131 research outputs found

    Esperienze didattiche universitarie con strumentaria storica odontoiatrica

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    L'utilizzo delle Collezioni di strumentaria storica odontoiatrica quale valido strumento didattico nei corsi di Storia della Medicina per il CL Igiene dentale e il CLM di Odontoiatria

    Attraverso lo sguardo del viandante

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    Il Saggio illustra il progetto scientifico e allestitivo della mostra temporanea "Il corpo e l'anima" ospitata dal Complesso Museale del Santa Maria della Scala di Siena dal dicembre 2014 al maggio 2015

    Catalogare il Patrimonio Scientifico e Tecnologico: da SIC a STS a PST, storia di un percorso (e di una collaborazione)

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    L'iter effettuato per la messa a punto della scheda <"PST - Patrimonio Scientifico e Tecnologico" licenziata dall'Istituto Centrale del Catalogo e la Documentazione (ICCD), presentata in anteprima dal Ministero per i Beni e le AttivitĂ  Culturali il 13 ottobre 200

    I Valori del Museo. Politiche di indirizzo e strategie di gestione.

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    Il volume tratta i temi piĂą recenti nell'ambito della Museologia Scientifica: dai nuovi criteri per la valutazione del bene culturale alle recenti tecnologie per il restauro di un bene scientifico; dalle schede catalografiche approntate con l'ICCD per le varie tipologie di beni scientifici alle moderne indicazioni per gli allestimenti delle Collezioni scientifiche

    Confirmation of the Prognostic Value of Foxp3+ Cells in Canine Mammary Tumors

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    Foxp3+ cell counts were evaluated by immunohistochemistry in 59 canine mammary tumors, 20 adenomas, and 39 carcinomas in three different compartments: intratumoral, within the adjacent stroma, and in the distant stroma. Foxp3+ lymphocyte counts were compared with histotype, grading, presence of lymphatic invasion, immunohistochemical expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors, expression of c-erbB-2, and the overall survival (OS). Our findings confirmed that Foxp3+ cells were significantly higher in canine mammary carcinomas compared to adenomas. A significantly higher number of Foxp3+ cells were detected in grade III carcinomas compared to grade II carcinomas, as well as in tumors with lymphatic invasion and loss of ER-expression. Finally, a high number of Foxp3+ cells was associated with poor prognosis. In conclusion, our findings highlighted the association of Foxp3+ lymphocytes with negative clinicopathological features and shorter overall survival (OS), thus confirming the role of Tregs as a negative prognostic marker in canine mammary carcinomas

    From hospital “knife” to cultural museum artefact. Da “ferro” ospedaliero a bene culturale musealizzato

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    The University of Siena for almost thirty years has chosen to safeguard and preserve its scientific equipment no longer in use, to study it and to make it available to the public. This choice, at the time considered a “rescue operation” in a context of abandonment, was a fixed point in the process of changing mentality and the beginning of a non-occasional recovery of historical scientific assets. There was also the creation of an organized depository, in conjunction with the establishment of a Siena University Museums System (SIMUS). Over the years, the instruments recovered and cataloged have been valued through temporary exhibitions, but especially have become a fundamental tool for teaching and scientific dissemination to school students, as well as for career counseling. Today, SIMUS has a new great cultural opportunity: to become an actor in local development and to transform its cultural heritage into an effective means of communication with the outside. A new Medical Instrumentation Museum is the latest result of the research work carried out by the staff of the Center for the Protection and Valorization of the Ancient Scientific Heritage (CUTVAP)


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    I dermatoglifi, essendo completamente diversi da un essere umano all’altro, segnalano la diversità umana. Per questo motivo, e per le loro caratteristiche di unicità, classificazione e inalterabilità, le creste papillari sulla punta delle dita rappresentano elementi di una sicura differenziazione tra una persona e l’altra. Di conseguenza, le impronte digitali sono molto utili nell’identificazione di un essere umano.Salvatore Ottolenghi fu il primo ad utilizzare il sistema di impronte digitali per identificare gli individui e introdusse questo sistema nel suo “Cartellino di riconoscimento” nel 1902. Essendo sicuro della validità scientifica di questo metodo, lo considerava libero da potenziale interpretazione personale. Secondo lui “le impronte digitali, per loro natura, formano disegni speciali dalla nascita; questi non cambieranno per tutta la vita e saranno assolutamente diversi da un essere umano a un altro”. Questo metodo di identificazione delle impronte digitali fu immediatamente perfezionato da Giovanni Gasti, scelto da Salvatore Ottolenghi come suo assistente personale presso la Scuola di Polizia Scientifica. Per questo motivo, il metodo è stato chiamato “Sistema Gasti (Sistema Gasti)”. Fu usato per tutto il Novecento.The dermatoglyphics are signs of the human variety, as they are absolutely different from one human being to another. For this reason, and for their characteristics of uniqueness, classification, and inalterability, the papillary ridges on the fingertips represent elements of a sure differentiation between one person and another. Fingerprints are, therefore, very helpful in identifying a human being. Salvatore Ottolenghi was the first to utilize the fingerprinting system to identify individuals, and he introduced this system in his “Cartellino di riconoscimento (identification card)” in 1902. He was sure about the scientific validity of this method, which he considered to be free from potential personal interpretation. According to his definition, “fingerprints, by their nature, form special drawings from birth; these will not change throughout life and will be absolutely different from one human being to another”. This fingerprint identification method was immediately refined by Giovanni Gasti, whom Salvatore Ottolenghi had chosen as his personal assistant at the Scuola di Polizia Scientifica (School of Forensic Science). Gasti, adapting the classification method of Francis Galton and Edward Henry, developed the “Sistema Gasti (Gasti System)”, which was in use throughout the 1900

    Co-localization of PTEN and E-cadherin in canine mammary hyperplasias and benign and malignant mammary tumours

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    Fifty-four canine mammary lesions (15 hyperplasias, 7 adenomas and 32 carcinomas) were submitted to immunohistochemical analysis for the evaluation of PTEN and E-cadherin co-expression. Subjects bearing mammary carcinomas were also submitted to a 2-year follow-up study to compare immunohistochemical results with overall survival All the hyperplastic samples stained positive for both markers, 100% of adenomas were positive for PTEN and 86% for E-cadherin, and 69% and 34% of carcinomas were positive for PTEN and E-cadherin, respectively. Statistical analysis showed a positive correlation between these two proteins both considering all (p &lt;0.01) or malignant tumours (p &lt;0.05). The female dogs bearing tumours positively-stained for both markers had a longer overall survival (p &lt;0.05) and absence of lymphatics invasion (p &lt;0.05). Simultaneous double immunofluorescence confirmed the co-localization of the two proteins in neoplastic cells. Results reported in this study confirm the tumor suppressor effect of these two molecules

    The role of neuroradiology in intracerebral haemorrhage

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    The neuroradiologist plays a fundamental role in evaluating cerebral haemorrhage, from the clinical suspect until the final diagnosis.The neuroradiologist’s role consists not only in highlighting the presence of an haemorrhage, but also in specifying its localization and its nature, and in assessing, together with the neurosurgeon, the adequate treatment.With the aid of some case reports, this article underlines the role of neuroradiologist in the diagnostic process. For each case report discussed, computerised tomography (CT) and digital subtraction angiography (DSA) findings are given, to better highlight the diagnostic role of these techniques in the detection and characterization of intracranial haemorrhage
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