5 research outputs found

    Ohtahara II sydrome as a rare epileptic encephalopathy

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    We present information about Ohtahara II syndrome which is a rare epileptic encephalopathy, and our own clinical case: a 4-year old child with this disorder

    Biochemical muscle composition of rainbow trout twoyears bions from population of «Bogushevski» fish farm

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    The paper provides the data on biochemical composition (content of dry substance), moisture, fat, protein and minerals in the muscles of two years bions of trout. There is described the variability of the said indicators of the representative sampling, there is shown the comparison of the data obtained with rated standards. Using Spearmen’s rank order correlation there was ascertained the interrelation of some biochemical indicators with fish mass and Foolton’s coefficients of condition.В статье представлены данные по биохимическому составу (содержанию сухого вещества), влаги, жира, протеина и минеральных веществ мышцах двухлетков форели. Дана характеристика изменчивости указанных показателей репрезентативной выборки, проведено сравнение полученных данных с нормативными показателями. С помощью коэффициента ранговой корреляции Спирмэна установлена взаимосвязь некоторых биохимических показателей с массой рыбы и коэффициентами упитанности Фультона

    Comparative characteristic of the Tremlya carp crosses for the toxic tolerance

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    We are creating the Tremlya carp breed considering it's rearing in conditions of the Polessie plain, which are characterized with big concentration of the iron solute in water. This factor has adverse effect on the survival rate of the fish, especially at the early stages of the development. Therefore, the assessment of the different crosses for the tolerance to this adverse factor is very important. In the result of the conducted work we found the crosses that were more tolerant to the higher concentration of the iron solute in water

    Evaluation of reproduction properties of different carp breeds female and perspective of selection material forming with increased breeding perfomance

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    Isobelino carp branch genesial parameters study has revealed avai lability of high variability between families in each branch regavding fertility, survival rate of eggs and larvas. The existence of variability between families allows to conduct selektion according to genesial parameters when creating new carp breeds

    Morphometrical indicators of trout underyearlings of various origin

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    There is provided a description of exterior morphometrical properties of trout underyearlings taken from two populations imported from the Russian Federation and France at the phase of impregnated row. There were discovered the differences between the underyearlings of various origin in terms of absolute and relative properties.Представлена характеристика экстерьерных морфометрических признаков сеголетков форели из двух популяций, завезенных на стадии оплодотворенной икры из России и Франции. Установлены различия сеголетков разного происхождения по ряду абсолютных и относительных признаков