1 research outputs found

    Colombia and the Intelligence Cycle in the 21st Century, the Digital Age

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    Luuretsükkel on luureinfo analüüsimise ja kogumise peamine protsess, mida kasutatakse\n\rkogu maailmas. Kuna see süsteem on vananenud, siis ei saa see lahendada neid ülesandeid,\n\rmida tehnoloogia areng ja digiajastu on kaasa toonud. Info liigub küberruumis.\n\rLuuretsükkel kasutab erinevaid luureinfo vorme, tarvitades otsingus, kogumises, analüüsis\n\rja levitamises kaasaegseid tehnoloogilisi vahendeid. Luures on teada ebaõnnestumisi, mis\n\rtulenesid sellest, et ei suudetud jälgida luuretsüklit info muutumise kiiruse või\n\rolemasolevatest tehnoloogilistest süsteemidest puuduliku teadlikkuse tõttu.\n\rLuureprotsessi tuleb integreerida tehnoloogia ja küberruumiga, et 21. sajandil luurevõimet\n\rarendada. On vaja kasutada kõiki ressursse ja integreerida kõiki\n\rolemasolevaid tehnoloogilisi allikaid põhilistest protsessidest alates.\n\rTäielik protsess, mis ühendab luureinfo saamise protsessi küberruumi ja infotehnoloogia\n\rkasutamisega, on vajalik selleks, et olemasolevat informatsiooni kasutada ja kindlustada.\n\rSee uurimistöö pakub uut, luure läbiviimiseks mõeldut mikrotsüklite protsessi. See koosneb\n\rviiest mikrotsüklist ja selle eesmärk on luure protsesside ja tehnoloogiate integreerimine, et\n\rsaada paremaid tulemusi 21. sajandi luure arengutes.The intelligence cycle is the main process in developing and obtaining intelligence used worldwide. Currently, it has problems and is outdated because it was not created to face the challenges that technology and the digital age have brought about. Information moves and travels in cyberspace, which are current as well as the future land of conflicts. The intelligence cycle is using technology systems through different forms of intelligence taking advantage of current technological developments for the search, collection, analysis and dissemination, but is not being fully exploited. Cases have been observed, where intelligence failed because of not following the intelligence cycle due to the speed of information or lack of knowledge of technological systems at the service of intelligence. The intelligence process must be integrated and work hand in hand with technology and the cyberspace, developing intelligence for the 21st century. It is necessary to use all resources and integrate all existing technological sources starting from the core of the process. \n\rA complete process that integrates the process of obtaining intelligence with the use and exploitation of cyberspace and information technology is required for increasing, securing and exploiting all available information. In the development of this thesis, a new process of micro cycles for intelligence has been developed. It consists of five micro cycles and its purpose is to integrate intelligence processes and technology for better results in this new era of intelligence development in 21st century