3 research outputs found


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    The biosensor amperometric transducers can work in the case of three basic types of reversible inhibitor enzyme systems – with competitive inhibition, with non-competitive inhibition and mixed inhibition. Tipicaly they work in static mode. Now they are investigated in dynamic mode. In the paper are investigated the influence of starting concentration of inhibitor over output current of the biosensor with three type inhibition enzyme kinetic in dynamic mode. Those kinetic is generally discussed in terms of a simple extension to the Michaelis-Menten reaction scheme. The biosensor is amperometric product sensitive. Solving system of non-linear partial differential equations is reseived in three dimensional size and the concentration profiles of substrate S(x,t), inhibitor I(x,t) and product P(x,t) are reseived. The models are described in non stationary diffusion conditions. The systems of non-linear differential partial equations are solved numerically in MATLAB medium. In the 3D vision are given reagents concentration changing in the active membrane

    Primjena genetskih algoritama za utvrđivanje parametara asinkronog motora

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    An approach is presented for determining the equivalent circuit parameters of squirrel cage induction motors by genetic algorithms. An equivalent circuit without considering the steel losses is analyzed. The sensitivity of the approach is discussed by using one, two and three sets of data. The accuracy of the proposed approach is analyzed by determining the relative error in the parameters, obtained by genetic algorithms, with regard to analytical values.Predstavljen je pristup za utvrđivanje nadomjesnih parametara strujnog kruga kaveznog asinkronog motora pomoću genetskih algoritama. Analizirano je nadomjesno strujno kolo bez razmatranja gubitaka u čeliku. Razmotrena je osjetljivost pristupa uporabom jednog, dva i tri niza podataka. Točnost predloženog pristupa je analizirana pomoću određivanja relativne pogreške u parametrima, dobivene genetskim algoritmima, u odnosu na analitičke vrijednosti