325 research outputs found

    Eficiência de uso da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa de três forrageiras nativas dos campos sulinos sob dois níveis de sombra e a pleno sol.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a eficiência de uso da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa (EUR) de Paspalum notatum, Paspalum regnellii e Paspalum dilatatum sob 50% e 80% de sombra artificial e a pleno sol, buscando avaliar o potencial de uso destas espécies em sistemas silvipastoris na região sul do país e a utilização de forrageiras nativas nestes sistemas integrados

    Optimizing Yield and Quality of Orchardgrass Pasture in Temperate Silvipastoral Systems

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    The objective of this study was to provide grazing management recommendations for a silvipastoral system by determining the effects of shade and nitrogen (N) on the pattern of dry matter accumulation and nutritive value of orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) in a subhumid temperate environment. Orchardgrass in open pasture (100% transmittance) and under 10 year old Pinus radiata tree shade (60% transmittance) at 200 stems/ha was used as the main plot and nitrogen (0 and 300 kg N/ha as synthetic urine) was the subplot factor. Dry matter (DM) production of orchardgrass in the first 60-day spring rotation was similar in open and shade conditions (2.6 t/ha) but approximately doubled by the application of N. In the 60- day summer rotation, DM production was about 22% lower in the shaded plots and was increased by about 60% by the addition of N. Crude protein and organic matter digestibility declined with herbage age and the onset of reproductive tiller growth. It was concluded that to maximise DM production without compromising pasture quality, grazing management of orchardgrass should be similar in open and shaded pastures in spring (30-35 day regrowth) but a shorter regrowth length used for open (20 days) than silvipastoral (25-30 days) systems in summer

    Dry Matter Production and Nutritive Value of Alfalfa (\u3ci\u3eMedicago sativa\u3c/i\u3e L.) and Orchardgrass (\u3ci\u3eDactylis glomerata\u3c/i\u3e L.) under Different Light Regimes

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    Spring and summer alfalfa dry matter and nitrogen production rates were greater than orchardgrass in open pasture and under three shade levels. Ten years old Pinus radiata allowed 60% light transmissivity. The addition of artificial shade resulted in 45% and 25% transmissivity. Orchardgrass pastures were nitrogen deficient and water stressed. In contrast, alfalfa was not stressed and it was more light responsive than orchardgrass. Differences in nutritive value were relatively small between species and between light regimes. Sheep liveweight gain on alfalfa was greater than on orchardgrass. Orchardgrass demonstrated shade tolerance, but alfalfa was more productive even at 25% transmissivity. Conventional concepts of shade tolerance may not be appropriate when screening pasture species for silvipastoral systems

    Silvopastoral systems in the cold zone of Brazil.

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    The cold zone of Brazil occupies approximately 6 % of the national territory and is located between latitudes 24° S and 33° S. In this area, extensive cattle and sheep farming systems and conventional cropping and forestry are predominant. With the end of government subsidies by the decade of 1980s, an increase in farming production costs, a decrease of native forest covering, an increase of degraded areas in agriculture and livestock farming systems and a mismatch between timber national supply and demand after 1990s, an opportunity arises for integrate forestry with livestock and agriculture activities in Brazil, particularly in the southern. This chapter initially reports key events over the last three decades that have supported the increasing interest of farmers and enterprises on agroforestry activities, with focus on silvopastoral systems in the cold area of Brazil. Then, relevant advances on silvopastoral systems from research and extension services were reported, highlighting the screening of shaded adapted forage plants and management, trees species screening for silvipastoral systems and animal performance and behaviour under trees. Finally, the chapter analyses the existent opportunities to increase silvopastoral areas in southern Brazil and future challenges for research, development and technology transfer.bitstream/item/175986/1/Jamir-Luis-Silva-Book-Silvopastoral-Systems-in-South-America-Springer-2016-1.pd

    Different Methods of Artificial Shade for Agro-Silvipastoral Research

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    Artificial shading sources are used to simulate silvipastoral light environments and study the effect of shade on pasture. Different sources of shade may not imitate normal forest light environment. An experiment was conducted to examine the light environment and effect on pasture yield components of two artificial shading materials. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) pasture was submitted to three light regimes: full sunlight (100% transmissivity); black shade cloth (40%) and wooden slats (45%). The pattern of light exposure for plants differed under slats and shade cloth, but light intensity and quality were similar. Alfalfa dry matter (DM) yield and leaf area index under shaded treatments were about 60% of the open pasture. Numbers of stems per m2, number of nodes and plant height were also similar in both shaded treatments, but lower than in full sunlight. Plants under shade cloth and slats had a greater leaf to stem ratio, but leaf temperature was cooler under both shaded treatments than in full sunlight. This resulted in delayed alfalfa development. The results indicated that both slats and shade cloth can simulate the light environment under agroforestry, but they may not produce the same biological consequences

    Recomendações para a escolha e manejo de plantas forrageiras em sistemas silvipastoris no Sul do Brasil.

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    Fundamentos eco-fisiológicos de forrageiras adaptadas ao sistema silvipastoril; Definição dos espaçamentos e arranjos arbóreos; A escolha de espécies forrageiras para a integração floresta-pecuária; Manejo de forrageiras em SSP.bitstream/item/63860/1/DT76.pdfDisponível no formato online