15 research outputs found

    Elementos, requisitos y directrices para la gesti贸n de la informaci贸n como un recurso de la organizaci贸n

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    To set a general frame in which to design the tools necessary to turn information from a trouble-making element into a useful one in decision-taking, we shall analyse here the external and internal particular frames in which information management presents itself, as well as the necessity to adopt a new focus that allows us to manage such information in a way consistent with current demands. We shall deal with several definitions, particularly that of the so-called "Information Resources Management" (IRM), first focusing our attention on the idea of "Information as resource" and then turning to those elements that configure the set of what we call here "Supporting resources". We propose then some requirements and guide-lines to set an Information Management programme, finishing with some advantages derived from its implementation

    Las fuentes de rentabilidad de las empresas

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    Why does performance vary between one company and another? Why do some firms obtain better profits or performance than others? As say Jarillo states (1990, p. VII), "this is undoubtedly a major question for anyone involved in research and teaching in business management". This question has been the basis of a great deal of research in the last few years from the point of view of both industrial economics and strategic management. The aim of this paper, with regard to the latter subject, is to provide results connected with the understanding of this phenomenon. It points out some factors which influence the variability of the performance of Andalusian firms, in addition to the intensity of these factors.Pourquoi les entreprises ont-elles des rentabilit茅s et certaines obtienent un rendement sup茅rieur aux autres? Comme indique Jarillo (1990, p. VII): "celle-ci est, sans doute, la grande question 谩 r茅pondre par quelqu'un consacr茅 谩 la recherche et 谩 l'enseignement dans le monde de l'茅conomie de l'entreprise". La question a provoqu茅 ees derni茅res ann茅es de m煤ltiples recherches aussi bien au niveau de l'茅conomie industrielle comme au niveau de la direction strat茅gique. Le travail suivant pr茅tend apporter 谩 cette discipline quelques r茅sultats visant la compr茅hension de ce fait in茅vitable. A continuation nous signaleront quelques facteurs qui ont une influence sur la rentabilit茅 des firmes andalouses, de m茅me que leur intensit茅

    Medici贸n de la satisfacci贸n laboral mediante el cuestionario de satisfacci贸n de necesidades de Porter

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    La medici贸n de la satisfacci贸n laboral es un tema recurrente dentro del campo de los recursos humanos, tanto por su relaci贸n con factores tan importantes como la productividad, la rotaci贸n, el absentismo, etc... como por su papel dentro de la denominada 芦calidad de vida laboral 禄. En el trabajo que presentamos hemos analizado el nivel de satisfacci贸n experimentado por trabajadores pertenecientes a dos empresas andaluzas, y para ello hemos empleado el cuestionario de satisfacci贸n laboral de Porter. Los resultados obtenidos han sido completados con el an谩lisis de diferentes variables demogr谩ficas con objeto de determinar las posibles influencias.The measurement of job satisfaction is a recurrent topic within the human resources field, both concerning such important factors as productivity, rotation, absenteeism, etc, and because its role within the so-called 芦quality of labor life禄. This paper addresses the job satisfaction level experienced by workers in two Andalusian companies, using Porter鈥檚 芦Need Satisfaction Questionnaire禄. Several demographic variables have also been analyzed to determine possible influences

    Public services citizen's satisfaction and voting intentions: the moderating effects of citizens characteristics

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    : El objetivo de este art铆culo es el de analizar la relaci贸n entre la satisfacci贸n de los ciudadanos con los servicios p煤blicos y sus intenciones de comportamiento (intenci贸n de voto) en el 谩mbito de las Administraciones Locales. Adem谩s, se explorara el papel moderador de las caracter铆sticas de los ciudadanos en la mencionada relaci贸n.This articles aims to analyze the relationship between citizen鈥檚 satisfaction with their public services and their future vote intentions within the scope of local administration. In addition, we explore the moderating role of citizen鈥檚 characteristics in the aforementioned relationship

    Las fuentes de rentabilidad de las empresas

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    Cultura de calidad total y comunicaci贸n interna

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