10 research outputs found

    Alfven eigenmode structure during off-axis neutral beam injection

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    The spatial structure of Alfven eigenmodes on the DIII-D tokamak is compared for contrasting fast ion deposition profiles resulting from on- and off-axis neutral beam injection (NBI). In both cases, poloidal mode rotation and eigenmode twist, or radial phase variation, are correlated with the direction of the normal ion diamagnetic flow and readily inverted with a reversal of toroidal magnetic field, B-T. While off-axis NBI results in weakly driven reversed shear induced Alfven eigenmodes due to reduced fast ion pressure gradient,. del beta(fast), in the region of the mode, these marginally unstable modes exhibit a 2D phase structure that is indistinguishable from that observed during on- axis injection. This result is consistent with recent explorations using the non-perturbative codes Gyro and TAEFL that show a weak dependence of eigenmode structure on drive when fast ion density is uniformly reduced by a scalar multiplier. These codes also obtain unstable, counter-propagating modes with the inverted 2D phase structure when BT is kept constant and the diamagnetic flow direction is reversed by making. del beta(fast) sufficiently positive for an isotropic population of fast ions. While measurements of the spatial profile of fast ion D-alpha light from the recently upgraded charge exchange recombination diagnostic on DIII-D suggest a strong modification of fast ion pressure towards this limit, no counter-propagating modes have yet been observed in experiment

    Characterization of Alfvén eigenmodes using NBI during current ramp-up in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

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    Alfvén cascades (ACs) and beta-induced Alfvén eigenmodes (BAEs) have been studied in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak during the current ramp-up phase of neutral beam heated (NBI) discharges using principally reflectometry, but also soft x-ray (SXR) and electron cyclotron emission imaging (ECEI). ACs have been observed on the tokamak high-field side and low-field side in reflectometer signals even in the absence of a cutoff. Under this condition it is shown that the response is not due to an interferometry effect but due to backscatter. The radial structure of BAEs and ACs has been obtained by cross-correlating the reflectometer with SXR, ECEI and magnetic signals. The reflectometer signals reveal a variety of Alfvén eigenmodes with different characteristics depending on the plasma heating scheme. Here, discharges with similar plasma parameters but varying NBI sources and/or additional electron cyclotron resonance heating were performed. It is shown that the bursting behaviour of ACs for q mi

    Results from core-edge experiments in high Power, high performance plasmas on DIII-D

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    Significant challenges to reducing divertor heat flux in highly powered near-double null divertor (DND) hybrid plasmas, while still maintaining both high performance metrics and low enough density for application of RF heating, are identified. For these DNDs on DIII-D, the scaling of the peak heat flux at the outer target (q⊄P) ∝ [PSOL x IP] 0.92 for PSOL= 8−19MW and IP= 1.0–1.4MA, and is consistent with standard ITPA scaling for single-null H-mode plasmas. Two divertor heat flux reduction methods were tested. First, applying the puff-and-pump radiating divertor to DIII-D plasmas may be problematical at high power and H98 (≄ 1.5) due to improvement in confinement time with deuterium gas puffing which can lead to unacceptably high core density under certain conditions. Second, q⊄P for these high performance DNDs was reduced by ≈35% when an open divertor is closed on the common flux side of the outer divertor target (“semi-slot”) but also that heating near the slot opening is a significant source for impurity contamination of the core. PSI-22 keywords: DIII-D, Divertor geometry, Gas injection and fueling, Impurity sources, Power depositio

    On the application of electron cyclotron emission imaging to the validation of theoretical models of magnetohydrodynamic activity

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    Two-dimensional (2D) imaging of electron temperature perturbations provides a powerful constraint for validating theoretical models describing magnetohydrodynamic plasma behavior. In observation of Alfven wave induced temperature fluctuations, electron cyclotron emission imaging provides unambiguous determination of the 2D eigenmode structure. This has provided support for nonperturbative eigenmode solvers which predict symmetry breaking due to poloidal flows in the fast ion population. It is shown that for Alfven eigenmodes, and in cases where convective flows or saturated perturbations lead to nonaxisymmetric equilibria, electron plasma displacements oriented parallel to a gradient in mean temperature are well defined. Furthermore, during highly dynamic behavior, such as the sawtooth crash, highly resolved 2D temperature behaviors yield valuable insight. In particular, addressing the role of adiabatic heating on time scales much shorter than the resistive diffusion time through the additional diagnosis of local electron density allows progress to be made toward a comprehensive understanding of fast reconnection in tokamak plasmas. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics

    Fast-ion transport induced by Alfven eigenmodes in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

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    A comprehensive suite of diagnostics has allowed detailed measurements of the Alfven eigenmode (AE) spatial structure and subsequent fast-ion transport in the ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) tokamak [ 1]. Reversed shear Alfven eigenmodes (RSAEs) and toroidal induced Alfven eigenmodes (TAEs) have been driven unstable by fast ions from ICRH as well as NBI origin. In ICRF heated plasmas, diffusive and convective fast-ion losses induced by AEs have been characterized in fast-ion phase space. While single RSAEs and TAEs eject resonant fast ions in a convective process directly proportional to the fluctuation amplitude, delta B/B, the overlapping of multiple RSAE and TAE spatial structures and wave-particle resonances leads to a large diffusive loss, scaling as (delta B/B)(2). In beam heated discharges, coherent fast-ion losses have been observed primarily due to TAEs. Core localized, low amplitude NBI driven RSAEs have not been observed to cause significant coherent fast-ion losses. The temporal evolution of the confined fast-ion profile in the presence of RSAEs and TAEs has been monitored with high spatial and temporal resolution. A large drop in the central fast-ion density due to many RSAEs has been observed as q(min) passes through an integer. The AE radial and poloidal structures have been obtained with unprecedented details using a fast SXR as well as 1D and 2D ECE radiometers. GOURDON and HAGIS simulations have been performed to identify the orbit topology of the escaping ions and study the transport mechanisms. Both passing and trapped ions are strongly redistributed by AEs

    Measurements and modeling of Alfven eigenmode induced fast ion transport and loss in DIII-D and ASDEX Upgrade

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    Neutral beam injection into reversed magnetic shear DIII-D and ASDEX Upgrade plasmas produces a variety of Alfvenic activity including toroidicity-induced Alfven eigenmodes and reversed shear Alfven eigenmodes (RSAEs). These modes are studied during the discharge current ramp phase when incomplete current penetration results in a high central safety factor and increased drive due to multiple higher order resonances. Scans of injected 80 keV neutral beam power on DIII-D showed a transition from classical to AE dominated fast ion transport and, as previously found, discharges with strong AE activity exhibit a deficit in neutron emission relative to classical predictions. By keeping beam power constant and delaying injection during the current ramp, AE activity was reduced or eliminated and a significant improvement in fast ion confinement observed. Similarly, experiments in ASDEX Upgrade using early 60 keV neutral beam injection drove multiple unstable RSAEs. Periods of strong RSAE activity are accompanied by a large (peak delta S-n/S-n approximate to 60%) neutron deficit. Losses of beam ions modulated at AE frequencies were observed using large bandwidth energy and pitch resolving fast ion loss scintillator detectors and clearly identify their role in the process. Modeling of DIII-D loss measurements using guiding center following codes to track particles in the presence of ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) calculated AE structures (validated by comparison to experiment) is able to reproduce the dominant energy, pitch, and temporal evolution of these losses. While loss of both co and counter current fast ions occurs, simulations show that the dominant loss mechanism observed is the mode induced transition of counter-passing fast ions to lost trapped orbits. Modeling also reproduces a coherent signature of AE induced losses and it was found that these coherent losses scale proportionally with the amplitude; an additional incoherent contribution scales quadratically with the mode amplitude. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics

    Fast-ion redistribution and loss due to edge perturbations in the ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D and KSTAR tokamaks

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    The impact of edge localized modes (ELMs) and externally applied resonant and non-resonant magnetic perturbations (MPs) on fast-ion confinement/transport have been investigated in the ASDEX Upgrade (AUG), DIII-D and KSTAR tokamaks. Two phases with respect to the ELM cycle can be clearly distinguished in ELM-induced fast-ion losses. Inter-ELM losses are characterized by a coherent modulation of the plasma density around the separatrix while intra-ELM losses appear as well-defined bursts. In high collisionality plasmas with mitigated ELMs, externally applied MPs have little effect on kinetic profiles, including fast-ions, while a strong impact on kinetic profiles is observed in low-collisionality, low q 95 plasmas with resonant and non-resonant MPs. In low-collisionality H-mode plasmas, the large fast-ion filaments observed during ELMs are replaced by a loss of fast-ions with a broad-band frequency and an amplitude of up to an order of magnitude higher than the neutral beam injection prompt loss signal without MPs. A clear synergy in the overall fast-ion transport is observed between MPs and neoclassical tearing modes. Measured fast-ion losses are typically on banana orbits that explore the entire pedestal/scrape-off layer. The fast-ion response to externally applied MPs presented here may be of general interest for the community to better understand the MP field penetration and overall plasma response

    Energetic particle instabilities in fusion plasmas

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    Remarkable progress has been made in diagnosing energetic particle instabilities on present-day machines and in establishing a theoretical framework for describing them. This overview describes the much improved diagnostics of Alfvén instabilities and modelling tools developed world-wide, and discusses progress in interpreting the observed phenomena. A multi-machine comparison is presented giving information on the performance of both diagnostics and modelling tools for different plasma conditions outlining expectations for ITER based on our present knowledge

    Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results

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    The medium size divertor tokamak ASDEX Upgrade (major and minor radii 1.65 m and 0.5 m, respectively, magnetic-field strength 2.5 T) possesses flexible shaping and versatile heating and current drive systems. Recently the technical capabilities were extended by increasing the electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) power, by installing 2 × 8 internal magnetic perturbation coils, and by improving the ion cyclotron range of frequency compatibility with the tungsten wall. With the perturbation coils, reliable suppression of large type-I edge localized modes (ELMs) could be demonstrated in a wide operational window, which opens up above a critical plasma pedestal density. The pellet fuelling efficiency was observed to increase which gives access to H-mode discharges with peaked density profiles at line densities clearly exceeding the empirical Greenwald limit. Owing to the increased ECRH power of 4 MW, H-mode discharges could be studied in regimes with dominant electron heating and low plasma rotation velocities, i.e. under conditions particularly relevant for ITER. The ion-pressure gradient and the neoclassical radial electric field emerge as key parameters for the transition. Using the total simultaneously available heating power of 23 MW, high performance discharges have been carried out where feed-back controlled radiative cooling in the core and the divertor allowed the divertor peak power loads to be maintained below 5 MW m −2 . Under attached divertor conditions, a multi-device scaling expression for the power-decay length was obtained which is independent of major radius and decreases with magnetic field resulting in a decay length of 1 mm for ITER. At higher densities and under partially detached conditions, however, a broadening of the decay length is observed. In discharges with density ramps up to the density limit, the divertor plasma shows a complex behaviour with a localized high-density region in the inner divertor before the outer divertor detaches. Turbulent transport is studied in the core and the scrape-off layer (SOL). Discharges over a wide parameter range exhibit a close link between core momentum and density transport. Consistent with gyro-kinetic calculations, the density gradient at half plasma radius determines the momentum transport through residual stress and thus the central toroidal rotation. In the SOL a close comparison of probe data with a gyro-fluid code showed excellent agreement and points to the dominance of drift waves. Intermittent structures from ELMs and from turbulence are shown to have high ion temperatures even at large distances outside the separatrix