following order: Pumpkin > Conical > Bell or blocky > Round > Elongate as the most responsive genotypes with over 10% reacted anthers being observed in CAPS-23, CAPS-29, CAPS-127, CAPS-157, CAPS-169, F1 and BC 887 derived from CAPS-23. The number of regenerated plants was higher in the conical group and least in the round varietal group. Regenerated plants were examined visually and by flow cytometry for identification of spontaneous doubled haploids (DH) and haploids. Those originating from F1 and BC progenies were additionally evaluated by a CAPS marker targeting L4 allele for resistance against PMMoV. Obtained results revealed two groups consisting of homozygous susceptible and resistant plants. Therefore, use of anther culture in ongoing breeding will greatly facilitate the pepper genetic improvement