6 research outputs found

    Control of public expenditure on drug products in Bulgaria – Policies and outcomes

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the economic performance of the application of the policy for negotiating discounts on drug products and agreements on the controlled access of patients in Bulgaria. Methods: The methodology involves comparison of the amounts of public spending on medicines in two periods – during the course of the analyzed drug policies (January 2007 – June 2009), and the period in which negotiations on the price of medicines and programs for the controlled access of the patients was discontinued (July 2009 – December 2012). Results: In Bulgaria, the government did not apply methods for controlling publicexpenditure on medicines bargaining price concessions from manufacturers andimplementing agreements on controlled access of patients after June 2009. This led to an annual increase in the expenditures on drug products for home treatment (on average, 17% for the period 2009-2012). Conclusion: This trend in Bulgaria will continue in the future since expenditure control only through price control by means of a reference system and the positive list of medicines is ineffective. There is a need for implementation of combined drug policies in Bulgaria in the form of negotiations on rebates with manufacturers and agreements on controlled access of patients and reference pricing

    Public expenditure and drug policies in Bulgaria in 2014

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    Aim: The objective of this study was to provide an analysis of the factors which have a significant impact on the growth of public expenditure on medical products in Bulgaria. Methods: This research work consists of a critical analysis of the data reported by theNational Health Insurance Fund in Bulgaria on the stability of the healthcare insurance model and the implementation of the budget for 2014. Results: The results from the current analysis indicate that the growth of public expenditure is directly proportional to the number of reimbursed medical products and that the pattern of prescriptions including the innovative medical products mainly for the treatment of oncological and rare diseases has a significant impact on it. Conclusion: The reasons for the increase of public expenditure in Bulgaria include the non-transparent decisions in pricing and reimbursement of the products, the lack of guidelines for presenting pharmacological evidence and the lack of legislatively-defined drug policies for the management and control of the patterns of medical prescriptions

    Control of public expenditure on drug products in Bulgaria – Policies and outcomes

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the economic performance of the application of the policy for negotiating discounts on drug products and agreements on the controlled access of patients in Bulgaria.Methods: The methodology involves comparison of the amounts of public spending on medicines in two periods – during the course of the analyzed drug policies (January 2007 – June 2009), and the period in which negotiations on the price of medicines and programs for the controlled access of the patients was discontinued (July 2009 – December 2012).Results: In Bulgaria, the government did not apply methods for controlling publicexpenditure on medicines bargaining price concessions from manufacturers andimplementing agreements on controlled access of patients after June 2009. This led to an annual increase in the expenditures on drug products for home treatment (on average, 17% for the period 2009-2012).Conclusion: This trend in Bulgaria will continue in the future since expenditure control only through price control by means of a reference system and the positive list of medicines is ineffective. There is a need for implementation of combined drug policies in Bulgaria in the form of negotiations on rebates with manufacturers and agreements on controlled access of patients and reference pricing

    Public expenditure and drug policies in Bulgaria in 2014

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    Aim: The objective of this study was to provide an analysis of the factors which have a significant impact on the growth of public expenditure on medical products in Bulgaria.Methods: This research work consists of a critical analysis of the data reported by theNational Health Insurance Fund in Bulgaria on the stability of the healthcare insurance model and the implementation of the budget for 2014.Results: The results from the current analysis indicate that the growth of public expenditure is directly proportional to the number of reimbursed medical products and that the pattern of prescriptions including the innovative medical products mainly for the treatment of oncological and rare diseases has a significant impact on it.Conclusion: The reasons for the increase of public expenditure in Bulgaria include the non-transparent decisions in pricing and reimbursement of the products, the lack of guidelines for presenting pharmacological evidence and the lack of legislatively-defined drug policies for the management and control of the patterns of medical prescriptions