4,563 research outputs found

    The Master Field of QCD2_2 and the 'T Hooft Equation

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    We rewrite the action for QCD2QCD_2 in the light cone gauge only in terms of a bilocal mesonic field. In this formalism the 1/N1/N expansion can be done in a straightforward way by a saddle point technique that determines the master field to be identified with the vacuum expectation value of the bilocal field. Finally we show that the equation of motion for the fluctuations around the master field is identical with the 't Hooft meson equation.Comment: 7 pages, Latex, NORDITA-93-4

    N=2 four-dimensional gauge theories from fractional branes

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    This is a pedagogical and extended version of the results published in Refs. [1,2] and presented by the authors in various talks during the last year. We discuss the type II D-branes (both regular and fractional) of the orbifold R^{1,5}*R^4/Z_2, we determine their corresponding supergravity solution and show how this can be used to study the properties of N=2 super Yang-Mills. Supergravity is able to reproduce the perturbative moduli space of the gauge theory, while it does not encode the non-perturbative corrections. The short distance region of space-time, which corresponds to the infrared region of the gauge theory, is excised by an enhancon mechanism, and more states should be included in the low energy effective action in order to enter inside the enhancon and recover the instanton corrections. (To be published on a Memorial Volume commemorating Michael Marinov)Comment: 44 pages, AMS-LaTeX, no figure

    New twist field couplings from the partition function for multiply wrapped D-branes

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    We consider toroidal compactifications of bosonic string theory with particular regard to the phases (cocycles) necessary for a consistent definition of the vertex operators, the boundary states and the T-duality rules. We use these ingredients to compute the planar multi-loop partition function describing the interaction among magnetized or intersecting D-branes, also in presence of open string moduli. It turns out that unitarity in the open string channel crucially depends on the presence of the cocycles. We then focus on the 2-loop case and study the degeneration limit where this partition function is directly related to the tree-level 3-point correlators between twist fields. These correlators represent the main ingredient in the computation of Yukawa couplings and other terms in the effective action for D-brane phenomenological models. By factorizing the 2-loop partition function we are able to compute the 3-point couplings for abelian twist fields on generic non-factorized tori, thus generalizing previous expressions valid for the 2-torus.Comment: 36 pages, 1 figure; v2: typos corrected, proof in the Appendix improve

    More Anomalies from Fractional Branes

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    In this note we show how the anomalies of both pure and matter coupled N=1,2 supersymmetric gauge theories describing the low energy dynamics of fractional branes on orbifolds can be derived from supergravity.Comment: 11 pages, latex; v2: minor typos fixe

    Fractional Branes and N=1 Gauge Theories

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    We discuss fractional D3-branes on the orbifold C^3/Z_2*Z_2. We study the open and the closed string spectrum on this orbifold. The corresponding N=1 theory on the brane has, generically, a U(N_1)*U(N_2)*U(N_3)*U(N_4) gauge group with matter in the bifundamental. In particular, when only one type of brane is present, one obtains pure N=1 Yang-Mills. We study the coupling of the branes to the bulk fields and present the corresponding supergravity solution, valid at large distances. By using a probe analysis, we are able to obtain the Wilsonian beta-function for those gauge theories that possess some chiral multiplet. Although, due to the lack of moduli, the probe technique is not directly applicable to the case of pure N=1 Yang-Mills, we point out that the same formula gives the correct result also for this case.Comment: 21 pages, AMS-LaTeX, v2: references added and typos correcte

    Gauge/Gravity Correspondence from Open/Closed String Duality

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    We compute the annulus diagram corresponding to the interaction of a fractional D3 brane with a gauge field on its world-volume and a stack of N fractional D3 branes on the orbifolds C^2 /Z_2 and C^3/Z_2 x Z_2. We show that its logarithmic divergence can be equivalently understood as due either to massless open string states circulating in the loop or to massless closed string states exchanged between two boundary states. This follows from the fact that, under open/closed string duality, massless states in the open and closed string channels are matched into each other without mixing with massive states. This explains why the perturbative properties of many gauge theories living on the worldvolume of less supersymmetric and nonconformal branes have been recently obtained from their corresponding supergravity solution.Comment: LaTeX, 28 page

    Anomalies and Tadpoles in Open/Closed String Duality

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    We discuss the role played by the divergences appearing in the interaction between a fractional D3 brane dressed with an SU(N) gauge field and a stack of N fractional D3 branes on the orbifolds C^2/Z_2 and C^3/(Z_2 x Z_2). In particular we show that the logarithmic divergences in the closed string channel, interpreted as due to twisted massless tadpoles, are mapped, under open/closed string duality, in the logarithmic ones in the open string channel, due to the massless states circulating in the annulus diagram and corresponding to the one-loop divergences that one finds in the gauge theory living in the world volume of the brane. This result provides a quantitative evidence of why the chiral and scale anomalies of the supersymmetric and non conformal gauge theories supported by the world volume of the branes can be inferred from supergravity calculations.Comment: LaTeX, 8 pages. Contribution to the proceedings of the workshop of the RTN Network "The quantum structure of space-time and the geometric nature of fundamental interactions", Copenhagen, September 200

    Closed string exchanges on C2/Z2C^2/Z_2 in a background B-field

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    In an earlier work it was shown that the IR singularities arising in the nonplanar one loop two point function of a noncommutative N=2{\cal N}=2 gauge theory can be reproduced exactly from the massless closed string exchanges. The noncommutative gauge theory is realised on a fractional D3D_3 brane localised at the fixed point of the C2/Z2C^2/Z_2 orbifold. In this paper we identify the contributions from each of the closed string modes. The sum of these adds upto the nonplanar two-point function.Comment: 27 page

    Brane-Inspired Orientifold Field Theories

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    In this paper we consider the gauge theory living on the world-volume of a stack of N D3-branes of Type 0B/\Omega' I_6(-1)^{F_{L}} and of its orbifolds C^2/Z_2 and C^3/(Z_2 x Z_2). The gauge theories obtained in the three cases are a brane realization of ``orientifold field theories'' having the bosonic sector common with N=4,2,1 super Yang-Mills respectively. In these non-supersymmetric theories, we investigate the possibility of keeping the gauge/gravity correspondence that has revealed itself so successful in the case of supersymmetric theories. In the open string framework we compute the coefficient of the gauge kinetic term showing that the perturbative behaviour of the orientifold field theory can be obtained from the closed string channel in the large N limit, where the theory exhibits Bose-Fermi degeneracy.Comment: 27 pages, LaTe

    Is a classical description of stable non-BPS D-branes possible?

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    We study the classical geometry produced by a stack of stable (i.e. tachyon free) non-BPS D-branes present in K3 compactifications of type II string theory. This classical representation is derived by solving the equations of motion describing the low-energy dynamics of the supergravity fields which couple to the non-BPS state. Differently from what expected, this configuration displays a singular behaviour: the space-time geometry has a repulson-like singularity. This fact suggests that the simplest setting, namely a set of coinciding non-interacting D-branes, is not acceptable. We finally discuss the possible existence of other acceptable configurations corresponding to more complicated bound states of these non-BPS branes.Comment: Latex file: 41 pages, 5 figures; some minor corrections and references adde
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