69 research outputs found

    Peridontological status in the children with lymphoblastic leukosis

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    Численні дослідження довели, що рівень стоматологічної патології, такої як карієс та хвороби тканин пародонта, зростає на тлі загальносоматичної патології (Стадник У.К.; Кружалко О.В.). Не є винятком і онкогематологічні хвороби (Смоляр Н.І. та співав., 2003). Практично у всіх країнах світу спостерігається зростання захворюваності гемобластозами, особливо в дитячому віці. (Шабалов Н.П., 2007). Сучасні підходи до лікування та діагностики онкогематологічних хвороб дозволили досягти у 95% дітей, хворих на гострий лімфобластний лейкоз (ГЛЛ) стійкої ремісії впродовж перших 4 років

    Differential diagnosis of primary and metastatic ovarian carcinomas

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    Ovarian tumors constitute 3.4 % of the structure of oncological diseases in women worldwide. However, the ovaries are also a common target for metastasis of carcinoma from other organs. Conducting differential diagnosis between primary carcinoma and metastasis is often challenging. The aim of this study is to highlight the issues of morphological and immunohistochemical differential diagnosis of primary ovarian carcinomas and metastases from carcinomas of various organs to the ovaries. Materials and methods. Data analysis of clinical and pathohistological studies of 381 patients. Paraffin sections for pathohistological studies were stained with hematoxylin and eosin using standard methodology. Immunohistochemical studies were conducted in 161 cases using a panel of antibodies: cytokeratins, estrogen receptors, progesterone receptors, CA125, TTF1, Vimentin, CDX2, Villin, Chromogranin A, Synaptophysin, CD56, GATA, p53, Inhibin A, FOXL-2, PAX-8, Ki-67. The specimens were examined and analyzed using the Axioskop 40 microscope (Zeiss) with the AxioCam MRc camera (Zeiss). Results. The article discusses key issues of differential diagnosis of primary and metastatic ovarian carcinomas based on a large clinical and operational material. The application of an adequate panel of immunohistochemical antibodies for verification is considered. The results of the frequency of occurrence of different histological variants of ovarian carcinomas and metastases to the ovaries from carcinomas of other organs are provided based on our own research from 2019 to 2023. The main morphological and immunohistochemical indicators for practical use in the work of a pathologist in the verification of ovarian tumors are presented. An example of forming an antibody panel, taking into account clinical and morphological indicators in a specific clinical case from our own practice, is given. Conclusions. Metastases of carcinomas from other organs to the ovaries constitute half of all cases requiring immunohistochemical investigation based on morphological structure. The most common are metastases from breast and colorectal cancers. However, the diagnosis of metastatic intestinal carcinoma is particularly challenging, as there is usually no clear clinical picture. In the differential diagnosis of primary and metastatic ovarian tumors, a comprehensive approach to analyzing the clinical presentation, microscopic structure of the tumor, and the surrounding tissue plays a significant role. Additionally, the formation of an antibody panel, taking into account these data, is crucial. The article provides a list of antibodies that have demonstrated greater effectiveness in our work

    Dental caries susceptibility in children with leukemia

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    Результати наведених досліджень показали, що у дітей, хворих на ГЛЛ встановлена вірогідна різниця між показниками розповсюдженості та інтенсивності каріозного процесу, як у тимчасових так і в постійних зубах у порівнянні з контрольною групою дітей. Встановлено взаємозв’язок між клінічною стадією перебігу онкогематологічного захворювання, віком дітей та поширеністю, інтенсивністю каріозного процесу. Так, найвищі показники встановлені під час стійкої ремісії основного захворювання; Результаты приведенных исследований показали, что у детей, больных ОЛЛ установлена достоверная разница между показателями распространенности и интенсивности кариозного процесса, как во временных так и в постоянных зубах по сравнению с контрольной группой детей. Установлена взаимосвязь между клинической стадией течения онкогематологического заболевания, возрастом детей и распространенностью, интенсивностью кариозного процесса. Так, самые высокие показатели установлены в ходе устойчивой ремиссии основного заболевания; The mentioned results were revealed that children with ALL ascertainment the significant difference between the results of caries prevalence and intensity in temporary and permanent teeth versus control group children. Establish communication between age of children, clinical-hematology periods of the leukemia and caries prevalence and intensity. Thus, the highest results were founded during permanent hematologic remission of the basic disease

    Формування практичної складової освіти стоматолога під час сестринської практики в дитячій стоматології

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    Знання і вміння, здобуті студентами 2 курсу стоматологічного факультету в рамках виробничої практики «Сестринська практика в дитячій стоматології» є необхідною частиною формування професіоналізму майбутніх лікарів. Сформовані під час виробничої практики компетентності мають передаватися і розвиватися протягом усього навчання в закладі вищої освіти.The knowledge and skills acquisition during the 2nd year studying during the " Nursing Practice in Paediatric Dentistry" has makes a great influence on the professional qualities formation for the future doctors. Having been formed during the practical training the competencies should by improved in the process of further training in the university

    Implementation of the Right to the Anti-corruption Expertise as a Strategy for the Protection of Business

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    Olena Dzhafarova, Svitlana Vashchenko, Yurii Riabchenko, Victoriia Bila, Iryna Aristova. Implementation of the Right to the Anti-corruption Expertise as a Strategy for the Protection of Business. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues. Volume 22, Special Issue 2, 2019 URL: https://www.abacademies.org/articles/Implementation-of-the-right-to-the-anti-corruption-expertise-as-a-strategy-for-the-protection-of-Business-1544-0044-22-SI-2-378.pdf / (SCOPUS).The article describes the role and essence of the anti-corruption expertise in the prevention of corruption. The author proved that the prevention of corruption requires the identification and eradication of the roots of corruption in drafts and existing regulatory legal acts. In the study of the essence of the anti-corruption expertise the attention was paid to the subjects of its implementation. It was proposed to actively involve business in conducting anti- corruption expertise through the Public Councils under the executive and local government bodies, the Council of Business Ombudsman, and civil society institutions. The gaps in the legislation on the public anti-corruption expertise were characterized, in particular, the lack of a uniform methodology for its conduct, the procedure for accrediting independent experts, the possibility of using the conclusion of the anti-corruption expertise as evidence in administrative, civil, economic proceedings. In the conclusion, the characteristic features of the anti-corruption expertise were formulated and directions for enhancing the participation of civil society institutions in the realization of the right to the anti-corruption expertise as the main business protection strategy were identified

    The efficiency of using adaptogenic preparations influencing on dental fluorosis manifestation in children with dysplastic scoliosis in the area of endemic fluorosis

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    В зоне эндемического флюороза флюорозные поражения зубов у детей с диспластическим сколиозом встречаются в 56,83 ± 2,79%, что в два раза чаще, чем у здоровых детей (27,97 ± 2,92%). Выявлена прямая зависимость степени его тяжести от проявлений основного заболевания. Применение у детей с диспластическим сколиозом лечебно-профилак-тического комплекса: «Биотрит-С»-«ЭКСО»-«Кальцит» привело к выраженному пролонгированному профилактическому влиянию на твердые ткани зубов, пораженных флюорозом. The dental fluorosis prevalence was 56,83 ± 2,79% in children with dysplastic scoliosis that in two times more than healthy children (27,97 ± 2,92%) in the area of endemic fluorosis. There was revealed a direct dependence between the manifestations basic disease and its severity. The preventive and treatment complex "Biotrit-C" - "EKSO" - "Calcite" has a reliable prolonged preventive effect on dental hard tissues with fluorosis in children with dysplastic scoliosis

    The Living Museum is an ethno farm of gray Ukrainian cattle as a model of the location of rural green tourism facilities

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    The article is devoted to the development of ecological tourism in the agrarian territories of Ukraine, in particular, the creation of an organizational model of a living museum-ethno-farm, exhibits of which are productive gray cattle, whose herds a hundred years ago formed the basis of the economy disappearing. As objects of the tourist business, animals of the gray Ukrainian breed are beautiful to tourists: they have a beautiful appearance that is immediately memorable, have a calm, non-aggressive temperament, and have an excellent ability to get used to pastoral work. Today there are about a thousand animals of the aboriginal gray Ukrainian breed (in two state farms of Ukraine); this breed is recognized as a national heritage and has unique genetic and phenotypic qualities. The proposed model of a living open-air museum includes structural elements that allow creative use of local conditions of the modern Ukrainian village for the location of the ethno-farm and provide a vector of solutions to acute socio-cultural problems that will promote sustainable rural development: stop depopulation, expand to the history of their land, etc. The development of living museums-ethno-farms will reveal and use in the process of creative rethinking of folk traditions accumulated in previous generations invaluable qualities, namely: respect for rural labor and knowledge of the benefits of environmental management in environmental and social challenges

    On a form of expansion of partial Boolean functions

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